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Old 02-06-2003, 10:43 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee!

Mornin' folks! How the hell are ya this mornin'! Coffee's on! Grab a cup and find a sit down! It's another glorious day! Well, it's another day anyway! LOL. Paper'll be here in a bit. Get comfortable and get yer head to workin' before ya take off this mornin'!

I don't have a thing on my mind this mornin'. Only thing that keeps runnin' through my head is the thought of my Grandma Bonesteel's coffee when I was younger. She had an electric perk coffee maker. Of course she had one fer the top of the stove if the electric one broke, but Grandpa liked that electric percolator. Coffee from that had a different smell. A different flavor. The smell of her coffee woke me on many a morning as I and my my next younger brother spent a lot of time there, especially in the summers. We helped them out doin' chores and such around the place for them.

It's funny how some smells can bring back memories. I hear it's been proven to be a part of how our brain operates. Helps us to remember stuff. There was a lot more to that, but I don't remember it all right now and I ain't goin' there anyway. Some smells bring back good memories. Others are like havin someone's name on the tip of yer tongue. You know it's a familiar smell, but you just can't, quite, place it without other things that it went with bein' present, textures and colors and such

For me, those smells mostly bring back good memories. Bein' outside. The smell of each season of the year as it passes. Mom's fresh baked bread rolls! Grandma's beef roast and cakes. The smell of fesh cut hay. A beautiful woman wearing good perfume or cologne. Even, for those of us who know, the smell of JP-5 in the morning! LOL.

Think about the good things today. Don't forget the present, for the present has evolved from our past, but remember the good things for today.

The smell of fresh brewed coffee in the morning, for example.

Warm up yer cups, folks. Plan out yer day vefore ya get started. It's a new day! New opportunities! Go out and take advantage of them.
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Old 02-07-2003, 05:36 AM
DMZ-LT DMZ-LT is offline
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Good post Bones. Talcum powder still makes me think of babies and that old pith helmet in the basement still smells like death.
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Old 02-07-2003, 06:52 AM
thedrifter thedrifter is offline
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It's been snowing here since 9:00 last night.....We are snowing heavy now..but they are saying it is almost out of here.....We have about 7 inches on the ground now...They are saying tricky driving out there......but most folks that tried to get to work turn themselves around....that's if they didn't get stuck getting out of our driveways......LOL.....
My family decided its not worth trying to get to Ellie and I have plenty of company today....LOL....

Bones......I sure can smell the coffee......Thanks........

Well no more playing games.......back to work.........
All have a good day....and a great weekend.......


SSgt. Roger A.
One Proud Marine
Once A Marine............Always A Marine.............
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Old 02-07-2003, 07:32 PM
nang nang is offline
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One of my favorite smells is Lilac. I had two big Lilac trees outside my bedroom window when I was young. In the mornings, before I'd even open my eyes, I could smell those delicate purple flowers. It must be a little bit like what heaven is going to smell like.
2nd favorite coffee can just being opened
3rd a fresh lit match
4th wood burning in a campfire
call me weird. ok.

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Old 02-07-2003, 11:08 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee!

I had a complaint from a guy who frequents both this and 'the other board'. He was teasin'. LOL. So I decided for some of the morning coffee over here, I'd post some of the "archived" coffee posts here once in awhile. I don't think he's gone back anad read the old ones yet! LOL. It takes me half an hour or more to type this stuff, as I'm no typist, but it all comes off the top of my head. I type what I'm thinkin' at the time, as I think it. Some of it's just so much crap. Some of it might be worth considerin' fer a minute or two. I hope it does ya some good now and then. If so, well and good. If not, ya might want to get yer mornin' coffee somewhere else! LOL.

Here's an old one for ya.

Good mornin' folks! How the hell are ya this mornin'! Coffee's on, come on in and grab some! Always good to see ya! Grab a sit and relax. Ya got a little bit of time before yer day starts. If ya don't, ya need to hit the rack earlier! LOL.

