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Old 10-03-2003, 08:34 AM
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Default The Congressman who singlehandly KILLED H.R. 303

I've posted this to show that grassroots efforts to REMOVE Congressman like this jerk from office does work. It just so happens he is MY Congressman----you can tell him GOODBYE---cause his ass is TOAST!


The Congressman that single handedly KILLED

HR303---- Michael Bilirakis of Florida......

here is the story and the gruesome facts about this individual.......
January 2003..
Bilirakis introduces HR303 His press releases inform veterans how he (again) has picked up the standard on behalf of veterans. He is pictured as the spokesperson for disabled veterans and is awarded a citation from the American Legion Post in Florida
January- May 2003Nothing happens on the bill in committee. Bilirikis continues to issue press releases on how he is "working for the disabled veterans of this country.,...."
June 12,2003 Because of the inaction and apparent disconcert by Bilirakis's on HR303, Congressman Jim Marshall introduces a discharge petition to make the bill move onto the floor for vote. A jealous and envious Bilirikas refuses to sign. Like a kid that just saw someone hit a home run using his bat and ball, he sulks and says that the action is not representative of proper legislative procedure. ( But the other 203 Congressmen consider it the way to shake the bill loose)
July-August With 366 Democrat and Republican cosponsors of HR303,yoiu would think that obtaining only 218 signatures on the discharge petition to bring the bill to action would be a downwind run. Two Republicans cross party lines to follow their constituents requests and their own consciences and sign the DP.
September, 2003 The administration starts a stall tactic to slow the legislative process and keep HR303 from enactment. FOLLOWING A LEAD FROM CONGRESSMAN BILIRIKAS, THE REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP INSTRUCTS CONGRESSMEN NOT TO SIGN THE DISCHARGE PETITION. Bilirakis offers no compromise, objection to the refusal or voices any strong opposition to the RNC's instructions thru Carl Rove for the Republicans not to sign.
We decided to let the citizens and veterans of this nation tell the congressman their opinion
So here it is---


We asked our viewers for their opinion on Mike Bilirakis's refusal to sign the discharge Petition and move HR303 onto the floor for vote. Here is what they said...

He deserves everthing you guys can do to him. He is a bad politician and typical of what gets elected to Congress when people do not inform themselves on the background of the people running for office. This guy is no boy scout-what can you expect from him? He is playing politics and kissing where it does the most good--the Republican National Committee. To think that only three years ago--I WAS ONE!
I'd be there in a heartbeat--I'm in South Florida. Tim McCall USN AZ1 (ret)

Just remember Congressman Bilirikas, that we will never forget your true colors on this issue and many others. Veterans from the state of Florida and around the nation are unifying as a political force to show this nation that, leaders who do not truly support veterans will perish. We are strong supporters of this "Great" nation, and we have showned this in sacrifines on and off the battlefield. An many have done this with there blood. It's beyond belief or understanding that this double talk has been tolerated my are veterans for so long. I have been retired for a short period and as a soldier never had the time to really monitor this, but this has changed. I will fight to support all veterans issues and monitor this disgraceful policy affecting present and future veterans. Notwithstanding the administrations position on this critical issue. We veterans have many skills, its time to use these skills to support our own. De Oppresso Liber Major (Ret) Jose E. Medina

Rep Bilirikas is a prime example of giving lip service to veterans and then maintaining that he fully supports them. Out The Door In 2004. When push comes to shove he is just another clone in the Bush misadministration.
Yes, in Florida and at the Capitol mall in Washington, DC. Expose him for what he really is.

Congressman Bilirikas as a USA,msg retired with 21 years of service,a 100% disable, I pray that you will sign the DISCHARGE PETITION. I am greatful for what you have already done. THANK YOU

Never thinking it it would ever pass his smoke and mirror bill and refuseal to sign the Discharge Petition will make him an unemployed lawmaker!!!! "Out The Door In 2004!"
Definately!!Let him and all the other Republicans who fall in line with Bush,Rumsfeld,Chu and Hasterd the "CLOCK IS TICKING!!"

