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Old 07-25-2002, 01:03 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2002
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Post "and They Still Think I'm Kidding?"


For years, the Pentagon, government and military alike, have scoffed at those whom they wantonly bastardized during criminal experimentation programs! Many of these "Mad Scientist Debacles" were directed at our own armed forces, and these criminal actions spanned some 6 decades! (1937 to the present day)

Now, however, with the casting of stones against certain similarly misdirected foreign powers for undertaking their own ?Domestic Atrocities?, coupled with the VA/DoD?s continuing attempts to cover-up their own Mengele-istic contempt for American life and limb during the experimentation listed below, I again demand that the liars and cowards who perpetrated these medical crimes against American service personnel come clean and
pay restitution to those whom they so abused!

I further demand that any other well-position entity who attempts to replay the following,
atrocities, be treated, not with kid-gloves or protectionism, as they have in the past, but
rather as the dastardly sub-humans that they really are!
?Here are some of these Domestic Atrocities for you to research?

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments
The Naval Mustard Gas Tests
The Manhattan Project Radiation Experiments
America?s Atomic Veterans
Often Chick-wit
Project Dork
Project Second Chance
Project White Coat
Projects Blue Bird and Blue Sky
Agent Orange and Gulf War Syndrome, just to mention a scant few....
--------------------------------------------------To titillate your interest and ire, I have also enclosed (below) portions of the government?s
(Pentagon) own document (now declassified and attained under FOIA), entitled DAIG-IN 21-75. Of course there are numerous other books and publications that you can examine on this subject, including COS 385, the Church Senate Report (1977) on the use of volunteers in experimentation (It was later learned that many of these (so-called)
volunteers, were not volunteers at all, but rather unwitting, un-formed conscripts, man of whom ?STILL? do not know what was done to them!!
The following are some randomly selected excerpts from DAIG-IN 21-75 (Department of the Army, inspector General.... ?THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE?
?DAIG-IN 21-75?

On December 1, 1997, after months of failed attempts, I finally received a copy of DAIG-IN 21-75, courtesy of a former administration and the Freedom of Information Act. And for the record, the Veterans Administration and Army alike, have continually sought to circumvent FOIA through the insertion of their own little Privacy Act. ?This is sought of like attempting to negate our sacred Constitution by insisting that the odious UN Charter is of far more relevance, in my opinion??

The following are excerpts (declassified) from a ?Department of The Army, Inspector General? document that I believe shows a dangerous mindset. One that displays little or no concern for those veterans who were (literally) destroyed by those who would ignore an evil that was right in front of their noses!

This is not to imply, of course, that all within the upper echelons of the mili-gov are corrupt or vested! Far from it in fact, as most are ethical and dedicated. It (DAIG-IN 21-75) does, however, display what I feel to be a criminality that is being applauded and protected by the VA, and the military, and also by those in the private and intelligence sector who may have (?) profited greatly from this dastardly experimentation project!

Caution from Page #1 DAIG-IN 21-75 - This Inspector General Report contains privileged information, etc

USE OF VOLUNTEERS IN CHEMICAL AGENT RESEARCH (Note: The Church Senate Report of 1977 noted that many of those utilized in these projects, including MK ULTRA, were not volunteers at all, but rather unwitting, uninformed human lab rats!)

Referencing (from forward DAIG-IN 21-75) as concerns the Army's failure to report the use of human volunteers (etc) in experimentation:

QUOTE: These (Army) shortcomings in responding fully, accurately, and rapidly, particularly at a time when governmental agency's actions and programs were already suspect, placed an additional strain on the publics faith in the credibility of the U.S. Army.

QUOTE: Page 2 - Records currently available to the Army Staff indicate that these (hallucinogenic) tests were conducted in a period from the early 1950s through the late 1960s, at various locations in the United States and Overseas.

QUOTE: Page 4 - Most of the research efforts, particularly on LSD, occurred during the 1950s and early 1960s. These records have long since been retired, and in some cases destroyed. (Gee, I wonder why?)

