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Military Quotes

Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted.

-- Sun Tzu

Current poll results

How do you feel military benefits compare with those offered by civilian employers?

Military benefits are better42 %42 %42 % 42.59 % (69)
Military benefits are not as good46 %46 %46 % 46.30 % (75)
I do not know4 %4 %4 % 4.32 % (7)
I have no opinion1 %1 %1 % 1.85 % (3)
Other, please list in comments4 %4 %4 % 4.94 % (8)

Total votes: 162
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Re: How do you feel military benefits compare with those off
by Gimpy
on Jul 02, 2002
This is a question with no wrong answers or no right answers. Answers will vary depending on circumstances. Some situations military benefits are much better and I am sure there are circumstances the military benefits are worse. It all depends.


Re: How do you feel military benefits compare with those off
by Anonymous
on Jul 06, 2002
et al

It is a difficult question. There are so many variables.

As a retiree, I use so very few of the benefits. I do not live near a military facility. I work for the State of Ohio, so most benefits (that I use) are duplicated.

For the active duty, you pay considerably for what benefits you do get. And, you do not get overtime or comp-time consideration.

You will also notice that there are some critical drawbacks. For instance, if you want to be an Air Marshal, you time in the military as an MP or a CID Agent does not count. Whereas, if you where a federal, state or local police officer -- it would. There are a number of reasons for that, but the bottom line is that for each year you serve in the military, that puts you one year behind your contemporary peer. That is a hidden cost.

You will not know the hidden costs of your service until you get out. Then, is where and when you need to make a cost-benefit analysis. Some will pay a very heavy price for very few benefits, while others may pay very little.

Re: How do you feel military benefits compare with those off
by Anonymous
on Jul 09, 2002

They stink!! and the providers on most posts, bases ar not state certified for the state they are practicing in.. and practice is just what they are doing..!

Re: How do you feel military benefits compare with those off
by Anonymous
on Jul 11, 2002
We've seen what the people in the towers are worth... want thier families will get.
Maybe Uncle Sam could see that the families of military personel that die( at least those in combat or combat support rolls) , that thier families get better than they do. After all it is the military that in most situations suffer the most, give the most an receive the least while keeping this nation safe, While the richer get richer and the poor get poorer...including our underpaid military personel. When they do get killed thier families ought to get a lot better than they do.
Carl L. Moore
( QuangTri-FO )

Re: How do you feel military benefits compare with those off
by Anonymous
on Apr 09, 2004
For an 18 year old kid fresh out of high school and no wife or kids. It's great.

For anyone E-6 or above, you are not even close to a civillian counterpart. Navy Times did an article on this and they came up with some very interesting results.

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Military History
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This Day in History
1813: The United States invasion of Canada is halted at Stony Creek, Ontario.

1862: The Union claims Memphis, Tennessee, the Confederacys fifth-largest city, a naval manufacturing yard, and a key Southern industrial center.

1918: U.S. Marines enter combat at the Battle of Belleau Wood.

1944: Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower gives the go-ahead for largest amphibious military operation in history: Operation Overlord, code named D-Day, the Allied invasion of northern France.

1951: U.N. naval aircraft, along with Air Force and Marine Corps reinforcements, flew 230 sorties against enemy troop concentrations and supply lines in the central and western sectors.

1952: Operation COUNTER began as the 45th Infantry Division launched a two-phased series of attacks to establish strategic outpost sites in the Old Baldy area. The 45th Infantry Division seized 11 outposts west of Chorwon. Repeated communist counterattacks during the remainder of the month failed to dislodge friendly troops.

1972: South Vietnamese forces drive out all but a few of the communist troops remaining in Kontum.

1982: Israel invades southern Lebanon.