Congressman Bilirikas has failed to be true to himself and appears to take not shame in betrayal of the disabled veterans who in the past have been loyal to him. Unless this congress give relief to the most serious disabled retired veterans, Bilirikas will be remembered as one who could have help BUT DID NOT becouse his loyalty belongs to the party boss not the people who elected him.
If relief is not passed for the 100% disabled and the individually unempolyable disabled retired veterans I will move to his district just to vate against him next year.

Congressman Bilikaris you have to be one of the most spineless individuals to have served in the congress of the United States. How in the hell do you sponsor a bill, and then not have the intestinal fortitude to do all you can to get that bill passed. You appear to be a YES SIR MAN!, and do what you are told by GOP Leadership(are you aware they do not vote for you?, Duh). You have to go and the voting veterans of Florida will oblige you. "Out the Door In 2004".
Yes! Yes! Absolutely Yes!

I think Congressman Bilirikas' action or inaction is discraceful and an insult to all veterans. The veterans definitely don't need a friend like Bilirikas. Veterans who are eligible to vote against Bilirikas should do so and get him removed from office as soon as possible.
Yes they definitely should.

Deplorable. Has the Honorable Congressman ever served his country in the active forces of our military? Or has he rested on the laurels (and votes) of those who have?
Would it help? I believe we should shame the man into action. Of course if he has behaved as described, he probably has no shame.

Dear Congressman Bilirikas,Now to carry the title of Congressman since Nov.2,1982, in Floridas ninth district is very impressive.This Bill HR303,you introduced into congress,was and is, fair,just,and only about 111 years in the coming,I as a 100% disabled veteran with 20 years and 23 days in the USAF,believed at last,all the veterans who came before me and those who will come after me have found a champion,a Republican at that.Can you imagin how I felt when I learned,this battle had been going on in congress for almost 20 years?This year the Republicans will use it to get votes,then use all kinds of reasons why our country cannot afford to pay for DVT.Then the Democrats will use a Discharge Petition to bring the Bill to the floor for a vote,well all the Republicans won't sign the petition because thats not how politics work,even tho You introduced the bill to congress,tell me and all those veterans who have voted for you since 1982,this was not just for votes,prove it,sign it, on your town square,or just crawl back under that rock that senior Republican Leaders keep you all under,you know the truth,you know Rumsfeld keeps exagerating the cost,you know the MRTF has been looted till nothing is there to fund DVT.Do you believe those same disabled veterans will vote for you in 2004,after all this comes out? Well ,I guess it dosen't matter to you ,you will still receive your same pay no mater what,but you might want to warn those that take your place we are not even close to giving up,UNITED WE STAND,GOD BLESS AMERICA
Good question,but what for ,Bilirikas was promised something too,we don't win/he dosen't win

First I refuse to address you as Congressman! You have let down the men and women of our armed forces, the very same men and women who have protected your FAT behind. Men and women who have disabilities beyond belief. You are a disgrace to the American people, and your phony republican friends, and the Bush Administration. Out The Door In 2004 ! Melbourne, Florida
Demonstrate in Florida and elsewhere ! ! !

Your great at TALKING THE TALK but you are a true Republican when it comes to WALKING THE WALK.
Demonstrate against Biliriakas, yes absolutely. Then he and all of the other Republicans that simply TALKED THE TALK all of this time can WALK THE WALK... out of office in 2004.

It sinks.....

This make me mad.. I think his pay should be reduced to 10000 a year, and perks he's received he should have to pay 40% income tax on. The vets in Florida need to unit and oust this dirt bag. SEND HIM TP THE UNEMPLOYMENT LINE
Say the word I'll be there

I think it is quite petty of hime to change his mind just because he was not the one to forward this bill. It makes me wonder if he wanted it to go forward, or was just blowing smoke.
I'm not a Florida voter, but YES I think veterans should demonstrate. Do we thank the thief who robbed us? Did we thank the enemy who wounded us? Will we support those who oppose us? The resounding answer is "No Sir!"

All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.To be led around by the nose, like a bull, is what I call a gutless wonder. Who does The Congressman think paid for with their lives so that he could enjoy the life style that he leads. All he has to do is look across the potomac at Arlington and hundreds of other sites in this world and think.
Not only demonstrate against him, but unite and vote him out of office.

