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Old 08-15-2004, 09:15 PM
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Default A Tour of Duty of a Ton of Dooky?

It seems the Swift Boat Vets have delivered a swift kick to Kerry?s crotch. Ouch! That?s gotta hurt. What?s ironic -- and typical -- is the Left?s hysterically hypocritical spin machine screaming for the Swifties? 411 to be immediately Dixie Chicked. The self- righteous, first amendment waving, Michael Moron embracers are not so free with freedom of speech when it happens to slow roast their presidential nominee a mere 80 or so days before the nation schleps to the polls.

What?s funny, [not funny, ?ha-ha? ? funny ?weird?] is as long as the information comes from one uberliberal, overweight, college dropout with a communist bent, who routinely attempts to make ?W? look like a greedy gnome who wrongfully plays golf while he unrepentantly sends our kids to the Gulf,
well ? that?s cool. Spreading such misinformation, created from the ether by one of the left?s darlings should not, according to most liberals, be examined. No! It should be believed and be considered inerrant and infallible, and the purveyor of such rank propaganda lifted high as a prophet.

But flip to today. More than 60 decorated, non-politically active, eyewitnesses of Kerry?s four month stint in Vietnam -- men who ate, slept, and served a few feet from the Dems? presidential applicant ? have written a heavily documented, devastating tell all, "Unfit for Command," credibly contradicting Kerry?s account of his fleeting 120 days in ?Nam. They represent more than 250 Swift Boat veterans, including Kerry?s commanding officer! So, what?s the response from all the usual political and media suspects? What the heck do they know? Why should they be trusted? Dismiss ?em; censure ?em ? and if they keep trying to talk, just shout them down.

If "Unfit for Command" is true, then the half-inflated raft on which Kerry?s campaign is currently floating, i.e., his allegedly heroic four months in ?Nam is sunk. [Four months? I took woodworking shop for four months 29 years ago, but that sure doesn?t mean I?m fit to take Bob Vila?s job.] It?s Kerry who volleyed his Vietnam record into the court of public scrutiny. I guess he didn?t figure that 254 guys who served with and around him would return service back to his court with a violently contradictory top spin. And now it is up to Kerry, not Lanny Davis, not Jeh Johnson and certainly not James Carville to field the multitudinous charges. The right and proper action for John Kerry is to answer the heavily documented allegations. If it turns out that he can?t or won?t, then he needs to be held in contempt or suspicion, and the Democrats need to turn to some non-Pinocchio pundit without amnesia and high grade narcissism. That is, if liberals are intellectually honest and don?t want still another prevaricator in the Oval Office to embarrass them at every turn.

Come on, Senator Kerry: come clean. Answer the accusations. Provide whatever paperwork you need to nail the coffin shut on the allegedly fallacious claims of the Swifties who have been brave enough to stand and be counted. And if you did lie to us, then tell us. We?re big boys. You just might stun us into forgiving you and voting for you, because the public hasn?t seen a truth dealing Democrat presidential hopeful in ages; one who, when caught red-handed lying about his past or humping an intern, actually admits it and repents. Just tell us your ego got in the way? you trumped your ?Nam service because your Senate record and your days spent carrying Mike Dukakis? briefcase are sorta ? well, lackluster. Look, even if you don?t get elected, if you lied and now confess it, at least you?ll sleep better at night and something really rewarding will happen. Allergan? will hire you to be one of their Botox spokes models. Or maybe you?ll get an offer to get into celebrity boxing. I?m thinkin? a John Kerry vs. Janet Reno match could prove a lucrative contest. I know it would blow away, ratings wise, last Thursday?s Joey Buttafuoco vs. Joanie Laurer bout.

Here?s the flip side of the suspicious Kerry Tour of Duty coin: IF these Swifties have lied and maliciously slandered and publicly defamed Senator Kerry, then their group picture needs to be put next to the definition of creepy in the updated 2005 version of Webster?s Unabridged Dictionary. And not only that: they should be punished somehow for their libelous claims, like having to be Teresa [Tah- ray- za] Heinz Kerry?s butler, or bath drawer, or pool boy or masseur. George Bush was forced to come forward with
the truth about his drinking history and National Guard records, and his pre 9/11 intelligence or lack thereof. What?s the problem with John Kerry having to come forward and answer this book?s detailed allegations and provide the necessary documents, like who witnessed his acts of heroism and who treated his wounds?

