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Old 11-30-2006, 12:00 PM
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Default Something Stinks Again In Washington, D.c.

Looks like our old friends (yeah RIGHT!)The Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission (VDBC) are up to no good again! They are conducting a nationwide poll of disabled veterans and surviving spouses.


VETERANS DISABILITY BENEFITS COMMISSION SURVEY: WHY ARE THEY ASKING ALL OF THESE PERSONAL QUESTIONS? -- The Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission survey is supposed to quiz vets about their "VA views and experiences."

However, it appears to be more of a probe for personal information. The VA Watchdog now advises all veterans NOT to co-operate with this survey.

Background on that survey can be found here...

Documents being sent to veterans here...

Initially, I felt that this survey would not delve into extremely personal information. I was wrong!

VA has received feedback from a regular VA Watchdog reader who took the survey.

Now, they advise all veterans NOT to take part in this survey.

There is no reason for the VDBC to be probing veterans for highly-personal information.

It should be noted that the VDBC says the survey will take 30 minutes. The reader who forwarded the survey information tells VA watchdog that it took over 80 minutes, the surveyor had a difficult time reading the questions and entering the responses. This can only lead to errors in the information gathered.

Again, do NOT take part in this survey. The VDBC should not be data-mining veterans!

And, we have no verifiable guarantees about how this information might be used in the future.

Also, this survey is being conducted by a third-party contractor, ORC Macro. This company advertises itself with this statement: "We are recognized as one of the top companies providing research to the Federal Government." Information on ORC Macro here...

You will notice some of the services ORC Macro provides to the Federal Government: Data Mining, Behavioral Interviewing, Cognitive Interviewing Techniques, Disease Registries, Emotional Intelligence, Income Verification, Knowledge Acquisition and Record Matching.

Not a company I'd be letting get into my personal and medical information!

Below are excerpts from the email VA Watchdog received from the veteran who took the survey.

I, most certainly, would not answer these questions!

Here is the info sent by the veteran to VA

"The questions were tricky ones, they repeated the questions in a different way to see if you were telling the truth."

"They kept asking me about my disabilities and work."

"They also asked me about my volunteer work."

"Can I work without the VA pension? was one question."

"If I did not have the VA would I look for work?"

"How badly am I hurting right now? Can I at least vacuum as a daily chore. Can I take care of my yard? Can I do yard work?"

"Do I get along with my family? Do I get along with my spouse? No questions about my relationship with my son."

"How injured was I?"

"They wanted to know what I can do as far as my injuries related to the service. Asked about was there a difference between when I left for the service and when I got home? How I was treated?"

"They asked about my hearing."

"They were interested in last week's activities. They asked if I have hobbies but not what kind."

"They asked who told you you cannot work? I said doctors and they wanted to know which doctors as far as VA and regular doctors."

"How do I feel about working? Would I ever want to work again? Could you ever work again?"

"They did ask if I was getting enough compensation for my injuries."

"They asked me about when I have energy, what do I do? Also where do I sleep? And where do I sleep the most?"


Like I said,....... the shit is fixin to hit the fan when this so-called "Commission" reports back to the President and Congress next October 07......



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 11-30-2006, 05:24 PM
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smells like crap to me. If looks like crap, smells crap, then it is crap.

If your going to suceed your going to have to know how to deal with failure. (Joe Torre).
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Old 11-30-2006, 05:39 PM
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Thanks Steve,, hope they call me, although I can't really afford given' away pieces of my mind at this stage of life I'd gladly do it. See link below as to some ways your health information in the wrong hands can be used against you.

Patient Privacy Rights

Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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Old 12-01-2006, 01:54 AM
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I get a survey from Blue Cross/Blue Shield about every three months or so that I throw away. Same type of very personal questions. They say they are trying to help me for the future of my care....I say they are trying to figure out how bad I am now and how they can screw me in the future.

This smells of the same thing. I can see you saying, yes, I can vaccum the house and do some yard work. Well, you can work as a gardener or a house keeper. They don't factor in things like there is a difference psychologically. I love to cook for my baby, Deb. I've been trying new things and getting away from cooking like a bachelor. No stress, great fun. Now, would I want to do this for a living. Not no but HELL NO! If I get this survey it goes in the dumper. I dont trust BC/BS, I sure don't trust these assholes. I agree so much with Gimpy, Arrow, and Rob. Again, surveys can be made to get the data THEY want without you knowing. I sure will read it, if I get one, but not fill it out.

Great stuff Gimpy!


"DISSENT IS PATRIOTIC!" (unknown people for the past 8 years, my turn now)
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Old 12-01-2006, 08:49 AM
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Default Thanks Packo!

We really need to keep a watchful eye on these assholes in charge of the VDBC............They're positioned themselves to bring a world of hurt on each and every military veteran in this great country if we don't stand together against their ridiculous recommendations to the Prez and Congress.

REMEMBER OCTOBER 2007!.......That's when their final report and complete list of recommended 'changes' is due.

I gotta feelin it ain't gonna be very pretty!

PS-----So then, you cookin up a storm fer ya sweet thang Deb, huh?-----What'd "JEET" fer dinner last night?