QUOTE: Where records were not available, or where information gaps existed, plans were developed (but apparently never initiated?) to interview the personnel involved. Since this research spanned a 25 year period of time, many of the personnel (many unwitting) actively involved in the research program were retired, quite elderly, moved to
new locations or deceased. (The whole idea I suspect?)

The selection of volunteers was to include medical examinations (before and after the fact) and informed consent. This (informed consent), however, rarely took place (Church Senate Hearings 1977, and a letter from Fort Sam Houston 1997), as many of the test subjects were not volunteers at all, nor were they informed of any dangers or possible damage that could be caused by this ghastly experimentation. ?Many in fact, are still
unaware of what happened to them!??

Page 5: ?This experimentation was Army wide, some tests, even having been conducted at the U.S. Army Intelligence Center School and within the U.S. Army Chemical Corps!?

Page 9 (QUOTE): ?By the late 1950s, the (Army) Chemical Corps was experimenting with a wide range of chemical agents, which included the mustards, German developed nerve and anti cholinesterase agents of sarin and tabin, new (far more toxic)
anticholinesterases, chlorines, phosgene, chlorophicrin and nitrogen mustards.?

Page 12 (QUOTE): ?Chemical agents were not of interest to the military on the basis of their ability to cause hallucinations or delirium as such, but rather for their ability to cause an enemy to be militarily incapacitated.? (Were the thousands of Americans that these agents were used upon also considered the enemy by some in power?)

Page 14 (QUOTE): ?LSD was first synthesized by Doctor Albert Hoffman, a Swiss Chemist at Sandoz Labs in Basle, Switzerland, while in the U.S., a seed had been planted that would eventually excite a major military interest in the potential use of psycho chemical agents. In 1947, a professor of Chemistry at Johns Hopkins University wrote the
(U.S.) Chemical Corps Technical Command suggesting the potentialities of enzymes as toxicological warfare agents.?

*Note that when I attained my copy of DAIG-IN 21-75, a mere 27 copies of this lengthy document had been requested (in almost 20 years), even though our government knew (or should have known) of it's existence!?

Page 20 (Quote Franklin D. Roosevelt on U.S. Policy as concerns gas and chemical warfare):

?This country has not used them and I hope that we will never be compelled to use them. I state categorically, that we shall under no circumstances resort to the use of such weapons
unless they are used by our enemies!?

As these agents were used upon unwitting, uninformed young American GIs, was the Army suggesting that these men (and women) were the enemy?

Page 22 (QUOTE): In late 1958, the new Chief of the Army Chemical Corps promoted the ?Blue Sky Program? which was designed to seek out new and novel ideas from chemists around the nation as concerns the development of chemical agents.

Page 25 (QUOTE): It is important to note that Defense officials and Congress were not alone in their concerns for improved CBR (Chemical, Biological and Radiological) research or public awareness of the threat. In October 1959, the American Legion adopted a resolution to achieve an impressive capability in CBR warfare.

Page 29 and 30 indicate that the need for test subjects (so-called volunteers) grew faster than supply, and that (supposedly?) no evidence existed as to who originally authorized the use of human beings in CBR testing!? (Yeah, sure?!)

Page 31: Authority to use volunteers. During this particular period of experimentation, the rules governing the use of humans had undergone major changes, the first of which was the Nuremberg Military Tribunals which produced a set of firm rules for the conduct of medical research. These were known as the Nuremberg Code of 1947. Among these standards was the ?Informed Consent and Volunteer statutes!? The Army, some within
government, the CIA, and even the medical private sector, have always insisted that informed consent and volunteerism were essential in these experiments! (No exceptions!!)

To Quote page 31 (DAIG-IN 21-75): ?The Voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential!?

Now let me read to you a portion of a June 1997 letter sent to me from the Headquarters, U.S. Army Medical Command, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

QUOTE: ?As a result of the Senate Select Committee Hearings conducted in the 1970s, concerning U.S. Army and other government agencies role in research and experimentation with hallucinogenic drugs, it is now known that certain tests may have
been conducted on individuals without either their knowledge or consent!?

It appears that somebody here is a damned liar?!

Now let me again quote from page 33 of DAIG-IN 21-75 which, in my opinion, spits into the face of the Nuremberg Codes, Congress and the Constitution itself, and is (to my way of thinking) a criminal violation of the laws of God and Man, as well as being contradictory to the intent of ?Informed Consent and Volunteerism? in medical experimentation!

