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Old 04-26-2004, 05:21 AM
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Default The Master of the Quibble.

I just got done watching ABC News this morning, with Charlie Gibson interviewing John F. Kerry concerning the medal incident at the White House in the 70's. It was a "Text Book" example of quibbling on Kerry's part. He kept trying to change the subject by saying "Bush can't show that he attended drills in the Air National Guard" and "The Republicans are spending $10 Million Dollars on this, this week." He waffled back and forth, never really admitting what he did by saying they weren't my Medals, they were my Ribbons, like that really makes a difference. He claimed he got the Bronze Star that he threw over the fence from a WWII vet in Mass. and the PH from another vet in the protest march and only threw his "Ribbons" over the wall. I fail to see a difference in a Ribbon or the actual Medal. If you throw them away you are stating to the world that you don't want them.
This interview should be shown to all new Military Academy Cadets and all Officer Candidates to show them a classic case of "Quibbling" so there will be no question in their minds what the term means. Had Kerry been an OCS Candidate, and answered direct questions put to him by waffling and trying to change the discussion into something else, he would have been bounced out on his ear for an Honor Code Violation.
This interview really opened my eyes about this guy. Instead of just a dislike for his political stance and voting record that I held before, I can now add disgust and outright loathing for such a liar. I don't want this guy running this nation. He wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face. After his performance this morning on ABC only someone who is certifiably "Brain Dead" would vote for him.
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Old 04-26-2004, 07:21 AM
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Default Speaking of "performances"

Kinda like the one GEE-FREAKIN-W put on at his last so-called "press conference" where he looked like a gross ignoramus -- (144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus.) Or if he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a

You know that some of his aides say he's so dumb it takes him 2 hours to watch '60-minutes'.! Now THAT's "brain dead" if there EVER was! :re:

It is clearly obvious some of us drink from the fountain of knowledge; but he only gargled!

Anyone that could support this idiot is a prime candidate for natural de-selection, and has been working with glue entirely too much, not to mention when they open their mouth, it seems that it is only to change their FEET!



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Old 04-26-2004, 07:29 AM
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Gimpy, I would much rather be considered an "Ignoramus" than a liar. You may not think GW has much on the ball but you can't say he doesn't have integrity...........something that your poster boy is sorely lacking in.
I notice that you are pretty well versed in the finer points of "Quibbling" yourself. Have you no honor sir?
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Old 04-26-2004, 07:38 AM
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Default Damn

You're one to be talkin, ain't ya? :cd:

Speaking of "honor"----"lieing" and "quibbling". Let's just look at YOUR "history" of statements around here!

And I quote YOU: "Do you work for a living Gimpy? Or are you 100% on the dole?"

"Gimpy... you are a miserable excuse for an American Veteran."

" Well Gimpy....I think that you are beneath contempt, you are a POS who only cares about "Entitlements" and you are in the Van of the "Victims" Political Party"..........

" You are a "Sorry sack of $hit" Gimpy"...........

"I won't bother to read or respond to any more of your garbage."

"As far as what I said about stands."

These are supposed to reflect "integrity"...."honor"...."dignity" and "truthfulness"? You're still responding to some of my posts ...aren't you?

You're nothing BUT the worst kind of hypocrite this country has to offer, Murph, ya know that?

And, what I've said about YOU still "stands" as well!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 04-26-2004, 08:11 AM
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Quibble (kwib'el) n, v, -bled, -bling. Adj. 1. Characterized by or consisting of ambiguous, prevaricating (Lying) or irrelevant language or arguments to evade a point at issue. 2. the use of such arguments. 3. petty or carping criticism; a minor objection. 4. to use a quibble or quibbles ; evade the point or the truth by a quibble.

The truth hurts doesn't it Gimpy. You are just as much a quibbler as your poster boy. Change the topic and hammer at something else to evade the truth.

You're one to be talkin, ain't ya?"

Ok Gimpy, showdown time. Give me an example where I have Lied or Quibbled about something. I don't take kindly to someone calling my integrety into question.
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Old 04-26-2004, 08:15 AM
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Go back and read it!

That enough "showdown" for ya!

You're disgusting!

PS-If you don't take kindly someone calling your "integrity" into question, you sure as hell ought to start USING it more often than those previous "statements" so profoundly reveal you're "lacking" in that quality!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 04-26-2004, 08:31 AM
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Here's a full transcript of the Quibble.

