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Old 08-25-2003, 02:13 PM
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That is what I like about this forum. We have such a wide range of experience, knowledge, and expertise that we can discuss all kinds of subjects with folks from 10 - 100. It is a wonderful place.

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Old 08-25-2003, 02:26 PM
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It seems to me that going from separation of church and state and ending up on the subject of drugs and other immoral behavior, isn't such a big stretch. People have lots of gods--money, work, drugs, sex, violence, and discrimination (in my opinion this is a result of egotism). So if we all live our lives making sure that we follow the "Golden Rule," our country would be the best anywhere ever. I really believe in the Golden Rule. I believe it is the most important rule/commandment of all.

Thanks Philly for understanding me :-)
Remember Pearl Harbor
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Old 08-26-2003, 10:54 AM
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Default HARDCORE...

...sorry to take so long getting-in on your good thread. But, preferring to wear blinders during my vacation (producing MUCH more fun and MUCH less aggravation) and watching as little TV as possible (simulcasts in Atlantic City excluded),...I'm sure you and the others will understand.

Regardless, SuperScout pretty-much covered THE ONE & ONLY SENTENCE in America's quite lengthy Constitution and ONLY referrence alluding to God, Church and State. Such ONE SENTENCE basically stating that: America should have no specific State Religion such as England has The Church of England, and that all Americans here are free to worship as they damn-well-please WITHOUT GOVERNMENT BUTTING-IN OR REGULATING.

Still, that so many grown-ups, politicos and/or other fools here have made careers out of debating The ONE SENTENCE (demeaning God also in the process), does feel a bit embarassing. After all, I too am an American, and don't particularly like being considered a hypocritical fool by the rest of The World,...which is undoubtedly so since: "Only in America" is as true a world reality as it gets.

Besides, for quite some time now it has been deemed perfectly acceptable to debate and discuss Allah, Mohamed and Islam without any hassle (both in public, govermental entities or even in schools). So, what's the-big-hang-up about giving the same courtesy to The Christian God or The Judaic God? What's so politically-incorrect about that? If Christian and Jewish Men wore robes, and the females were covered from head to toe (plus veiled),...would Chrsitianity and Judaism then be just as acceptable to all-knowing pundits, politicos and/or zealots, as is Islam?

I don't think so. "They" would find some other things to nonsensically debate. That's what most normally do for a living.

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Old 08-26-2003, 11:58 AM
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"RIGHT ON RECON!" I guess that your little sabbatical to AC sharpened up your already well honed mentality!

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Old 08-26-2003, 12:15 PM
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...that bonafide jackass on O'Reilly last night, whining and sniveling about how those Ten Commandments shouldn't be in that supreme court building, as they were promulgating the Christian religion.... blah, blah, blah. Did this asshole just confirm how truly stupid he is, or did he fail to watch Charlton Heston in the "Ten Commandments"?
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 08-26-2003, 01:05 PM
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I found this article online and decided to toss it into the mix.