QUOTE Page 33: 74 Statute 322, 5 USC 235a: ?The Secretary of the Army is authorized to conduct, engage, and participate in research and development programs related to the activities of the U.S. Army, and to procure or contract for the use of facilities, equipment, services and supplies (Including unwitting human lab rats I assume?) as may be required to effectuate such programs.? (Is this not a license to kill?)

Page 38, QUOTE: ?By 1954, the Army Chemical Corps had established a framework in which to conduct human experimentation, but they lacked an adequate pool of such volunteers. It was decided that the most practical source of volunteers would be enlisted men!?

Note again, the letter from Fort Sam Houston (1997) concerning the (unwitting) volunteers (oxymoron) mentioned previously....

Again, and as to this informed consent mandate for experimentation, let me quote the military's mind-set while they completely ignored their own guidelines on informed consent:

Page 40 (QUOTE) ?From a military standpoint, a lack of knowledge on the part of the volunteer (and unwitting victim I am sure) is necessary for a realistic experiment!? Later on page 40, this was listed by the Army as ?Selective Compliance!?

Does this mean that the Army could take or leave the government's mandates tied to medical experimentation?

For the record, on page 41 (top) it was implied (in my opinion) that the Army even screwed the LSD patent holders. ?Is there no honor, even amongst thieves?? And as for this (so-called) volunteer nonsense, it was revealed that ?All? Army areas were directed (ordered) to supply volunteers for this hallucinogenic program utilizing special incentives, and that when this fell short, the unwitting were systematically brutalized in these
?Mengele-istic Experimentations!?

On Page #43, it was noted that the Air Force and Navy were also incorporated into these experimentation projects (SHAD also perhaps)?

Now here is where the manure gets really deep!

The Pentagon has always maintained that it never used Benzilate (See their disclaimer at the tail end of the movie Jacob's Ladder)!? However, page 50 of DAIG-IN 21-75, as well as other reliable sources within this document, prove that it (BZ) was indeed used by the DoD and Army during experimentation! (See Agent BZ or EA 2277)

NOW GET THIS - Page 52- QUOTE? ?Although the level of authority for appointment of a physician responsible for volunteers apparently was (at some point) changed, authority for volunteers was retained by the Secretary of The Army.?

Now, with the advent of FOIA, is it possible that the Army and CIA ordered destruction (1973) of data pertaining to MK ULTRA in order to block or hide illegal experimentation that may have occurred before that time. Some doctors, military officers, and even a scant few bureaucrats alike, who were cavalierly involved in such experimentations (Domestic Atrocities) could have had their careers come to an abrupt end had public knowledge of these dastardly experiments been exposed. The crying shame here is that there are a few within Government, the military, the intelligence sector, the medical community, and the VA alike, who are now being protected (opinion) by certain vested powers that be! And
for the record, experimentation like MK ULTRA (hallucinoigenics) was known all the way up the chain of command! (Page 53-DAIG-IN 21-75)

When this (so-called) Human Volunteer Program was finally put to rest on 28 July 1975, some in power really swung into gear with an agenda of denials, lies, record destruction, intimidation and threats!

When I requested my copy of DAIG-IN 21-75 (as well as COS 385 and the Church Senate Hearings of 1977), only 27 copies had been requested by anyone, including Congress or the President - ?WHY?!?

And again for the record, it was revealed that much of the remaining data pertaining to MK ULTRA was removed from files at military facilities around the nation, again - WHY and by Who?

I recently had a top level employee at the San Diego VARO try to convince me that it was the DoD, and not the VA, that was at fault concerning the malicious and miserable fashion in which claims for benefits could be handled? I personally feel that there is more than enough (criminal) fault to go around, all the way to the top perhaps!

If you wish to know more about MK ULTRA, or the plethora of other experimentation programs that the military, and agencies there-of, engaged in, might I suggest that you acquire (FOIA) the documents that I referenced above for a start, as I have only scratched the festering surface here!