My ClashPoint is this, Senator: President Bush was flamb?ed for his Honorable Texas National Guard record, and grilled by the 9/11 Commission. So, don?t think it?s too much for you to answer, now, the accusations leveled at you by your fellow Swifties. ?Unfit for Command? calls you, John Forbes Kerry, a liar and phony and your Vietnam claims a scam. That?s tough language. Since you?ve built much of your political platform on what the Swifties are calling shifting sands; you?ve got to answer their charges.
This book didn?t come from Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter but rather from eyewitnesses, respectable naval officers and enlisted men calling you, Senator, on the carpet for your combat claims. I know we can?t answer all our detractors? critiques but this isn?t a simple ?Kerry Sucks? 900 word op-ed written by some axe-flailing fame seeker. This is 256 pages of heavily footnoted analysis that has been well-written, meticulously researched and reeks of sincerity.

So, allay our concerns, Mr. Kerry. Weigh in and show us the Swift Boat Veterans are wrong. Prove to us that your Tour of Duty was not a ton of dooky.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 08-16-2004, 02:36 AM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

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I havn't got the book yet, but will soon, Democrats want to bring a suit against the swift boat guys. That would be the best thing for the republicans, Kerry would have to testify, Let him tell a lie while under oath.
If Moore can make a movie with a bunch of made up crap then some swift boat guys can tell what they see as the truth.

The thing that bothers me most about the whole thing is the people that put there stamp of approval on his PH and Star.
I mean what does this do to the guys that earned them. If you can just apply for a medal and get it, what the F--k.

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Old 08-16-2004, 08:39 AM
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In the long view there are three groups that know or will know all there is to know about Kerry and his self-alleged, self-penned ?war hero? status.

The first is our enemies and those who avow to annihilate us, all of us. No doubt they have all the facts, digits and stats that are being suppressed from our view. So, dependent upon content of this information they are embolden and anxious to test or they are contemplating a higher level of confrontation and adjust accordingly. I don?t see anything in the middle as either Kerry is as billed or not and there is a huge abyss in between.

The second group is our own military. No doubt they know the real story and they have to evaluate the possibilities and possible impact on morale and solidarity if the real story filters down to through rank and file. In reality, what the Generals and Admirals and other Sr. Officers conclude within issues like this and try to act upon is a totally separate loop from what the CPOs and NCOs determine and act upon. Alas, I highly doubt the non-official but official back channels that are the fires in the Chief?s and Senior Sergeant?s boilers are going to just go poof. One gravity level certain reality in the military is that memories are institutional and forever and given this, any CPO or Sr. Sergeant worth his daily salt knows exactly how to get to the realities of concern. That?s their job and always has been so. Are those people going to be told to, ?Shut up and sit down??

The third group is our intel outfits. They know, it?s their business to know and there is no doubt in my mind at all that they are gauging the actions and reactions of the first group mentioned.

All this seems to be reminiscent of the lesson we were taught as kiddos. It went, ?Oh what a mighty web we weave?..etc.?

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Old 08-16-2004, 10:27 AM
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veterans response!


"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts "

Senator Daniel P. Moynihan

My Response to Swift Veterans for "Truth"

I am a US Marine who served in Vietnam during 1969-1970. My older brothers Franklin (1968 -1970), and Stewart (1967) also served with the US Marines in Northern I Corps in Vietnam and as grunts. My oldest brother Edward served in the Air National Guard and was deployed to Germany during the Berlin Crisis for 15 months. My youngest son David is currently completing Basic Combat Training at Ft. Benning Georgia, whereupon he will then attend OCS.

