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Old 07-03-2024, 09:38 AM
Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10,988
Default Are The Now Giving Away For Free That Which Does Not Belong To Them Alone



Literally millions of “Brave and Patriotic American Citizens” have sacrificed their lives and their liberties for your freedoms and truth! And yet, we still allow a few political-thieves to besmirch the honor and the dignity of brave men and women like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and even John Fitzgerald. Kennedy, and this we do, without one bit of indignation, ire or even protest – why is that do you suppose?

Does the blood of our patriots past, mean so little to you, that you would allow abject cowards and fools, to rip away at what is yours, by virtue of our two and a half centuries of strife, blood-shed, sacrifice, courage, honor and toil?

And when did we utterly abandon the tenets of exceptionally magnificent men and women, such as our “Founding Fathers and Founding Mothers” to be literally stolen-away from the once iron-hard matrix that was once our heritage, and our right of honor!

For the record, “We Americans” have never lost the essence of liberty and freedom!

Instead, we have (all but) abandoned every worthwhile concept of “Our Founders” to smooth and appease fast-talking cusses who speak much, but say precious damned little to eternalize those concepts, upon which, our magnificent empire was built!

We have, like it or not, totally abandoned the dictates that made us great to begin with, and this, in favor of cheats, liars, cads, and ambitious mountebanks, who now seek only personal wealth and fortune, and this, at the final expense of ‘Our Great Nation Itself!’

Maybe we just misinterpreted those treacherous fools and traitors who once threatened to take us over from within? And maybe, just maybe, these filthy little deceivers are already firmly entrenched within our midst? Only time itself will tell, and for the record, we are running damned short of this blessed commodity as well, in my opinion!

There is a stench or putridity that follows in the wake of most traitors, until that day finally arrives when “We the People” can no longer denunciate one stench from another! And, unfortunately, the stink and decay of pure evil, eventually overcomes even the sweet aroma of liberty justice, and real freedom itself!!

But then, what more can we expect within a society that now seeks to vilify even our very own “Founding Fathers and Prideful Founding Mothers?”

“Beaten Hell” we are often even being betrayed, or sold-out outright, – in my humble opinion!!

So –Just Where Have All Our Flowers Gone? Or, once again, do enough of you still even care anymore? And maybe, just maybe, Benedict Arnold and Simon Gertie were not the foulest, nor the last - “And shielding ones-eyes and nose from any atrocities, will not merely make it all just go away?!” “MERE WORDS JUST FAIL ME NOW!”

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