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It is well that war is so terrible, or we should get too fond of it.

-- Robert E. Lee

Current poll results

Have the Iraqi Security Forces received adequate training and equipment from the U.S. military?

Yes60 %60 %60 % 60.10 % (116)
No26 %26 %26 % 26.42 % (51)
I do not know10 %10 %10 % 10.88 % (21)
I have no opinion2 %2 %2 % 2.07 % (4)
Other, please list in comments0 %0 %0 % 0.52 % (1)

Total votes: 193
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Re: Have the Iraqi Security Forces received adequate trainin
by Anonymous
on Jun 28, 2005
To the extent of our ability, all things considered, heck yes.

There's a ways to go yet, but we ARE getting there.

Re: Have the Iraqi Security Forces received adequate trainin
by Anonymous
on Jul 01, 2005

If the Iraqi Forces are adequately trained and equiped, why are we still there?

Re: Have the Iraqi Security Forces received adequate trainin
by David
on Jul 02, 2005

From what Rumsfeld said at a recent Congressional hearing many of the ISF are merely police not Army. The Army element of the ISF is not yet of sufficient size to take over for the Coalition forces.

Re: Have the Iraqi Security Forces received adequate trainin
by Anonymous
on Jul 05, 2005

Well, the respondants to this poll disagree with Rummy. Who's correct here?

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Do you favor or oppose military tribunals for non-citizens suspected of terrorism?

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This Day in History
1863: The largest cavalry battle of the Civil War is fought at Brandy Station, Virginia.

1923: Bulgarias government is overthrown by the military.

1942: The Japanese high command announces that "The Midway Occupation operations have been temporarily postponed."

1944: Russia penetrates into East Karelia, in Finland, as it fights to gain back control of territory that had already been ceded to it.

1945: Japanese Premier Kantaro Suzuki declares that Japan will fight to the last rather than accept unconditional surrender.

1951: Eighth Army commander Lieutenant General James A. Van Fleet insisted that his forces occupy suitable ground in the event of a cease-fire.

1951: After several unsuccessful attacks on French colonial troops, North Vietnams General Vo Nguyen Giap orders Viet Minh to withdraw from the Red River Delta.

1959: The first ballistic missile-carrying submarine, the USS George Washington, is launched.

1972: Part of a relief column composed mainly of South Vietnamese 21st Division troops finally arrives in the outskirts of An Loc. The division had been trying to reach the besieged city since April 9th.