Its deplorable, but Bilirikas doesnt care, if voted out he still keeps his salary, you will never see him in an unemployment line, (unless he is paying for votes) Vote him out, and hope the next congressman does better. But when its gone its gone, there will be no bringing it back. If I should live long enough, I see the day when my 20+ years, my body and soul are considered worthless, From our government," Thank you veterans, now go away, we dont want you anymore." And I see it coming soon. G.Barth U.S.Army (ret)
Yes loudly

I am Highly dissapointed that the congressman is not his own man and has crumbled under pressure from his party leadership. Veterans display bravery in service of their country and sacrifice, he has let us down

It was all smoke and mirrors, he as well as the rest of his party never wanted to do away with the Tax on Disabled vets. They just wanted to pay lip service for our votes. Well "Out the door in 2004" should be our battle cry now.
I think we do have to show that we mean what we say, that is the only way we can get these politicians attention. I think Mr. Bilirikas and many others need to be put out of office.

All talk, no action!!!!!!
YES !!!!!!!!!!!!

Again we are witness to the cowardly actions of our representatives in Washingtion. lies and affaid to take action for the good the Veterans. Elections on 2004 will be the best recoarse we as veteran have aginst Preprestatives like Bilirikas.
Dam right, we should demonstrate against this low life. The best will be on Elections 2004, The will of the people will be heard with a strock of the pen.

It is a disgrace to the party to which I have been a member for over 50 yrs. I am also embarrassed by our own Virginis representatives who were so intimidated by the "administration" A.L. Van Horne CDR U S N RET
Absolutely, and every other initial supporter who lacked the ----- to cross over. ALVH

It is a disgrace to the party to which I have been a member for over 50 yrs. I am also embarrassed by our own Virginia representatives who were so intimidated by the "administration" A.L. Van Horne CDR U S N RET
Absolutely, and every other initial supporter who lacked the ----- to cross over. ALVH

This is evidently his idea of representing us in Washington--we have a different view which we will express to his office. I was not aware how two-faced this person is until my friend said to look at this website. This is dispicable.
I think you should wait for the election and then do it in front of his offices.

i would like to take a bat and disabled a few of them see how it is for them to live life.
yes veterans should demostrate aginst the entire american electoral system. we are many they are few we have the porwer you just dont see it...

Sir, you are one sorry piece of work...I hope the veterans in your district throws your worthless ass out of office...the house leadership cannot vote to protect you.
I wished I lived in Florida to add my support to what is going to happen in will become history as the veterans will unite and see you in the voting booth.

He is betraying the veterans he claims to support.

I have been a republican all my voting days. NO MORE! NO MORE BUSH! NO MORE Nancy Johnson! I am moving to Florida and then NO MORE Bilirikas! US Army Retired Norman Shafer
Yes, I regret I do not yet live in Florida and can not demonstrate.

With his all talk and not action it's time for Congressman Bilrikas to go!
Absoloutely...we've had enough of our representative saying they want to take care of us, but when it's time for enactment of laws to ensure our vetereans receive their proper due they put theirs pens away. Enough is enough this verteran has say, don't use me to help you in your election campaign, then leave us alone in the dark and with much pain. Thanks Susanne Quinn

You have let us down when we all thought you were our main supporter. I hope you have trouble sleeping at night like thousands of us disabled veterans do, but I don't think so. The president fooled us as you did, but never again. It would be nice to see you show some guts, but we don't look to see that happen. We have killed better men in combat, at least they fought for a cause. A 3 time wounded Marine in the forgotten War. 30 year Army retiree.

Congressman, With the advant of the Veterans Party of Florida, I hereby give you notice. You may as well start packing up your desk because you have just over one year left in office. You have not taken veterans seriously, but we are very serious. Out the Door in 2004 is not just a catchy phrase, it is the action that veterans united together will demonstrate. Just how serious are we? The Veterans Party that started in your back yard has spread to FIVE States in just 30 days, Thats how serious we are. Check the numbers congressman, just how many people in your district have switched parties in the last 30 days? Thom Mathey State Secretary, Veterans Party of Florida. email:
Yes, there will be a large the ballot box!