Ere ya saw-taying up sum good ole low country vittles like Shrimps & Grits & Mud Bugs on rice?

I shore does luv a great big ole bowl 'Geechi-Gumbo' this time-a-year----Can ya cook up sum fer tha shindig on tha Mountain Top this yaer?......



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 12-01-2006, 10:35 AM
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Default UPDATE!

VETERANS' ADVOCATE JIM STRICKLAND SOUNDS ALARM ON VETS' SURVEY -- "The Veteran who responds openly and honestly to this survey is more than likely going to find that the information will not be used the way they say it will".

Jim Strickland responds to the VA Watchdog article about the Vets' Survey being conducted by the Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission that was posted earlier ...that article here...

Veterans' Advocate Jim Strickland provides regular columns for VA Watchdog dot Org.



"They also asked me about my volunteer work."

Many Veterans Administration Voluntary Services (VAVS) volunteers are disabled Veterans. Some are severely disabled, some not so much. Quite a few volunteers log 20 to 40 hours each week at their VA facility.

VA volunteers are already acutely aware of those who say that if a Vet is able to volunteer, he should be able to work. There is always an ongoing quiet discussion amongst volunteers who are rated as disabled; "What if?"

What if there is an official accounting of disabled volunteers and subsequently a review of those documented to be logging in for more than, say, 10 hours each week? Currently VA volunteers, like so many other volunteer organizations, have "bragging rights" that are predicated on how many hours they are signed in as volunteers. At volunteer services celebrations awards are given and applause is offered to those volunteers who log in the most hours.

The Vets Commission questionnaire has nothing whatever to do with improving the quality or efficient delivery of health care to Veterans in desperate need of that care. It has even less to do with improving the current inefficient (and usually wrong) process of adjudicating a Veteran's claim for disability. In the list of questions your reader sent to you as an example of what he was asked, over 50% are directly related to the Veteran's ability to work.

This questionnaire is a hard-core scientific instrument. Those friendly questions concerning his ability to work, perform household chores, participate in hobbies or interact with family members are aimed toward determining his "Functional Capacity". The determination of Residual Functional Capacity after a claimed injury or illness is SOP in the disability industry. Each question on this survey will have been debated and refined by a panel of experts that includes psychologists, physicians, lawyers and social workers. Functional capacity reporting will provide information to determine an individuals work abilities as well as the status of their disability.

Why are they conducting this survey? On May 30, 2006 the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report regarding disabled Veterans harshly criticizing the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) for not enforcing stricter requirements for Veterans receiving 100% IU benefits.

In his excellent article published in June on the web site Tom Philpott reports that:

"The number of disabled veterans rated IU and the cost of their benefits have risen sharply in recent years. From fiscal 1996 through 2005, veterans rated unemployable tripled from 71,000 to 220,000. In the same period, IU payments jumped from $857 million a year to $3.1 billion.

The 'marked increase' is troublesome, GAO suggests, because it has occurred 'at a time when advances in medicine and technology, along with labor market changes, have provided greater opportunity for people with disabilities to seek and maintain employment.'

The 54-page report has been much anticipated by members of the Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission which is conducting the first major review of veterans' disability benefits in 50 years."

Reading through Tom's article, then the GAO report and later Googling up a few more references leaves us with a clear understanding of the intent of this survey: This questionnaire is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The Veteran who responds openly and honestly to this survey is more likely than not going to find that the information he provides will be used as evidence against him.

Can a Veteran's compensation be reduced? Of course it can.

Reading 38 CFR ?3.343, "Reduction of Service-Connected Total Disability", you'll find that as they are attempting to lower your benefit rating, VA instructs ratings specialists to; "Cite clear and convincing evidence of actual employability when reducing a rating based on individual unemployability. Examination reports showing material improvement must be evaluated in conjunction with all the facts of record. Consideration must be given particularly to whether the veteran attained improvement under the ordinary conditions of life, i.e., while working or actively seeking work or whether the symptoms have been brought under control by prolonged rest, or generally, by following a regimen which precludes work."

A Vet's honest answers to the survey may demonstrate "material improvement" and become "the facts of record". You'll hand over incriminating evidence that your "symptoms have been brought under control by prolonged rest" and that you've been "following a regimen which precludes work".

During this intense interrogation if you break and confess that you are a VA volunteer a few hours each week and that you're minimally able to do some of your own laundry and rake a few leaves or drive a car, you have just provided your accusers with, "clear and convincing evidence of actual employability" and they will lower your rating to satisfy the bean counters at GAO.

I opened this rant with some comments about back to that.

I'm a disabled Veteran. I volunteer a few hours each week at my local VA Primary Care Clinic. I'm proud to be able to give back to my doctor and the other professional staff who have helped me. I always feel good when I can help a brother or sister in arms. The younger ones are particularly rewarding...those just returning from the battle really need an experienced hand to guide them.