If it is indeed a fact that - ?The truth can set you free?, then is it not also a fact that - ?What you don't know (or are not being told) can hurt you!? Lord knows, it sure as hell is hurting many a trusting veteran!?
Here is some additional materials, though far from the only data, extracted from the pages of DAIG-IN 21-75, for your edification and dissemination....

Pages 98, 99 and 100 (DAIG-IN 21-75)

QUOTE- ?Another record reflects that medical volunteers (and conscripts) were used a total of 240,442 hours (or more) during the period of 1958-1962 (alone)! This of course, does not take into account the test periods between 1955 to 1958, nor the experimentation that took place between 1962 to 1967 (at least)!! (MK ULTRA)

These 240,442 hours were broken down according to experimental categories. Remember now that these percentages are just for the four year period between 1958 and 1962!

1- Incapacitating Compounds - 29.9 %
2- Lethal Compounds- (anticholinesterases, cylinide) - 14.5%
3- Protective Equipment and Clothing - 13.3 %
4- Riot Control Compounds - 14.2 %
5- Effects of Drugs and Environmental Stress on human psychological mechanisms- 6.4%
6- Development evaluation and test procedures (Compounds in body fluids, stress conditions - 12.5 %
7- Human Factors Tests- Ability of volunteers to follow instructions- 2.1 %
8- Other (visual studies, sleep deprivation, incapacitating compounds) - 7.2 % etc.

Several factors hindered determination of exact numbers of volunteers that participated in
the chemical warfare medical research program. Information was made available through testimony of ?SOME? witnesses as well as ?INFORMAL? discussions with past and present medical laboratory employees. ?In other words, only a selected group of medical personnel were allowed to testify (Informally) about these experiments that they were directly involved in - opinion!??

(QUOTE) Another factor that may have affected accurate recording of the numbers of volunteers involved in drug experimentation was the medical research laboratory?s policy concerning liberal access to volunteers? medical records. In February 1969 (alone), it was reported that approximately 300 volunteer?s (and probably unwitting test subject?s) medical records were missing from their normal place of storage (illegal removal no
doubt- geared to protect the guilty)! It was apparent that for the first 14 years of volunteer
(and conscript) work, that the medical laboratories had liberal (lax) policies concerning
access to and use of experimental data on medical volunteers, including their case files! (Considering this, who in the hell do you suppose removed and destroyed these files, save for the doctors themselves who conducted these domestic atrocities?) A well founded opinion indeed!!

Although these procedures were apparently strengthened after February 1969 (too late for me and thousands of other victims), there exists the (distinct) possibility that some (many perhaps) of the volunteers records were not recovered, or that important data was (purposely) removed from these records over the prior years!

Finally, determining with certainty the quantity of volunteer participation over a twenty year period was hampered by conflicting reports (smoke screens). However, an approximation of the numbers of volunteers (if not medical conscripts) was determined from reports and technical data made available during research efforts (Maybe?)!

The figures discussed so far include those participants (volunteers) at Edgewood Arsenal
(alone), and not the unwitting medical conscripts or volunteers at other field-test military
posts around the nation! ?So much for the honor of some, and the deteriorating lives of their hapless victims!!?

?How about it Mr. Principi, Mr McClane and Mr. President - would you also deny the Army?s own documantation!? Or will you again resort to your catch-all phrase - ?YOU CAN?T PROVE IT!??
?1960, Another year That Will Live In Infamy?

A review of the volunteer?s medical records files revealed that no records of experimentation were retained for the period prior to 1955, if in fact, records were prepared at all back then?

From 1955 through 1958, most of the records were inadequate and incomplete. Gradual improvement, however, was noted in both medical records and medical screening starting in 1959. There were some notable exceptions to this general improvement trend, however, and one such exception was evident in the comparison of official reports for the year 1960!

These reports indicated that in excess of 500 volunteers (not counting unwitting test subjects) were used at medical research laboratories! (I believe that I was but one of them)! Of this number, only 40 volunteer?s records indicated that chemical agents were administered!? That means that creative book keeping all but erased the life and health of 460 honorable, trusting American kids in uniform!! (Page 72, DAIG-IN 21-75)

Other such exceptions to good record keeping (and military ethics) were apparent in the lack of records concerning the Military Intelligence Drug Testing Programs at Edgewood Arsenal between 1958 and 1960, and to a lesser extent during field testing at the other Army bases around the country during this same period.

