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Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men.

-- General George Patton Jr

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This Day in History
1863: A Confederate attempt to rescue Vicksburg and a Rebel garrison held back by Union forces to the east of the city fails when Union troops turn back the attack.

1863: Mexico City is captured by French troops.

1900: The Boxer rebels cut the rail links between Peking and Tientsin in China.

1917: U.S. subchasers arrive at Corfu for anti-submarine patrols.

1917: The Battle of Messines begins.

1932: Over 7,000 war veterans march on Washington, D.C., demanding their bonus pay for service in World War I.

1942: Japanese soldiers occupy the American islands of Attu and Kiska, in the Aleutian Islands off Alaska, as the Axis power continues to expand its defensive perimeter.

1942: The Battle of Midway ends with the loss of the USS Yorktown.

1965: General Westmoreland requests a total of 35 battalions of combat troops, with another nine in reserve. This gave rise to the "44 battalion" debate within the Johnson administration, a discussion of how many U.S. combat troops to commit to the war.

1968: In Operation Swift Saber, U.S. Marines sweep an area 10 miles northwest of Danang in South Vietnam.