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Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.

-- General Douglas MacArthur

Current poll results

Should military personnel stationed overseas be exempt from taxes?

Yes84 %84 %84 % 84.93 % (248)
No10 %10 %10 % 10.96 % (32)
I do not know0 %0 %0 % 0.68 % (2)
I have no opinion1 %1 %1 % 1.37 % (4)
Other, please list in comments2 %2 %2 % 2.05 % (6)

Total votes: 292
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Re: Should military personnel stationed overseas be exempt f
on Mar 16, 2003
...I don't think enlisted "active duty" personel should pay any taxes, federal, or state, working to pay your own salary when putting your life on the line possibly any day...
...I don't think "ANY" Veteran's retired, and esp. disabled should have to pay sales tax on averge goods,...

... most Vet's have paid enough already...

...would have voted yes, and would like to have a column on both, yes, or no to reflect comments...

Re: Should military personnel stationed overseas be exempt f
by Anonymous
on Mar 18, 2003
Giving something means taking something from somewhere else, or at least thats how one balances a budget.
I would sure much rather see vets and in-service military get tax breaks or forgiveness than watch while promised VA benefits become harder to receive, government workers not paying into social security, and corporations getting welfare...or a president flying Air Force One to the Azores for a 60 minute "summit" that could have taken place by telephone.

Re: Should military personnel stationed overseas be exempt f
by Anonymous
on Mar 21, 2003

Why only enlisted? When I was in Vietnam as a 2LT, my pay wasn't much better. While in Vietnam, nobody had to pay the IRS. Anybody serving in a combat zone should be exempted. Why? Just because.

Re: Should military personnel stationed overseas be exempt f
by Anonymous
on Mar 25, 2003

I don't think we should have to pay any kind of taxes period if you serve at least 4 years active duty. It's demeaning that I'm paying my own salary. If you serve your country there should be extra perks and incentives like being able to drink at 18. Granted I'm 24 so I don't have anything to worry about, but isn't the whole point of joining the Military showing that you are a capable and competent person able to willing make such a life giving choice.

Re: Should military personnel stationed overseas be exempt f
by Anonymous
on Mar 25, 2003

Only those personnel who are serving in a combat zone should have tax free status. Someone in Germany or other non-hostile areas should pay taxes just like anyone else.

Re: Should military personnel stationed overseas be exempt f
by Anonymous
on Mar 26, 2003
Realize that taxes are more than just paying our salary- it benefits you and your family in more ways such as social services, garbage/trash pick up, utilities, and roads, etc.

How is it demeaning that you pay your own salary? In essence, so do DoD civilians when they work in the armed forces or for the state/city governments.

How is drinking at the age of 18 a legitimate perk for serving your country? That would be detrimental to our younger troops. Joining the military shows an attempt to do something bigger than yourself, but our younger troops are still learning that throughout their first tours.

If you?re willing to defend the country for its freedoms, know that your taxes provide the comforts and infrastructures that you so dearly defend at home and abroad. If you?re in Germany, that doesn?t mean you don?t get some kind of ?perk? from your taxes as it goes back into your base and its facilities/services.

Not wanting to pay taxes is selfish. Do it because that?s what our country has set itself up to do, but also because it?s the right thing to do.

Re: Should military personnel stationed overseas be exempt f
by Anonymous
on Mar 27, 2003
In a Republic, for which our flag stands, it is up to the governed to elect, or not, qualified representatives who will discharge their duty of oversight for the proper and rightful expenditure of the tax income with which the elected and the appointed government is supplied. It is not a blank check unless one is given to them through our own neglect, or if it is used unwisely. Anything which interferes with the legal vote of the people (such as the electoral college, closed primaries and uncontrollable lobbying), leads to abuse of the public purse or ignorance of the people's true needs. Also, there should be absolutely NO legitimate way in which any american citizen can be allowed to not pay their fair share of ALL taxes that every other citizen is required to pay. These factors, among others, tend to create serious imbalance both in terms of resources and expenditures which fester and grow worse over the decades.
There is a very good reason why all attempts to create a direct democracy in america have thusfar failed...not that the result would have been much different or better.

Re: Should military personnel stationed overseas be exempt f
by Anonymous
on Mar 31, 2003

Personnel overseas working for DOD should not have to pay any taxes for dollar rates flucatates daily!


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Military History
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Should military training areas be exempt from environmental protection laws?

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Votes: 147

This Day in History
1801: Tripoli declares war on the U.S. for refusing to pay tribute.

1854: The first formal graduation at the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD occurs.

1861: Dorothea Dix is appointed superintendent of female nurses for the Union army.

1864: General Nathan Bedford Forrests Confederate cavalry routs a much larger Union force in Mississippi during the Battle of Brices Crossroads.

1898: U.S. Marines land in Cuba.

1916: Mecca, under control of the Turks, falls to the Arabs during the Great Arab Revolt.

1940: After withholding formal allegiance to either side in the battle between Germany and the Allies, Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy, declares war on France and Great Britain.

1940: The Norwegian army capitulates to the Germans.

1942: Germany razes the town of Lidice, Czechoslovakia and kills more than 1,300 citizens in retribution of the murder of Reinhard Heydrich.

1943: The Allies begin bombing Germany around the clock.