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Old 08-10-2021, 05:35 PM
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Unhappy Phonies & Useless


I often wonder just how much of what I have to say really registers with anyone else, or am I “UNCAS” as concerns my thoughts and my ideas?

I mean, if a person has something to say, but no one else is listening (or even cares), then what in the Hell is the use of it all? And if we arrive at a point in time when most of us are truly brain dead, don’t care, or have just lost our power to communicate, then have we not also arrived at the point of terminal regression?

Some years ago, I had the opportunity to journey back to a neck of the woods where people, even relatives, sat staring at each other for hours on end, with nary a word being spoken! As a matter of fact, and even though this was apparently their way, I found this to be refreshing at first, but then quickly, it started to grate upon my senses! “How could anyone go for hours on end, literally staring blankly into space, and this, while saying nothing of any informative value, I reasoned?

Well, as luck would have it, and after a few months had past, I bid a not so fond fair well to that region, and beat a hasty-retreat back into an area where people still knew how to converse, and this before I had lost the ability to talk and my sanity altogether? And once again, and in all fairness to them - I must add that this was (I guess), probably just their way?

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Old 08-11-2021, 04:03 AM
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Default Social avoidance

Social avoidance
By: Inside Perspectives
Re: https://insideperspectives.wordpress...ial-avoidance/

UNCAS - Many Aspies and sensitive people have problems with social interaction. Tendencies to withdraw from social interaction may have many causes.
(Or it just may be that the people were suffering from an inherent national sickness?)


Being a natural introvert and individualistic rather than gregarious. These are perfectly normal personality traits, common among gifted, creative and sensitive people. Someone born with a special talent, interest or ambition, may honestly regard socializing as a distracting waste of time instead of the reason for living. It is a matter of priority:- A social person may put up with working so as to be able to meet other people and afford having a family and social life.

– A non-social (creative/specialist) person may put up with the unavoidable socializing at work or home as an arduous necessity to get to have the fun of working, creating or researching.

What the social type often fails to understand is that it can be a real joy and pleasure to be left alone and do things on one’s own. Especially if one has something particularly interesting to study, create, perceive, think about, work on or play with. Being a non-social person is not a disorder. It is simply a personality type.


Personal note: Some folks deal with Social Phobia - I grew up around people who were very outspoken - I was a listener - I hadn't experienced the world yet - I was shy in some ways and really was only interested in trying to fit in. Being somewhat introverted due to family malfunctions and several divorces and being put into homes for unwanted kids. Being separated from my brother & sisters. This could explain why I'm a bit anxious to interact with folks - but may not know the boundaries of what is too much interest? Most of my friends are gone now and at 75 I just don't fit in anywhere any more. My salvation is my wife who is very sick and my daughters and grandkids (and a few Bud's at our VFW Post 6448). I like humorous things that make me laugh - or feel good. I'm a 12 yr Veteran - two tours Nam - lost my brother there and several school guys I knew. I won't let their memories die! I can't release them and they are constantly on my mind. A few I served with are gone as well. I have one remaining military bud living in Lancaster, PA - and we talk at least three times a year on the phone. We all have our issues - and we don't all necessary fit in - especially with the young ones. My grandson just got his notice to go to the selective service board to sign up. My daughter called me crying she doesn't want to him to go in - I said - we all had to sign up - he may never be called up - so don't worry. In short I'm an extravert so that people can't see my inward pains from earlier youth. We all have issues. I don't make friends easily. I've got maybe a handful. So don't feel like your alone as we are all nearing our end in life - and want to leave something behind - so that we are not forgotten. Life is dear to us because we know our remaining days are so short. So dwell on the good things and stay active and never be left alone - that's the worst of all things!

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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