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Old 03-03-2024, 06:53 AM
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Post BATTLEZONE | Vietnam War Documentary | US Navy Assault | S2E8

Part 1: BATTLEZONE | Vietnam War Documentary | US Navy Assault | S2E8

Part 2: (Below this link)
(Part II - Re:
2nd Video link: [Posted: Oct. 2, 2021]

Part 1: At the time of the fighting aboard the Kitty Hawk, the United States had been fighting in
Vietnam for over seven years, and the war had grown unpopular with the American public.
President Richard M. Nixon, determined to force the North Vietnamese to sign a peace treaty
agreeable to the United States, ordered devastating bombing raids (Operation LINEBACKER)
to bring Hanoi to the bargaining table in 1972, even as large numbers of American troops
withdrew from Vietnam. With numerous Air Force units leaving the war theater, U.S. Navy
aircraft took on the bulk of the air campaign over North Vietnam. After being deployed a
month early and on short notice, Kitty Hawk’s crew had participated in near continuous
action since the spring. As a result, the men aboard the Kitty Hawk—working longer duty
hours in an increasingly unpopular war—were under a great deal of stress.

Part II starts here: Re:
BATTLEZONE | Vietnam War Documentary | US Navy ALinkssault | S2E8

At the time of the fighting aboard the Kitty Hawk, the United States had been fighting in
Vietnam for over seven years, and the war had grown unpopular with the American public.
President Richard M. Nixon, determined to force the North Vietnamese to sign a peace treaty
agreeable to the United States, ordered devastating bombing raids (Operation LINEBACKER)
to bring Hanoi to the bargaining table in 1972, even as large numbers of American troops
withdrew from Vietnam. With numerous Air Force units leaving the war theater, U.S. Navy
aircraft took on the bulk of the air campaign over North Vietnam. After being deployed a
month early and on short notice, Kitty Hawk’s crew had participated in near continuous
action since the spring. As a result, the men aboard the Kitty Hawk—working longer duty
hours in an increasingly unpopular war—where we under a great deal of stress. Let's not
forget a few other carriers were onsite - as well as the freighters and the hospital ships
and our destroyer's and our supply ships.
Also: Was a temporary 50 cal. loader with the bow gunner on our freighter during
our maneuver's to dock at Da Nang - VN. We were to ignite the coastal jungles as
we enter into Da Nang harbor to drop off ammo and medical/food supplies after
working our way through the minefields in the harbor - before we could dock and
unload supplies.
The next morning we pulled out heading back to sea toward PI
It was the middle of the night they woke me up and said get your
gear together and go to the bow. I was picked up out of the forward
gun tub by helicopter and flow over the water - and dropped off
on the deck of the Bon Homme Richard CVA31. I recall hanging on
the cable flown over in the harness over to the carrier still black
as midnight - for re-assignment to the V4 Aviation Fuels Div.
Next morning Flight ops and plenty of flight deck work and
aircraft to be fueled and loaded with bombs & rockets - or
taken below to be unloaded for maintenance!
24/7 aircraft were being fueled and/or loaded with bombs or
rockets and once again shot off the bow. Helo's were also
launched just in case of flame outs or other mechanical issues.
Pilots flew almost every day and even had night ops.
CAT watches were on the line during a lull in launches -
but would launched for any unknown aircraft in the area
- or something in the water. They would to be shot off to
protect the carrier or pick up men in the water. They also
picked up downed pilots and men overboard should
it happened.
The Hangar deck was full of aircraft undergoing repairs
or new parts as needed. 24/7 the guys would have
periodic shift changes and lock down with bad weather.
Never a dull moment in the military!.

end of deck for another hit in Nam.
Personal note: Boy do I remember those days. Maybe you will to?
This brings back a lot memories from those days! And Russian bombers
who would fly over our carriers - but we sent up aircraft to buzz them away.
God Bless all those that served and those we lost as well - as a great number
of wounded. And to those who survived - we carry their memories and the
sacrifices made by our Brother's we lost - and then having to live through it!

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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