I have seen your advertisement on television, and I have to ask you this. What kind of outfit where you guys running down there in the Delta? Your statements and your deeds today certainly do not reflect a cohesive combat unit with high morale. I assume that your commanding officer LTCMDR George Elliott must be responsible for a lot of this. He appears in your advertisement denigrating LTJG Kerry yet the very same man gave Kerry outstanding Fitness Reports and recommended him for the Bronze Star with Combat V for Valor, and the Silver Star. Recommendations that were ultimately approved and signed off by John Leahey, Secretary of the Navy, and Admiral Elmo Zumwalt. Tell me how can LTCMDR Elliott and all of you for that matter possibly be credible now?

Another question. I noticed in your television advertisement slandering Kerry, that all of you had your name, rank, and medals such as Purple Hearts, Bronze and Silver Stars superimposed on the television screen as each of you were talking. The question is were all of your medals won honorably too or do you all deserve them as much as Kerry supposedly deserved his? I would like to know because to hear all of you talk, it is as if LTCMDR Elliott was handing them out like popcorn.

If Kerry's medals were not deserved then why should we believe yours were? Why should we believe that all of you are any more honorable than John Kerry; a man who by your own admission you never directly served with? A man that has devoted a lifetime to serving his country including 20 years in the U.S. Senate.

This attempt at revisionist history which is demonstrated by your willingness to so blatantly create these false slanders, reinforces my personal belief that your group has little respect for the intelligence of your fellow Americans. There has been a lot of that going around lately and I feel it is an insult to your countrymen.

I understand that LTCMDR. Elliot has since retracted his statements about LTJG Kerry's character while he served with him in Vietnam. How does your group reconcile that? How do you reconcile that Senator Kerry?s own boat crew and the Green Beret officer he saved have impeached all of your stories?

You charge LTJG Kerry with lying to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971. That he was responsible for disgracing Vietnam Veteran including his shipmates. You blame him for "accusing" Vietnam Veterans of atrocities and yet if you read the actual transcript from that hearing during 1971 he was reporting (not accusing), what had already been testified to by 150 Vietnam combat veterans during the ?Winter Soldier? investigations held earlier in Detroit. Are you trying to suggest that there where no atrocities committed by our troops in Vietnam? No "Free Fire Zones"? No "County Fair" operations that resulted in burnt out villages and dead livestock? No deaths of civilians and prisoners? I personally witnessed the results of some of these atrocities myself.

You fail to mention however that Kerry and his group the "Vietnam Veterans Against the War" (VVAW) totaled over 30,000 combat veterans in 1972 and that VVAW were among the first activists and instrumental in getting the US Government to acknowledge the problems such as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and Agent Orange. Because of those efforts many veterans today are being treated and receiving health and financial benefits from our government.

You also fail to mention that none of you, not one of you, served directly with John Kerry on his boat. Yet those who have served directly with LTJG Kerry (his crew), have all stood in support and by his side. Admiral Hoffman, the chairperson of your organization admitted that he never even knew John Kerry, yet he denigrates his service as well. O'Neill who wrote the book "Unfit for Command" also never personally knew John Kerry while he was in Vietnam. Yet he slanders a brother officer and Vietnam veteran with wild abandon.

You conveniently fail to mention that it was John Kerry and John McCain that went to Vietnam to work with the government in Vietnam to find answers to those heroes that were "Missing in Action". That as a result of their efforts many of their remains where brought back to their families where they belong, and in so doing help return our relationship with Vietnam to one where we earned their cooperation.

John O?Neill gets his 15 minutes of fame by debating John Kerry on the Merv Griffith Show back in June, 1971. Indeed you fail to mention that O'Neill did this on behalf of one of the most corrupt administrations in US History working through Charles Coulson (we all know who he is). An administration whose leader Richard Nixon became the only U.S. President to leave office in disgrace and who saw John Kerry and the "VVAW" as potent critics of his policies in Vietnam. Today, again we see that Mr. O'Neill is out there trying to extend his 15 minutes of fame to thirty minutes by doing the same thing on behalf of an administration whose ethics are being question by at least half the electorate. He writes a book with the dubious Mr. Jerome Corsi. I find this shameful. Another question. Do you think that it might be important to the American public to mention that the financing you received to produce and air these ads on television came from operatives that have long since supported the current administration?