Most of the volunteers I work with have disability ratings. Maybe 1/2 are 100% disabled. If this is to be a witch hunt by The Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission (VDBC) to uncover our dirty little secret...that we're able sometimes to answer a phone or file some papers...we'll have to give that up. As it stands today it would seem that each time we sign in to our VA facility to do a bit of volunteer work, we've just raised a red flag and officially documented to VBA on a VA computer system (Searchable by the Commission?) that we should have our personal disability rating reviewed.

The message from VDBC is pretty straightforward. Don't try to improve your life by working, volunteering or interacting with those around you. And if you insist on carrying on like that, for God's sake, don't get caught. A few hours of volunteer work or making your bed each day will be seen as proof that you enjoy good health and employability. And as long as you're doing so well, your rating will be reduced.


Like I said before folks, we need to keep a close eye on this commission!------They are up to NO GOOD!




"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 12-01-2006, 11:45 AM
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Shonuff can......amen to the Geechie Gumbo and Swimps&Grits!
Can do Frogmore Stew for y'all too.

Gimpy, I have no doubt what these people are planning. The thing that gets me most of all is this abomination goes on during the middle of a war in two countries. When I see this stuff, then get a call from my suragate son who runs the ICU at Bethesda Naval over a guy they just brought in who survived a through and through AK round in the neck, but it nicked his spine and he's a quad, it angers me to no end. I've had 2 Marine Corps Officers contact me back channel to set up counseling for PTSD because they are afraid it could be a career ender, then I see how these assholes are not just trying to screw us....worse....they want to screw the next crop of Disabled Veterans fighting for us in Iraq and Afghanistan. We've been screwed so many times we are numb to it...but to plan and plot to mess over our new brothers and's close to being treasonis...well, at least to me. I just hope I get one of these things. I'll sit down with a few shrink friends and come up with some answer's that will blow their minds. (If they can read.)


"DISSENT IS PATRIOTIC!" (unknown people for the past 8 years, my turn now)
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Old 12-01-2006, 11:51 AM
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Well, here's another effective way of destroying the VAVS meaning that even less Veterans will be served. I cannot even explain how truly disgusted I am.


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Old 12-04-2006, 11:15 AM
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Default 2nd UPDATE!

This comes directly from the VA web site!



The Veterans Disability Benefits Commission does not have a justifiable "Need to Know" veterans' personal information. And, there are absolutely no guarantees that personal information will be adequately protected. Do NOT take the VDBC survey.

After careful consideration, I must still advise all veterans NOT to participate in the survey being taken by the Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission (VDBC).


1. The VDBC has no "Need to Know" veterans' personal information.

2. The VDBC cannot guarantee the safety of personal information.

3. ORC Macro, the company contracted to implement the survey, cannot guarantee the safety of personal information.

Background on this here...

Veterans' Advocate Jim Strickland also advises against taking the survey. That here...

To be fair, here are the arguments given by the Commission (specifically by Ray Wilburn, Executive Director of the VDBC) as to why you should take the survey...

They are NOT good arguments.

And, Mr. Wilburn's assertion that "All individual-identifying information will be separated from your actual responses and then destroyed," is not exactly truthful .

If the VDBC only got answers, the answers would be meaningless. Perhaps the veteran's name will be removed from the answers, but the veteran will, most likely, be identified by amount of disability and compensation, type of disability and other necessary personal and medical identifiers to help put the answers into context. It's the only way the answers can have any statistical meaning.

Also, ORC Macro must be keeping daily backups of their huge databases, and that would include the complete information on the veteran taking the survey and the answers. They would have to do this to reconstruct the data if lost, stolen or corrupted.

If you want to hand out your personal and medical information, print up 1,000 copies at Kinko's and pass them out at the Mall.

The VDBC's history of trying to study ways to cut veterans' benefits is already the stuff of legend. They tried to study veterans who get VA compensation and SSDI with an eye to offsetting payments. They tried to study lump-sum buyouts of VA compensation. Our service organizations headed off both of those areas of study.

Let me, once again, quote the American Legion on the VDBC : "A June 6, 2005 American Legion Bulletin notes members of congress including the chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee (Steve Buyer, Indiana, 4th District) and other government officials, have publicly expressed their desire to use the VDBC as a vehicle to institute radical changes in the VA disability system that would negatively impact and restrict entitlement to benefits for a large number of veterans ."

And, a simple reminder from the VDBC's charter. They are charged to determine "whether a veteran's disability or death should be compensated."


That's quite a question. I thought it was a given that a veteran's disability or death should be compensated. The VDBC thinks otherwise!




"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 12-05-2006, 07:24 AM
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Default This crap

is starting to create serious trouble at many VA hospital locations around the country.

Here at my local VA hospital in Tampa, FL we have already had two (2) out of our 8 volunteer patient escort electric cart drivers who pick up and drive disabled patients to and from the parking lots to the clinics turn in their resignations.

Both of them are 100% IU (unemployable) and say that until this crap started by the Veterans Disability Benefits Commission is finalized or completed, they can't afford to 'volunteer' their services for fear of losing their benefits!

Before long they won't be able to get ANY retired, disabled veteran to volunteer for ANYTHING for fear of losing their disability rating status!

These SOBs' who started this VDBC should all be run out of town on a freakin rail!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

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