I think there are enough veterans and veteran families to see BILIRIKAS out the door in 2004 and I hope it holds true for other politicians that don't support our veterans. Carlos Cole CPO USN Ret.


As with all politicians Bilirikas has been using the military for publicity and votes. I will not vote for a republican, especially Bush, the have been revolting in their use of the military. Send them off to get disablities and then refuse to even consider support.
Veterans should demonstrate against all two-faced politicians. Start and join te veterans party. Contact your community newspaper to ensure that all veterans get the word. Not all of them have the internet and have no idea what is going on.

As with all politicians Bilirikas has been using the military for publicity and votes. I will not vote for a republican, especially Bush, the have been revolting in their use of the military. Send them off to get disablities and then refuse to even consider support.
Veterans should demonstrate against all two-faced politicians. Start and join te veterans party. Contact your community newspaper to ensure that all veterans get the word. Not all of them have the internet and have no idea what is going on.

Typical politician,talking out both sides of his mouth. One side what you want to hear and the other doing just the opposite. Promise you anything to get your vote,then showing his true colors when its show time. Spineless individual.
By all means. All veterans in his voting area should join forces and show this spineless excuse of a man just what happens when you go back on your promises. They should vote him out of office and put someone in who at least has a backbone and will stand by what he says.

Totally inline with the sorry RNC leadership, who lost my support with the boilerplate letter given to all Reps distaining the discharge petition and calling it improper in the discharge of their duties. I will lead the opposition to Rep Tim Johnson if he fails to take action on this item.
Yes, he is not walking his talk!

You are a disgrace to the American people and how in the hell did you dupe the good people of Florida in electing your scumbag butt. How can you treat the veterans like this, you are like the rest of the Bush Administration and that attitude is the hell with the veterans. We the veterans will step up to the polls in 2004 and GUESS WHAT???
Yes they should and the sooner the better.

Just plain partisan cowtowing to the Administration and abandoning veterans. How could the initator of HR 303 for many years do this?
Let him know what we think of his actions

If true, he should be disassociated with all military groups, individuals, and parties. He should join Bush, Rumsfeld and the other crooked Republicans that want to spend more in Iraq than in the U.S.
Not yet! I believe he has said why he would not sign the petition to bringv it to the floor until the last minute in order to give 303 a chance fpr passage.

He is a disgrace to our Government.
YES! All Vet's should get together and work for his oponents in the nest election.

His actions stinks

Indispicable. Our vets deserve the best programs and care for their service to our country.
Yes, their should be demonstrations to bring attention to this travesty.

This guy is a slug and as you call him a "goldbrick" It is really obvious that he never intended to really fight diligently for this law. He never thought that someone else would jump in front of him and take his glory by getting the job done right. What I can't understand is, the American Legion gave him an award? Don't they know what a hypocrite he is? If I was in that AL post, I'd insist that the commander ask for the return of that award. You have a lot of viewers coming to your website here and I hope that they pass the word about this dildo. I read somplace on the net that he said that he would "sign at the last minute" if it was absolutely necessary. Give us a break--that is like taking a bucket of water to a bondfire after it is roaring and throw it on it and then three days later when it burns out, take credit for extinguishing it. Blast this gumby and send him down the road
Yes definately demonstrate against him in every office location he has plus whenever he shows up in public to get votes. I would make sure the local papers in his district know what he is doing!! Lyle Hickman CAPT USN (ret) P.H Fla.

Guys, and gals, I'm in shock and so sorry that for years I thought Veterans group s were strong and organized and didn't need my help. I did stuff for kids, homeless and sick people. Now, I have a daughter in uniform, US Army Reserves, doing splits, going to school, working. Now I'm paying attention. That you who have suffered so much for your country, done so much. To be treated ike this!! I'm enraged. I've found out about this because of people on the Howard Dean campaign providing links and asking that we write our Congressmen. Not only do they give themselves huge raises, but look at their pensions!!! They all ought to be ashamed!!! I'm going to write to my rep and senators tomorrow, when I'm not so furious. I don't know what you "should" do, don't have the right to tell you. But you've given me a few thousand more reasons to devote every thing I can to defeating this group of thugs who aren't real Republicans or Democrats. They aren't real Americans at all. I'm Nance Crow and my e-mail is Thank you, each and every one, for the honor of your service. I will fight to take our country back.