As of 30 June 1973, records reflected that 6,408 different (so-called) volunteers had been used in medical research by the military?s bio-chemical laboratories for a total of 6,709 volunteer tours, including repeat tours!

How many of these honorable men have suffered and died, and how many have been denied compensated Mr. Principi? Have lies and VA maneuvering screwed these people over too?

I assume that the wanton violation by the military (and others) of the ?Informed Consent? mandate still has some liars and beasts running scared, and there-in lies the rub, right Tony!? Is this the reason why your people have to lie and cheat to destroy cases that could prove embarrassing??


Law, truth and honor, have precious little to do with each other in the eyes of the VA System! As a matter of fact, in my opinion, there is little honor to be found within any system that operates thusly, save for that which fits within the agenda of the self-motivated me-ist and his odious clique! (another opinion)

?This is not a battle that begins and ends at any Regional Office!? It is my personal opinion, supported by hard-won facts, that this ?Multi-Billion Dollar War? against truth and veteran?s rights that is being waged by the VA (right to the top), is a travesty that must be immediately addressed and rectified by government! In my opinion, far too many within the system ?Talk the Talk?, but there it ends!!

Informed Voluntary Consent means exactly what it says! No American can be used in any experimentation program unless he volunteers for same and is well-informed of the dangers, present and future involved in the project that he is volunteering for! ?A medical conscript is not volunteer!?

A scant few within the Powers That Be, after getting away numerous times in the past with Domestic Medical and Scientific Atrocities, especially within the Armed Forces, no longer make emperimental compliance optional, but rather demand [as their right], that uniformed personnel unwillingly engage in privately financed and dangerous medical experiments, that had any other international entity attempted, our bureaucracy would be up in arms!

Here is the section on ?Informed Voluntary Consent? as it appeared in Chapter VI, page 77, DAIG-IN 21-75. When your through reading this, ask yourself if Anthrax Inoculations with poorly tested and dangerous vaccines, being sprayed with toxic defoliants, being force-fed hallucinogenics, being infected with diseases (Tuskegee Project), or being continually lied to, is considered informed and voluntary?
Page 77 - DAIG-IN 21-75 General

The purpose of this chapter is to describe briefly the evolution of consent requirements, particularly standards regarding the essentially, adequacy, and sufficiency of consent procedures.

The ?ABSOLUTE? essentially of voluntary consent has been the stated policy of the Department of Defense and the Department of The Army since the inception of authority to conduct experimental research with human subjects [Big Lie]. Secretary of Defense Wilson?s memorandum allowed that participation by any human was subject to the
conditions of voluntary consent. This meant that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching or any other ulterior forms of constraint or coercion: and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him (or her) to make an understanding and enlightened decision! The latter element required that before
the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject, there should be made known to him, the nature, purpose and duration of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment!
I put it to you that ?NONE? of these criteria were met, nor were they even intended to be met, during the variety of experiments conducted by the military etc. upon unwitting and un-informed test subjects. As a matter of fact, it is my contention that (in panic), certain people involved (directly or indirectly) in these ?Mengelistic Experiments? sought to (and did) ignore, bend, circumvent and bastardize the law and it?s intent!

I further contend that this practice is ongoing in an effort to continue (and expend upon) the agenda of those so engaged. And this (vile) agenda knows no boundaries or limitations, not in practice nor the mindset of those involved in these Domestic Atrocities! (opinion)

The lie is the weapon of choice of the coward, and any entity who subjects his own to such experimentation, destroys records to cover their odious path, or condones and protects those so involved, is (IN MY OPINION) not only a coward, but indeed a traitor to all that we as a nation of free men and women stand for and represent!

Could it be that those who orchestrated or condoned the actions of people who blatantly
violated the concepts of ?Informed Consent? are now developing a new line of attack? One designed to circumvent truth and veteran?s rights by attacking through the back-door or from behind if you prefer! Those odious sorts who perform their vile deeds through the destruction of time statutes and files, through lies and vested delays, or endless remands, are usually the ones who always demand trust, then repay it with further treachery!

