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Old 06-22-2002, 07:58 AM
SeaSoldier SeaSoldier is offline
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Default I was sent this in an email,

Would you agree or disagree with the proposition that "The United States would be better off if the '60s had never happened?"

Before you are put off with the provocative formulation of the question, understand that it is the resolution the Buckley School of Public Speaking has adopted as the debate topic for this week's seminar attendees. We have been split up into two teams, affirmative and negative, and assigned the task of supporting and defending the proposition, respectively.

Of course, Mr. Reid Buckley and his colleagues do not wish us to address whether we would literally prefer to erase this period from our history -- because to do so would mean such terrible things, for example, as that no one born in that decade should have been born. But they do intend for us to consider whether the social, cultural and political events of that decade were, on the whole, a positive influence on America's character.

I'm going to reserve my comments directly bearing on the resolution for Friday's debate and offer my position on a related subject that this exercise -- along with several recent events -- brought to mind.

That is, this nation's cultural elite, which includes a good number of proud sixties radicals, behave as though many of the controversial issues of the sixties (and early seventies) have been conclusively resolved in their favor. History, they believe, has vindicated their positions on these issues to the point of establishing them as self-evident truths that are no longer subject to debate.

Among those "truths" are:

-- Watergate was not only the worst political scandal in the nation's history; its collective sins are the worst imaginable set of wrongs that could ever be visited on a nation by its executive branch; and

-- America's military involvement in Vietnam was morally wrong.

Just last week, we witnessed the media's insatiable gluttony in consuming every morsel of the thirtieth anniversary of their favorite scandal -- the scandal that to them not only demonstrated President Nixon's consummate corruption, but the moral bankruptcy of the entire Republican Party. This, notwithstanding that it was ultimately Republicans who, by their willingness to subordinate their party interests to those of the nation, paved the pathway to Nixon's resignation.

When you ask any member of the elite for specifics in support of their immutable truth that Watergate was the gravest scandal in the history of the universe you will most likely be met with an indignant dismissal, or, at best, some clich?d general allegations of wrongdoing, rather than evidence. Their favorite is that Nixon threatened the very foundation of the Constitution itself, though it's never quite clear how he did that.

Putting aside Clinton's many transgressions and felonies, isn't it at least abundantly arguable that other presidents have come closer to undermining our constitutional framework? FDR, for example, in his court-packing scheme attempted to alter the balance of power among the three branches of government. But you'll receive no quarter in elite circles about this because Watergate as the premier scandal is an article of their faith.

The elite approach the Vietnam issue with equal close-mindedness and moralistic fervor. Their unchallengeable view is that America's military entry into Vietnam was wrong and those who objected to it were furthering the noblest of causes.

I was reminded of their smugness on this score when I read an open letter that Ed Asner, Noam Chomsky, Gloria Steinem, Michael Lerner, and other like-minded actors, activists and academics wrote to the Guardian of London. Under the title "Not In Our Name" the enlightened assured the rest of the world that they did not stand by the repressive, imperialistic and militaristic policies of the Bush administration. They appealed to all Americans to resist Bush's "unjust, immoral, and illegitimate" war and sought "to make common cause with the people of the world."

They said that in lodging their protest against the war on terror, they drew inspiration from "the many examples of resistance and conscience from ... "those who defied the Vietnam War by refusing orders, resisting the draft, and standing in solidarity with resisters."

Don't bother wasting your time in pointing out to these saints that it their exalted resistance that played into the hands of the murderous Communist regimes of North Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, and that when the protesters finally got their wish: that we withdraw, millions of innocents were slaughtered. We are not permitted to go there -- because the truth cannot be allowed to interfere with their selective memories and skewed worldview.

And in case you're wondering, the Buckley School is phenomenal. Now that's an immutable truth.
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Old 06-22-2002, 10:56 AM
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Default Who Knows

A debate without any real answers.

Some good things: Russia didn't get to bring missiles to Cuba.
Space Race produced some great technology.
Civil Rights wasn't all bad.

Bad things: Drugs and free sex rebellion without thinking. Johnson and the way Vietnam was handle.
Polorization of America began.
Christian Church began a severe decline and influence in society.

Personally I think its kinda dumb to go back and say what if, because if those [what if's] didn't exist there would be other [what if']s.

It does make you think a little. I spent the sixties in Calif. going to college and in the Army. Some of the best times in my life. I personally enjoyed the sixties (even my time in the military). I got married to a sweet, young, pretty intelligent, woman in the sixties. Come to think about it, she still calls me handsome, I sure brainwashed her!

The list of 'saints'. They are just stupid people who want to be ruled by the local psychopath. Dumb and dumber!!!!!

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Old 06-22-2002, 06:05 PM
usmcsgt65 usmcsgt65 is offline
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The '60s show that the American style of democracy works.
Semper Fi
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Old 06-23-2002, 04:49 AM
Andy Andy is offline
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Cool 60s

Couldn't the same question be asked about the 1860s?

As far as Watergate, wasn't that part of the 1972 presidential election?

Stay healthy,
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Old 06-23-2002, 09:49 AM
judyvillecco judyvillecco is offline
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We happened! I for one still get emotional about it and think a lot happened for good. It was a time of chaos but what's new..we are a bunch of mavericks. We started out as rebels. The sad thing is my younger brother, sister and kids and grandkids don't have a clue about the history of it!
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Old 06-23-2002, 11:23 AM
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"The United States would be better off if the '60s had never happened?"
My suggestion is the next time the Buckley School of Public Speaking needs a debate question they should contact Kati (Griz's eight year old). She has dozens of questions and all of them far more intelligent than this one.

Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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Old 06-23-2002, 12:25 PM
judyvillecco judyvillecco is offline
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So true. Some people just like to debate anything.
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