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Old 05-10-2005, 04:08 PM
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Angry U.S. Taxpayers Blackmailed By Government Into Paying For Health Care For Illegals!


With the population of our nation standing limp and lifeless in front of our own government?s (financial) firing squad, the President has just sent an ultimatum to WE THE PEOPLE! ?The taxpayers of this nation will now be forced to foot the bill for over a billion dollars (for the next three years alone) in emergency medical care for illegals. And as if this slap in the face were not bad enough, the government of Mexico and ?U.S. Illegal Advocacy Groups? alike, are screaming and swearing that this is no where near enough!?

?Talk about trying to bite off the hand that feeds you!?

I know not how this news strikes you, but as I have said time and time again, my ?All-American Son? was denied ongoing treatment for a severe bike accident by both the States of Arizona and California alike. The same States (Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas) that now (with the Government?s blessings), will be treating illegals at no cost or co-pay to them or the Mexican government!

I have taken the liberty of posting a web site on this matter that might interest some of you?

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Old 05-10-2005, 07:07 PM
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well, that beats all! Now not only do Illegal Aliens get to go to college as in state residents(in Florida) now they get their medical paid for by ye' olde Shnooks the Taxpayer. :cd:
[><] Dixie born and proud of it.
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Old 05-11-2005, 06:39 AM
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Sad but true!

These foreign interlopers can get benefits, and our own people can not! Worse yet, damned near every politician that I approached on this subject saw nothing amiss with this set up as it stands? "So what does this tell us about the loyalties, dedication and integrity of some bureaucratic types?"

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Old 05-11-2005, 07:10 AM
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Default HC & Jerry D...

Re.: "The loyalties, dedication and integrity of some beaurocratic types". You left out: ALLEGIANCE to WHAT COUNTRY(?) or to WHICH NATIONALS(?). I surely wonder: "WHAT(?)" or; "WHICH(?)".

I guess that when such low-life and despicable authoritarian types take their oaths to: "We The (Schnooks)" and/or The American Taxpayer,..."They" must most always have their fingers crossed?

So then, I imagine that in the future when such ilk are sworn into office, it would make infinitely more sense watching their hands than paying any attention to what comes out of their mouths?
Won't solve anything. But, at least one will know that such are never to be believed and solely foreigner-favoring scum,...IN THE FIRST PLACE. Nothing Else and Nothing Better.
Well,...for America and Americans anyway.

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Old 05-11-2005, 10:38 AM
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This is not news. Sadly, a corrupt Mexico (and other back-water countries) has foisted its problems upon an inept US government, and we the people have failed to force the government's hand. For whatever reasons, our failure to enforce border crossing laws have plagued us for decades, a practice that has bankrupted some border states' hospitals, penal systems, and school districts.

With whatever resources are required, it's time to close the borders, not just secure them, and then sort out all the people who are here illegally, deporting the grand majority of them, emptying our prisons of wetback criminals, deporting them as well, and change the "automatic citizenship" rules while we're at it. Just because Julio and pregnant Juanita manage to smuggle themselves across our border to birth Juanito, he should not be granted automatic US citizenship.

Once the borders are closed and secured, then and only then do we reopen them, but only for specific legal aliens who have a guaranteed job, have a local sponsor, and will submit to having a small microchip implanted in their neck somewhere so we can track them, if necessary. Their stay here is limited, and at the end of a specific period, they go back home. Period. No exceptions.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

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Old 05-11-2005, 12:45 PM
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I know a lady about 52 years old, works full time, can't get medical insurance without a $600.00 a month payment. No she does not have any grave conditions, this is just the type of premiums we white people pay here after the company you work for dumps everyones medical coverage to fatten their wallets. Gee, hope that don't sound racist.
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Old 05-11-2005, 12:46 PM
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Ay sus, it gets better and better by the moment. My nephew married an absolutely fantastic gal whilst he was in Columbia doing some post grad studies on some damn thing or another. Anyway, they live in the Los Angeles area now and she is totally legal, etc., plus her Hispanic heritage connects has provided me an inside view of the illegal mindset going on. She reports that there is growing anger and resentment among the illegals because of the long lines and wait period associated with freebee medical attention. They simply cannot understand how such an advanced society would make them wait in lines. The conclusion being drawn and reinforced is that the ?Gringos? hate them.

In another example given, a Mexican Gent has been L.A. for nearly 30 years, never learned English, never became a green card legal or signed on to Social Security or paid taxes in any form. Now many years of working with trees has left him with a bad back and unable to work. He and his family are now totally bitter; I?m talking revolutionary bitter, because there is no pension or workmen?s compensation program or rehab program readily available. I?m thinking that this is maybe the coming rule and not the exception. My take is that all this anger and resentment may boil over one day, probably sooner than later, and that will be one hellacious mess, for sure.

Maybe something along the lines of sew the winds, reap know the rest.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 05-11-2005, 02:51 PM
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As a related topic, I am ever curious as to what kind of hook Mexico has in the US that would compel multiple US administrations to allow such a totally chaotic and dangerous border situation. Seemingly, it is so out of control that it makes a mockery out of any concept of ?Homeland Security? and ?what security? rings like a brass bell. We have a border situation that is more like the African continent than a modern State. Fully one third of the US inmate population happens to be illegals that are incarcerated for crimes well beyond border running and that alone should make a statement, but goes missing in the mind-dumbing monolog about warm, fuzzy nothingness.

So what?s the hook? One thought is that the Tabasco oil fields are among the largest known reserves in the world. Another reason may be that the US has a vested interest in keeping the revolutionary lid on things in Mexico and is therefore willing to adsorb Mexico?s unwanted, excess population. In the larger sense, those poor people are just pawns and cannon fodder for a very corrupt Mexican Government, so any intonation out of Fox that he has any humanitarian concerns is just pure hokum and stagy, idiotic-BS.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 05-11-2005, 04:34 PM
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Default Sir Scamp

Thanks for the geog-political lesson re: the oilfields and the excess population. Your lesson almost begs the question: why don't the poor of Mexico band together (didn't they just celebrate Cinco de Mayo for the very same reason), overthrown the perpetually corrupt Mexican government, invite those dastardly Norte Americanos in to show them how to efficiently run an oilfield, and then enjoy the fruits of their own revolution?

To start the ball, rifle and otherwise, rolling, a simple advertisment campaign should be started advising the folks of Land of the Flaky Tamale Wagon that the oil is theirs for the taking, just wake up and start drilling.

And BTW, Fox es un estupido pendejo sin huevos.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 05-12-2005, 12:04 AM
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Ay no Col.,
The Mexican Government organization that runs the oil fields knows what they are doing well enough, are very good at it, and some of us Gringos have been in involved with the Tabasco fields for many years. The problem is the magical Tabasco oil pipe line that looses copious amounts of crude without a tap or leak. It must be a clerical error of some sort or of an act of magic, but poof, away goes 1 million barrels of crude to places unknown on a regular basis. This loss results in decreased ability to expand facilities or maintain what they have, let alone add needed new jobs. I think they need Merlin to figure that one out or maybe a bushel basket of handcuffs and hook up those who are ?wetting their beak? at the expense of the overall betterment of Mexico.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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