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Old 06-21-2024, 06:32 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2002
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Default When Will We Ever Learn


When will we ever learn that we are still but “One Nation Under God” with liberty and justice for the few? For until we do, we will forever hang upon the precipice of oblivion! For no nation that was conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men and women were created as equals, can forever endure when a habitual state of warfare and confusion continues to exist among them! And from where I am sitting, our political establishment is the greatest transgressor of freedom and liberty ever to bury its poisonous fangs into the jugular of freedom and equality!

And no synthetic bastion of human existence can ever, or will ever survive the ages, where greed and avarice can or even free will, continue to thrive, survive and circumvents good old common sense, scientific prowess, or even cold, hard guts and facts! In fact, they will ultimately digest themselves within the corrosive acids of mankind’s own folly – and so it is!

And where genuine unity and truth cease to exist, the history of mankind as well, soon erodes away into nothingness and eventual decay – a victim of its very own stupidity and folly!

And May These Vicious and Lying Cretins All Burn within the Deepest Bowels of Hades Itself – And piss upon them all - from the tip top - to the very bottom inch of the old sewer pipe! “Finale”

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Old 06-22-2024, 03:43 AM
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Unhappy The People put them in office - and now have to live with it!

HC - it short "we get what we paid for; or do we?"
I've never liked politics - it's always hit or miss.
And it always comes with unexpected baggage.
We live and/or die - for those who would do us harm.
We dig our own ditches - when it comes to voting!
Our Leadership lacks honesty - with those we depend on.
We need a complete re-boot in our decision's - of what
once was - and now - not later!
Give us Liberty - or give us Death! Must we repeat it!
Look at what are we leaving our offspring to live with?
Insurrection's must be dealt with at all times - more so
with heavy penalties; or deterrence - will erupt more often!
America - We The People must come first - or we suffer -
from it's neglect - such as we are seeing more often of late!

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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