He led the charge, then retreated. Now he can go down with the ship

Like a pouty child. I expect more from our elected leaders. Fortunately, I am not one of his constituents, however, I am a veteran, so his actions will haunt me and my comPATRIOTS for most of the foreseeable future.
No, direct demonstration is an outmoded form of protest. The proper way to demonstrate against this type of selfish incompetance is by reclaiming the Congress and VOTING HIM AND HIS ILK OUT OF OFFICE! REPREENT THE PEOPLE! NOT SPECIAL INTERESTS! REPRESENT THE ONES WHO HAVE SACRIFICED FOR YOUR FREEDOM! HOW MUCH TIME IN UNIFORM DOES THIS MAN HAVE? IF HE HAS SERVED IN UNIFORM, HOW HAS HE FORGOTTEN?

Bilirakis is a vile, cynical hypocrite of the worst form. In other words, a typical Republican politician. His decision not to fight for a vote on HR303, his own legislation, exposes the extent of his hypocrisy for all to see. He is not worthy of the office he holds and I trust he will be OUT THE DOOR IN 2004!

He is removed from reality. He is living a a world of "What is good for me" no what is good for the country.

He is nothing more that a political puppet for George W. Bush. He does not represent the veterans of this country nor doesh he care about or interests.

Hey Mike,I know I already put my 2 cents worth in but I just read something in your Bio.,written by,Thomas D.Segel,his article was titled,Gladiaters for the Washington Elete,dated sept.10,2003.Did ya read it? I called you Mike cause now,you are just a regular guy,all needs to be done now is count the votes.I wonder what your Mom thinks of your action,if you still have her ,if not,my condolences,but back to the question what would she think of you? what would your Dad think of you?Do you have sons or daughters?Would you let them suffer the same fate our disabled veterans suffer?I think you would,just to prove your febal point,you would sacrifice your own children for the cause,what made you like this?What have the big guys promised you?Cause you ain't gonna get it ! Just like They ain't gonna get what they were promised.Unless we are dealing with the DARK SIDE !oooooooh,did I hit a nerve?When we were kids we used to sing a song,My dogs bigger than your dog,remember?Well My Gods bigger than your god,My God will prove right is mighter than wrong,look around,Mike you never know when he will visit,I am not trying to threaten you,just give you a heads up,what goes around,comes around,and some of us are way passed due for ours,it would be a great pleasure to meet you in the Food Stamp just a veteran with attitude
I would not waste one inch of shoe leather,giving this worm another minute of publicity.stick a fork in him he is done !

Dear Congressman Bilirikas: Please keep up the fight for Disabled Veterans. MY Congressmen: Rep Mark Kennedy (R-MN) and Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) Love to stand by veterans ans they march off to war, but refuse to sign the Discharge Petition (SHAME ON THEM). Senator Coleman will protect Hollywood, but distance himself from veterans. Senator Coleman went to Africa to spend 15 Billion, visited Cuba, invited LL Cool J to testify against music downloads, but will distance himself from veterans. I will vote against Norm in 5 yrs. Rep. Kennedy (R-MN) wants to run against Senator Dayton (D-MN), in 5 yrs. Senator Dayton Signed the Discharged Petition, but not Rep.Kennedy. I will not vote against Rep. Kennedey for a Senate seat. I've called both ofices of Coleman and Kennedy for answers to H. R. 303, but to no avail. If you see them, please tell them "Not To Look For My Vote" come re-election. I am voting Democrat, since they (Democrats) care about veterans here in Minnesota. Thanks

I think he is an anti-American, and has his own priorities at the top of his list, like most of our current politicians. It is past time that we Vets became involved, and hold these traitors accountable.
Yes, if by demonstrating you mean a nice revolution.


All it takes is E-F-F-O-R-T.

get off our collective "butts" and get something started in YOUR area!

God save the troops!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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