I believe what you are doing is unprecedented in the history of U. S. Presidential campaigns. I do not believe any American veteran has ever allowed politics to transcend his service, or the respect he had for his brother's service. They may have disagreed with a candidate, they may not have like him when they served with him, but no one has ever stooped as low as you all have with these kind of personal attacks. Frankly you all insult the intelligence of normal people.

I and my brothers served honorably in Vietnam, and while I cannot speak for my brothers, I have felt my service was important and that the legacy of all of our service was not to necessarily stop the spread of communism, but to insure that senseless wars like Vietnam, where never fought again. I thought it was our duty to insure that we would never send our youth off to distant shores to spill their blood, over a war that was not necessary. Look where we are now.

And here you guys are. You allowed mere politics to transcend our honor, and our legacy. You slander and insult to the world another Vietnam Veteran. A veteran you served with no less. You bring shame and disgrace to your unit, your commanding officer, the U.S. Navy, and all the other Veterans who served in Vietnam many of whom, I might add, do not agree with you.

I join Senator John McCain and condemn your advertisement as ?dishonest and dishonorable? and I will not cheapen the sacrifice that my brothers, my friends, John Kerry, and other Vietnam veterans have made, good and bad, in the service of their country for any political agenda or ideology.

Finally I ask you this. What self respecting Vietnam veteran would ever take sides against and smear another decorated combat veteran (especially one he fought along side in combat), for a group where it is widely known for the most part to have used legal loopholes to avoid going to Vietnam? No matter how I try I find it personally difficult to reconcile this one glaring fact.

You are the ones that sold us out not John Kerry. By creating rumors and falsehoods, manipulating the truth, and maliciously slandering a brother veteran, you are trying sell out honorable veterans of the Vietnam War, and ultimately the American people. It is my opinion that you are by what you are doing, betraying the sacrifice and brotherhood forged on the battlefield by the rest of us who served honorably.

Barry DeLong, USMC (RVN 1969-70) (



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 08-17-2004, 02:34 PM
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Seems to be a curious Marine. He made some omissions Marines seldom if ever make, and then seems to be confused about the Marines in I Corps and the VN war in general. Then follows through with the absolutely classic DNC omissions about Kerry?s activities and then picks up the DNC party line flawlessly, dot for dot for dot. Well written doc, but I?m curious about this particular Marine and who actually wrote this and why they seem to give real short-shift or ignore well known and long established Marine tradition and customs. :cd:

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Old 08-17-2004, 03:15 PM
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Kindly allow me to add a few curious thoughts about the mysterious Marine Barry DeLong. Award recommendations can be written by anybody, and sometimes, grasp! poetic license ran amok. Classic case in point: colonel X flies over a firefight, observing the action on the ground, contributing nothing to the chaos and confusion, and ultimately is awarded the Silver Star. But wait! There's more! An A&D clerk, quite miffed about the bogus award, tells the newsprint folks, and Shazamm, the colonel has his SS revoked, an action that terminated the colonel's chances for a star, and pity the poor slobs that had to work for him in Bangkok, his terminal duty assignment!

Kerry could have written up his own award recommendations, and unless and until he releases all his military records, we'll just have to guess as to authorship. His rabid quest for salad would support such an action, as evidenced by his Ramboesque escapade as recorded on film.

And this Marine (?) is going to use the the "Winter Soldier" as a reference piece that we're all supposed to genuflect to as goshalmighty truth? Well, when then won't little Johnny allow it to be reprinted? And Earth-to-Jarhead News flash: Elliott did not refute his allegations about Kerry, as reported by a lying Boston newspaper. Get your facts straight, if you can.