Mon Apr 26 2004 09:04:52 ET

ABC NEWS GOOD MORNING AMERICA'S CHARLIE GIBSON: Now joining us from West Virginia is himself senator John Kerry. He's in the town of Glen Easton, West Virginia, today. Good to have you with us.

SEN. JOHN KERRY: i'm glad to be with you. i really am.

GIBSON: 1984, senator, to the present. you have said a number of times, as brian pointed out as recently as friday with the ""los angeles times,"" have you said a number of times that you did not throw away the vietnam medals themselves. but now this interview from 1971 shows up the in which you say that was the medals themselves that were thrown away.

KERRY: no, i don't.

GIBSON: can you explain?

KERRY: absolutely. that's absolutely incorrect. charlie, i stood up in front of the nation. there were dozens of cameras there, television cameras, there were -- i don't know. 20, 30 still photographers. thousands of people and i stood up in front of the country, reached into my shirt, visibly for the nation to see, and took the ribbons off my chest, said a few words and threw them over the fence. the file footage, the reporter there from the ""boston globe,"" everybody got it correctly. and i never asserted otherwise. what i said was and back then, you know, ribbons, medals were absolutely interchangeable . senator simmington asking me questions in the committee hearing, look ad at the ribbons and said what are those medals? the u.s. navy pam let calls the medals, we referred to them it is a symbols, representing medals, ribbons, countless veterans through the ribbon -- threw the ribbons back. everybody did. veterans threw back dog tags. they threw back photographs, they th rew back their 14's. there are photographs of a pile of all of those things collected on the steps of the capitol. so the fact is that i have -- i have been accurate precisely about what took place. and i am the one who later made clear exactly what happened. i mean, this is a controversy that the republicans are pushing , the republicans have spent $60 million in the last few weeks trying to attack me. and this comes from a president and a republican party that can't even answer whether or not he showed up for duty in the national guard. i'm not going to stand for it.

GIBSON: senator, i was there 33 years ago and i saw you throw medals over the fence and we didn't find out until later -

KERRY: no, you didn't see me throw th. charlie, charlie, you are wrong. that's not what happened. i threw my ribbons across. all you have to do -

GIBSON: someone else's medals, correct in?

KERRY: after -- excuse me. excuse me, charlie. after the ceremony was over, i had a bronze star and a purple heart given to me, one purple heart by a veteran in the v.a. in new york and the bronze star by an older veteran of world war ii in massachusetts. i threw them over because they asked me to. i never --

GIBSON: let me come back to the thing just said which is the military --

KERRY: this is a phony -- charlie, this is a phony controversy.

GIBSON: the military makes no distinction between ribbons and medals but you are the one who made the distinction. in 1984 --

KERRY: no . we made no distinction back then, charlie. we made no distinction.

GIBSON: senator, i don't want -- i just want to ask the question. in 1984 when you were running for the senate, that was the first time that you called someone in from labor because they were upset that you had thrown ribbons away.

KERRY: no.

GIBSON: you called them and you made the distinction and said i didn't throw my medals away. i just threw the ribbons away. you made the distinction.

KERRY: i was asked specifically in greater detail about what took place. i answered the question truthfully. which is consistent with what happened in 1971. i mean, charlie, go back and get the file footage. there are were millions of people watching. i took my ribbons off my chest just as other veterans did. this is a phony controversy. this is being pushed yesterday by karen hughes of the white house on fox. it shows up at a several different stations at the same time. the republicans are running $10 million this week to attack my credentials on defense. this comes from a president who can't even show or prove that he showed up for duty in the national guard.

GIBSON: senator --

KERRY: i'm not going to stand for it. i'm in the going to stand for it.

GIBSON: i-understand you are feeling politics is behind this. but i ask you, is it not --

KERRY: i know politics is behind this.

GIBSON: when trying to appeal to the anti-war people in 1971, you said as in that interview, it was the medals and then when the people who supported the war were giving you political problems, you then said i didn't throw the medals away 13 years later.