No one has the right, the authority or the mandate (Not from God or Country), to experiment upon his fellow Americans. And he who serves in uniform is entitled to the same considerations and protections as is every other honorable citizen of this great country of ours!!

Remember, vested leaders will come and go, especially those more concerned about ?Personal Image and Agenda? than the combined national good. Our great and democratic nation, however, was designed to be eternal, but without the help and sacrifices of all of our citizens, veterans included (in peace and in war), this monumental task may (unfortunately) be non-attainable!

Page 120, DAIG-IN 21-75 Authorization

What is the penalty for receiving or capitalizing from stolen goods, and did not the system (VA INCLUDED) benefit from the criminal activities (record destruction included) of the United States Army Chemical and Medical Corps? Is not the theft of life and health also dealing in stolen goods?

QUOTE: There were no records located which specifically addressed a proposal, recommendation or authorization to extend the field testing of LSD [MK ULTRA] to include demonstrations or practical exercises for the Chemical Corps. Although problems of personnel changes, reorganization, record?s retirement and ?DESTRUCTION? were prevalent throughout the research effort, the absence of files and records was most pronounced on the role of the Army Chemical Corps School in LSD testing! (Shredded
records are safe records, after all!)

Although numerous hallucinogenic tests (verifiable) were undertaken, no documentation
on these tests could be found? [ref: one series of experiments]

Even with the advent of Chief of Staff Memorandum 385 which mandated the use of well informed volunteers only, the voluntary nature of these tests is still in question!

So who benefited the most from these blatant records destructions! The Army, those who
authorized these atrocities, and of course, your friendly neighborhood VARO! (opinion) As a matter of fact, page 123 of DAIG-IN 21-75, clearly points out that these domestic atrocities were challenged all along the line by a few men of conscience who viewed these LSD/BZ tests as more demonstration than of actual scientific significance!? In other
words, a Freak (or side) show designed to amuse a few of the morbid minded within military medical science!

?The following slips exactly into the time frame of my own particular claim!?


Several other restrictive and/or explanatory clauses also were included in the policy

A 1st Indorsement, dated 10 November 1960, to the above-referenced letter established that the Commander of the Chemical Corps R&D Laboratories not only supported the responsible physician?s viewpoint regarding human experimentation, but also recognized his authority as the Secretary of the Army?s designated representative to establish such policy. As a result of the action, the Commanding General, Chemical Corps R&D Command, on 21 November 1960, rescinded his earlier decision and indorsed the responsible physician?s policy statement.
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Old 07-25-2002, 01:08 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10,953
Post PART 2

The next exchange in this controversy involved a letter from the Chemical Corps School, subject: Support for LSD-25 Exercises, dated 13 October 1960, to the Commander, Chemical Corps R&D Laboratories, in which it was recognized that the Medical Research Laboratory would support only one more LSD-25 practical exercise at the Chemical
Corps School, and also advised that with the Laboratories? assistance on this exercise, the
School would be able to conduct future exercises, calling on the Laboratory only for the chemical agent. The letter continued by requesting assistance for a 28 October 1960 Advanced NCO Class exercise, although emphasizing that the School understood that the Laboratory would have preferred to participate in the exercise for the Officer Career Class. By 1st Endorsement the Commander of the Laboratory advised that they would be unable to participate in the exercise for the NCO Class on 28 October 1960, but that
selected NCO students and staff could be included in the planned. December exercise for the Advanced Officer class. By 2n Indorsement, dated 4 November 1960, the Commandant, Chemical Corps School, expressed appreciation to the Chemical Corps R&D Laboratories for the assistance provided on 28 October 1960 for the LSD exercise. It also mentioned that two doctors from Fort McClellan participated and that in the future they would not require any assistance from the Laboratories except for requesting the chemical agent. By 3d Indorsement, dated 10 November 1960, the Laboratory Commander advised the Commanding General, Chemical Corps R&D Command, of the
recommendation of the responsible physician that experimentation on humans with LSD-25 follow certain defined protocols, and again restated that only the responsible physician could approve tests with LSD. By 4th Indorsement the Commanding General, Chemical Corps R&D Command, advised the Office physician?s of the Chief Chemical Officer that the interpretation of the responsible authority and responsibility was correct and that only he could approve experiments involving human subjects. Nowhere in this correspondence do we find reference to Department of the Army policy as expressed in Chief of Staff Memorandum 385, or discussion about whether the ?demonstrations or
practical exercises with LSD? were violations of that policy. However, the available evidence indicated that the responsible physician attempted to terminate demonstrations with LSD as unnecessary for scientific research.