Let's just take an entire paragraph of DeLong's completely apart; his words are in quotation marks: "John O?Neill gets his 15 minutes of fame by debating John Kerry on the Merv Griffith Show back in June, 1971." O'Neill wasn't looking for his 15 minutes, but was in fact confronted Kerry about his lies before Congress, and before the leftist Vietnam Veterans Against the War crowd. "Indeed you fail to mention that O'Neill did this on behalf of one of the most corrupt administrations in US History working through Charles Coulson (we all know who he is)." Can DeLong offer any proof of this allegation? And yes, we know who Chuck Coulson is, a man who went to prison for illegally possessing ONE FBI file; who was the schlub in the Clinton White House who had hundreds of illegal FBI files in his possession? Did he ever go to jail? "An administration whose leader Richard Nixon became the only U.S. President to leave office in disgrace and who saw John Kerry and the "VVAW" as potent critics of his policies in Vietnam." Ahem: check out the administration of Slick Willie for corruption, indictments, thefts, plundering and pillaging. You will also note that Slick Willie was found guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice, yet NO indictments were ever brought against Richard Nixon. "Today, again we see that Mr. O'Neill is out there trying to extend his 15 minutes of fame to thirty minutes by doing the same thing on behalf of an administration whose ethics are being question by at least half the electorate." Are the Democrats questioning GWB's ethics or his policies? Can they please get their stories straight! "He writes a book with the dubious Mr. Jerome Corsi." Dubious? Since when is a PhD in History dubious? "I find this shameful. Another question. Do you think that it might be important to the American public to mention that the financing you received to produce and air these ads on television came from operatives that have long since supported the current administration?" And who subsidized your little 15 seconds of fame, George Soros, or one of the other leftists organizations?
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 08-17-2004, 06:41 PM
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"If you can just apply for a medal, and get it".
"What the f--k".

EXCELLENT POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 08-17-2004, 10:24 PM
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I need an answer on that one too Ron.

Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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Old 08-18-2004, 07:58 AM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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In the time when SML (small scale integration) electronic integrated circuit packages were coming into their own, there was a TTL (Transistor-Transistor logic) digital logic package made by Motorola, Fairchild, RCA, etc. and was called the J-K flip-flop which was a simple two state logic circuit that changed output state and holds dependent upon the state of the logic array that drive the inputs and a system clock pulse. That was in the late sixties-early seventies.

Over time this array or similar ones became known as D-flops and still go by that name today. I couldn?t even guess at the number of D-flops in a current PC (personal computer) but the number has to be gigantic. Every key on the keyboard drives a set/clear D-flop, etc., etc., on and on. Ha, who says history doesn?t repeat. Oh, the J-K flip-flop was named after the circuit inventor, Jack Kirby, and I think he was with Fairchild at the time.

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Old 08-18-2004, 08:33 AM
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Originally posted by SuperScout Kindly allow me to add a few curious thoughts about the mysterious Marine Barry DeLong.................

Can they please get their stories straight! "He writes a book with the dubious Mr. Jerome Corsi." Dubious? Since when is a PhD in History dubious? "I find this shameful.
Dear SuperFella,

And I thought you had already reached the maximum depths of depravity, perversion, and corrupt promotion of "scum-bags" lke Jerome Corsi and his kind! Evidently I was mistaken (which BTW dosen't happen very often ) in that respect.

Your "stooping" so LOW as to apparently NOT think anything to do with this piece of human excrement is anything less than "Dubious" explains a lot about your "choices" for leadership of this country!

Case in point....................


Who is Jerome Corsi, co-author of Swift Boat Vets book?

Aug 12, 2004, 11:30

A co-author of the anti-Kerry screed, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry. Corsi is a religious bigot, hatemonger and gay basher who says Islam should be eliminated, calls Senator Hillary Clinton a ?lesbo? and says ?Ragheads are Boy-Bumpers as clearly as they are Women-Haters.?

?Islam is like a virus,? writes Jerome Corsi who ? with longtime GOP operative John O?Neill wrote the book as part of a project financed by Texas Republican contributors with strong ties to President George W. Bush.

?It (Islam) affects the mind,? Corsi writes. ?Maybe even better as an analogy, it is a cancer that destroys the body it infects. No doctor would hesitate to eliminate cancer cells from the body.?
Corsi posted these comments on the web site on November 26, 2002. He is a regular contributor to the right-wing website, posting under the screen handle of ?jrlc? since 2001.

A frequent gay basher, Corsi on November 18, 2001, posted: ?Isn?t the Democratic Party the official SODOMIZER PROTECTION ASSOCIATION of AMERICA?? (The capital letters are his).

He reserves the same hatred towards Catholics: ?So this is what the last days of the Catholic Church are going to look like. Buggering boys undermines the moral base and the lawyers rip the gold off the Vatican alters. We may get one more Pope, when this senile old one dies, but that?s probably about it.? (Posted on December 16, 2002).