22 things about the Bible that drives the left crazy

Posted: August 25, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

? Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion," about the last 12 hours of Jesus' life is months away from release, and is already controversial. We've also got an Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice facing fines or jail time for refusing to remove the Ten Commandments from the courthouse, and people continue to try to get the words "under God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. Just what is it about the Bible that drives left-wingers crazy? When I say "left wingers," I'm speaking specifically about the far left. Those who spend inordinate amounts of time analyzing what you believe in, and not a single second on introspection. The people who try to eliminate any mention of God or Jesus in public places, but think it's perfectly fine to try and tell us that "Jesus was a liberal" via a sticker on the bumper their sloth-paced, battery-powered "savior of the ozone" vehicles ? on public roads no less. These are the kind of people who will burn thousands of gallons of jet fuel to fly to an environmental summit meeting, and "it takes a village" types who will gladly torch "the village" if they find out "the village" is using rabbits for medical research. The folks who decry violence in all of its forms, and yet are fully prepared to go on a hunger strike if the government doesn't give Ted Kaczynski his stuff back. The way left. Terminal campus-dwelling know-betters with THC-clogged neurotransmitters who actually think Phil Donahue is kept off the air because of an organized conspiracy. Those leftists who sacrificed the better part of their lives just to get the FDA to have nutritional information put on the wrapper of a Snickers bar, and are positive that the real reason the dinosaurs became extinct was coconut oil. Those people. A quick glance at the Bible, and it's not difficult to see why the tight sphincter of the left further asphyxiates that bug up their tuchis. The Bible is full of nightmares for leftist red-tape mongers and professional rule-imposers. Take these examples:
  1. Moses parted the Red Sea without first performing an environmental impact study.
  2. Jesus gave a Sermon on the Mount where he talked of giving to the poor, and spoke out against greed, and all without charging attendees $300 per ticket. (Barbra Streisand only).
  3. The term "The Three Wise Men" is insensitive to the intellectually challenged. That should be changed to the "Trio of educationally advantaged amateur astronomers."
  4. Instead of gold, frankincense and myrrh, they should have brought hummus, incense and a representative from Child Protective Services.
  5. The Virgin Mary didn't first meet with consultants from Planned Parenthood.
  6. Ten plagues and still not a single person thought of nationalizing health care?
  7. Adam didn't ask Eve for verbal as well as written consent before touching her.
  8. Of course Cain killed Abel. He was obviously suffering either from bipolar disorder, low blood sugar, emotional abuse as a child, or societal neglect.
  9. "The trials of Job" were nothing. Try getting a job with nothing but a masters degree in Norwegian Art History ? that's a test!
  10. Too bad Greenpeace didn't have their own ark so they could have rammed Noah's Ark. You just know that, after the flood, Noah sold those animals to the circus.
  11. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah could have easily been prevented if they would have passed hate-crime legislation sooner.
  12. Jesus is one of the greatest teachers in history, but isn't a member of the National Education Association. In other words, God uses scab labor.
  13. David slew Goliath simply because he was unfortunate enough to have been stricken with gigantism.
  14. "The Last Supper" didn't offer an option for people on gluten-free diets, and the fat content on the food was not labeled.
  15. The part about Jonah and the whale becoming entangled in tuna nets is conveniently passed over in the Old Testament.
  16. God should have spent the seventh day not resting, but rather going around putting warning stickers on all potentially dangerous, really pointy things.
  17. What's the big deal about Nebuchadnezzar spending seven years ingesting grass? Heck, Woody Harrelson's done it longer than that.
  18. The Bible mentions nothing about obtaining the necessary permits to build the Tower of Babel.
  19. People lived to be hundreds of years old without prescription-drug coverage? I don't think so.
  20. Jesus turned water into wine, which was not very mindful of those who happened to be teetering on the brink of plunging down the stairs of their 12-step program.
  21. Of all the wealth possessed by King Solomon, the amount he donated to environmental causes: $0.

And the thing about the Bible that drives the left the most crazy? People can find salvation without their assistance.
I'd rather be historically accurate than politically correct.
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Old 08-26-2003, 01:33 PM
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Tee Hee!
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Old 08-26-2003, 01:46 PM
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Default Super-DUPER Scout...


Besides,...isn't that sort-of-a very personal O'Reilly SPIN on the largely publicized: "NO SPIN FACTOR"? I guess even FOX doesn't practices what it preaches,...just like most politicos and their reinforcing and propagating Mainstream Media?

Also, I'm personally very disappointed,...since for quit some time I believed Old Bill was one of the very few Americans in the public eye that had his head screwed-on-straight, said it like it is (ie. not wishful thinking and/or typical liberal naivete')), and could be counted-on for displaying some good common sense on any of America's multitude of uniquely governmentally-suicidal and generally societal absurdities.

But then, and since The Mainstream Media takes about 2-3 years to catch-up to my apolitical (ie. realistic) way of thinking, and FOX takes about 5-6 months to do similarly,...what-the-hell-else can you expect SS???? Hey,...who knows? Maybe even Old Bill might be: "Born Again" and come to realize that God is superior to The demigods of The State (of whatever bent)?

Granted, such flies in the face of politics and political convention. But,...SO WHAT? Baptisms (plus other forms of such) cover you through eternity, while citizenships only last for a relatively short while (extremely short if not lucky).


P.S. Regarding: "Baptisms (plus other forms of such)", one must exclude; "Baptism under fire", since I will never believe that ANYONE would consider such a religious experience,...or and for that matter, would like being a moving target for ANY enemy.
Besides, I figure it's always better to courteously give the enemy HIS: "Baptism under fire" FIRST. That's what a true gentleman does.
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Old 08-26-2003, 01:56 PM
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Nice to see SOMEBODY in America talkin' back to Spinner Bill!

Har De Har Har!
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Old 08-26-2003, 03:54 PM
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What's not to love about your 22 points!?

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