The evidence did not clearly establish the necessity for tests conducted at Fort McClellan.
On the contrary, the indications were that the tests were conducted for other than necessary scientific research, which was a violation of Chief of Staff Memorandum 385.

In summary, available evidence indicated that LDS field testing at Fort McClellan may have started as early as May 1959 and included several officer and NCO classes. The records indicated that the last test at Fort McClellan [and elsewhere] probably, was conducted in December 1960, although there may have been other tests. Some credence
was lent to this belief of subsequent tests by the testimony of a witness, who stated that he and another doctor took LSD at the Chemical Corps School in January 1961. He also stated that he was an observer at other LSD tests during 1961....

** I mentioned in the beginning of this section (5) that this is where I believe I entered the
picture. Note that hallucinogenic experimentation was Army wide during the Cold War, 1955-1967. The elements utilized were predominantly LSD and even BZ (there were others)! The last series of tests in this one cycle took place in December 1960, and by the Army?s own admission, these experiments took place at locations other than Ft. McClellan

The dates that I was personally hospitalized (and quarantined) was between 14 December and 19 December 1960 (at least), for what was later referred to as a COMMON COLD! After ingestion of a pill, within one to 2 hours as close as I can tell, I went blank for days if not weeks or months.

I have fairly decent long-term memory, but my short term is shot. I also suffer from anemia, hypertension, degenerative arthritis, total intolerance to stress, and BI-polar disorder, among other things. My three sons all share in at least one of these ailments, all three having been born well after (honorable) discharge!

The second action that I questioned was a (so-called) mystery shot administered to me at the Fresno VAMC in 1978 or 1979! They said that it (the witnessed shot) was for pain, however, the next day, literally all of the hair fell off of my arms and legs! This (shot) too, has been denied and I have even been subjected to threats by this facility for filing a letter of complaint!

Let me quote three (different parties) of these numerous threats and let you decide their potential-

1- (Over the phone) ?Mr. -------, the First Amendment is a splendid thing, but you sir have pushed the envelope to the limit!? (Party unknown) (witnessed)

2- (Fresno VAMC, right after I wrote a written complaint to Max Clelland) ?Mr -------, if you ever have to stay overnight in this facility, you just might end up in the basement!?

3- (San Diego VA, Service Org, Rep. over phone)
"One of these days Mr. -------, you just might catch a bullet from the rocks across from your place!

As a matter of fact, an adjudication officer in San Diego once said (in writing) that ?My claim
could not possibly be true as my story has never changed!??

If you can figure out the logic in this statement, please educate me as I am at a loss to understand
what in the hell he meant!?
__________________________________________________ Most Americans are true patriots at heart, be they akin to those farmers who stood fast at that bridge in Lexington (Massachusetts) some 226 years ago, or those now fighting against International Terrorism! Many of these brave souls would gladly lay their lives on the line against any enemy that threatens our land, our ideals or our families! One can not, however, battle a foe that remains hidden in the medical shadows. A terror that strikes out at it's own and then hides it's shame under the armour of protectionism!

We are a nation of honor and truth. A country that has prided itself for over 200 years on it's sense of fair play and the Golden Rule. In such a nation, one does not prey upon his own, and although I fully realize and accept that those who perpetrated and protected the above referenced medical atrocities represent but a minute fraction of of our gallant population, these people (those who experimented upon our own, and those who now see fit to protect them) must be identified and not sanctified!

I am sure that no one out there, not even those guilty of such criminal experimentations, would want their own kids or grand kids utilized in such dastardly endeavors. These experiments upon the unwitting, violate the law, our pride, our concept of fair play, and even our very souls! (opinion)

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