KERRY: that's the most -- with all due respect, that's the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard. because i stood up in front of the country, in front of cameras, a reporter of the ""boston globe"" got it correct . he wrote about the medals but knew they were my ribbons. everybody understood what we were doing. i even said in that interview we threw away the symbols of what our country gave us for what we had gone through. and if i was -- you know, back then, trying to appeal to somebody, i stood up against richard nixon, stood up against the withar, took a position, and it wasn't popular, and it was polarizing. i didn't have to do it. if i was trying to hide something, i would have never stood there in floment of everybody and thrown them over the fence. i threw my ribbons over. i threw the medals of two veterans who asked me to throw them over, after the ceremony, completely separate, and i'm the one -- if hi something to hide, i'm the one who made it known exactly what happened. to me, it is one in the same. and i'm proud of it.

GIBSON: let me ask you, too, about two other things that you have said. subsequent to that. 1985, you said to ""the washington post,"" it is such a personal thing i did no want to throw my medals away. then 1996, you said to the ""boston globe,"" i didn't bring my own medals to throw because i didn't have time to go home and get them. which one was it?

KERRY: i expressed there was great sense of wrench being the whole thing. many of us -- we had a long argument the night before, charlie. it is a matter of record. as to how we were going to do it. and the vote was taken. i was not in favor of throwing them over the fence. i thought we ought to lay them on a table and put them in front of people in a way that, you know, wouldn't be as challenging to many americans. other veterans felt otherwise. they took a vote. the vote was made, they voted to throw. i threw my ribbons. i didn't have my medals. it is very simple . what the republicans are trying to do is make this into an issue because they have no record to run on and they can't go out and talk about jobs or health care or environment. they are going to attack 35 years ago. last week in an unprecedented attack, they sent congressmen to the floor of the senate of the house to attack me on the anniversary of my speech. george bush has yet to explain to america whether or no t to tell the truth about whether he showed up for duty. i'm not going to get attack order something i did that's a matter of record that the press saw, that i did in front of the entire nation and everyone then understood there was no distinction. we threw away the symbols of the war. i'm proud i stood up and fought stood up and fought against it. proud i took on richard nixon. and i think to this day, there's no distinction between the two.

GIBSON: all right. senator, i appreciate your being with us this morning. i'm glad to have you here. thank you. all the best. diane?


Go back and read it!

That enough "showdown" for ya!

You're disgusting!"

Again Kerry's response, then read the definition of quibbling. Then get back on your meds.

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Old 04-26-2004, 08:33 AM
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right about ONE thing there Murph!

THE TRUTH HURTS...............HUH?????

How's that 'SHOE LEATHER' taste BTW?????????????

I GAVE you your "example" of your "lack" of integrity!

whatzamatta, you FORGET what you said again??



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 04-26-2004, 08:39 AM
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I would say that this interview, which was probably viewed by over 50 million people this morning, drives another nail in Kerry's coffin. How anyone who witnessed Kerry this morning, lying and quibbling, can still vote for him is beyond my comprehension.

Gimpy....I'm still waiting for you to tell me where I told a Lie. mean because I'm actually addressing you when I said I wouldn't any more? Gosh darn!...guess I did but I'm not going to sit by with my thumb in my mouth and let you spout off half-truths and DNC propaganda and get away with it. Rant on Gimpy...just because you yell the loudest doesn't make what you say any more true because of repetition or volume. You have just about run out of credability with all but your closest cohorts on this forum.
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Old 04-26-2004, 08:54 AM
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Default RE: lies, and the lying, the lying liers who tell them!

[quote]Originally posted by colmurph

Gimpy....I'm still waiting for you to tell me where I told a Lie. mean because I'm actually addressing you when I said I wouldn't any more? Gosh darn!...guess I did but I'm not going to sit by with my thumb in my mouth and let you spout off half-truths and DNC propaganda and get away with it.[/ QUOTE]

How anyone who witnessed the above statements and previous statements by you could NOT conclude that you HAVE NO HONOR.......HAVE NO SENSE of INTEGRITY ,.....and "Gosh darn" I guess you DID LIE" beyond any sense of comprehension!

I wasn't JUST calling you a "lier"! I was also calling you a 'hypocrite " for THIS......Quibble (kwib'el) n, v, -bled, -bling. Adj---3. petty or carping criticism; a minor objection. 4. to use a quibble or quibbles, irrelevant language or arguments......... You are just as much a quibbler as you falsely accuse others of being old fellow!

I'd still like to know how that SHOE LEATHER tastes????



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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