Corsi refers to Democratic Nominee John Kerry as ?John F*ing Kerry? and said on February 2, 2004 that ?John F*ing Commie Kerry and Commie Ted (Kennedy) discuss their plan to hand America over to our nation?s enemies.?

His religious bigotry extends to Judiasm with this March 4, 2004, post: ?After he married TeRAHsa, didn?t John Kerry being practicing Judiasm? He also has paternal grandparents that were Jewish. What religion is John Kerry??

Besides John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Arabs, Muslims, Catholics and Jews, Corsi also hates Bill and Hillary Clinton. A sampling:
?HELL-ary loves the Arabs so much (kiss, kiss Mrs. Arab*RAT) ? wonder how she would look in a Burka?? (Posted on May 21, 2002).

?When is this guy (Bill Clinton) going to admit he?s simply an anti-American communist? Won?t he and his leftist wife simply go away?? (Posted February 24, 2002).

?Let the FAT HOG run!!!? (A reference to a possible Presidential run by Senator Clinton posted on August 30, 2003).

?Anybody ask why HELLary couldn?t keep BJ Bill satisfied? Not a lesbo or anything is she?? (Posted on June 8, 2003).

Corsi admitted on on March 19 of this year that he was ?jrlc? adding that ?the VVAW and John Kerry are a field of interest to me. In 1972, I published an extensive study of the political protest around the 1972 Democratic and Republican National Conventions in Miami Beach, protests in which the VVAW was actively involved (the work was published at the Lemberg Center for the Study of Violence, Brandeis University, 1974). Jerome R. Corsi, jrlc on Free Republic. I'll be happy to clarify any other questions you might have.?

Jerome Corsi has a PhD in political science from Harvard (1972), has written books on various subjects and is vice president and senior editor of U.S. Financial Marketing Group. He is also a contributor to, where he writes about John Kerry?s antiwar activities after coming home from Vietnam.
Reputable historians like Douglas Brinkley, author of the highly-acclaimed Tour of Duty, have noted about Corsi?s book, Unfit for Command, plays fast and loose with the facts when it comes to John Kerry. Corsi claims the Senator?s work as an antiwar activist were treasonous and claimed ?Kerry and VVAW (Vietnam Veterans Against the War) consistently coordinated their efforts with communists.?

Recently declassified FBI files show the bureau had VVAW under surveillance, as they did with many antiwar activists, but the files say agents could not find ?any evidence of any affiliation or coordination with Communist elements known to be operating in the country.?

In 1971, Corsi claimed Kerry proclaimed ?Communists were right in maintaining that American values were corrupt and the only solution was for America to capitulate so Communism could continue to spread.?

Yet that same year, on December 12, Kerry was quoted in the Boston Globe as saying ? I don?t like Communists. In fact, I hate them. I hate all totalitarians. I?m totally dedicated to representative, pluralistic, free democracy.?

?These are malicious fabrications in the heat of the election,? says Douglas Brinkley of the claims in Unfit for Command, adding that what Corsi and his co-author have written are nothing more than the grumbling of ?malcontents who have never forgiven Kerry for his actions in speaking out against the war.?

Few outside Corsi's narrow conservative Republican view escape his verbal assaults. (suppose that's why he hasn't "hammered YOU yet there Super???....commentary by the Gimp )!) He says initials for the news network MSNBC stand for ?More Shit, Nothing But Communism.? (Posted on on May 16, 2002), NBC Today Show host Katie Couric is ?Little Katie Communist of NBC (which Corsi says stands for Nothing But Communism).?

Celebrities are also a favorite target. On Martina Navratilova, Corsi posted on June 26, 2002: ?Perfect Liberal ? lesbian, self-absorbed, hates America, anxious to impose her values on everybody else.?

And this on June 7, 2003: ?Too bad the plane didn?t crash into the TV set of the NBC show ?The Left Wing? ? especially when Martin Sheen was acting.?


Looks like JUST THE TYPE of disgusting piece of trash you'd support there Super, ya know!!!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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