Had some fun in chat last night. Had a good crowd. Wish I coulda stayed a bit longer, but ....Life Is.....LOL. Ya might want to go back and read the notes concerning our old business here in our little mornin coffee meetings to find out what "life is"! LOL. Good luck! That's a lot of reading!

Well, I haven't had anything really on my mind today. Like I say, I've always got somethin' cookin' on the back burner, but nothin's really done cookin' yet! LOL.

Was thinkin' about active duty earlier. Seems like most folks miss it one way or another after they get out. All of our reasons are good at the time. Some of us can't go back even if we wanted to.
Partly, it's nostalgia of sorts, no matter how bad it was, we remember our buddies. We remember at times, only the good things, and just for a bit, we miss it. We miss the different things we saw, we miss the job, we miss the excitement. Myself, I miss it now and then for a couple of reasons. I miss the people, I miss the job. You see, like I've said other times, it mattered more than anything else I've ever done. It had meaning.

I also remember the games that were played. I remember some of the injustices perpetuated on people. I remember those damn long inspections! LOL. I remember the pressure and stress. I remember people dying. I didn't see them die mostly. Some I saw afterwards. I remember the long hours. Mostly long hours where everything became nightmarish after days and weeks of sleep deprivation and not enough to eat. I remember the ****birds as well. The troublemakers. Usually they didn't last. One way or other they straightened up or were gone.

I remember.

I guess what I'm reachin' for here is balance. Remember, but don't remember only the good things, or only the bad things. Remember it all. Perhaps then, it might, maybe, become meaningful.


Balance is always a good thing. Moderation. If ya gettin too big fer yer britches, seek balance. If things gettin' ya down too much, seek balance.

That's why I try to have a bit of fun, even if it is sometimes a bit silly or undignified. It's my way of seeking balance for being so serious most of the time.

Another thing is to be aware if ya become too self critical or critical of others. For every word ya say that's negative, seek balance. Say something good as well.

Like all analogies or metaphors, it only goes so far, but the essence is there.

For example, I wouldn't recommend tellin' a lie for every truth ya told, although that might be an interesting experiment one of these days....

Look for balance folks. That's one of the ways we can figure how to get things right. If nothin' else , it ain't gonna hurt. Might even make things better!

Warm up yer coffee folks. It's a good day.
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Old 02-08-2003, 06:07 PM
usmcsgt65 usmcsgt65 is offline
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I live in Las Vegas, the only snow I see is 30 miles away and 1800 feet up. Forgot what snow was when I moved from Cincinnati.
Semper Fi
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Old 02-09-2003, 02:29 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee!

'Mornin' folks! Coffee's on! Grab a cup and get settled somewhere! It's Sunday. Time to kick back and spend some time reflectin' on things I guess. I don't do that every day! Mostly I just see somethin' goin' on and get to thinkin' is all! LOL.

Lots to think about ain't there! Life is. Sometimes you get to thinkin' about stuff and how hard or difficult it all is and then somethin' really dramatic happens anad you have to re-think yer position. I ain't talkin' about the drama queens who get all upset over some birds on a firing range either! Folks like that don't seem to understand that the world is still all about plain and simple survival for most of the rest of us.

Some folks have a hard time gettin' to the doc's office cause they ain't got a ride. Others have to worry about food, rent or clothes, livin' paycheck to paycheck if they have one. Then we get rich politicians makin' up laws that are really for rich people to worry about, the rest of us have to worry about goin' to jail over that stuff. and still....still, we're way ahead of many nations on this earth, even those with freedoms and a certain amount of liberty.

Many of those we consider to be poor in this nation have much more than others like them had when I was a kid growing up, so in most cases things have improved overall for most of us. Many today don't know what it is to use an outhouse fer example. Many folks wouldn't know how to grow their own food and can it if they had to, or how labor intensive it can be. Others don't have a clue what it's like to have to use the bus...even many of the poor today have their own vehicle...even if it might be twenty years old or older.

All these things on our minds today plus stock markets, oil, and the last couple years with terrorism on most folk's radar, finally, something is starting to change. Some of the rich and some of the middle class have forgotten what a struggle they and their parents had to get them where they are today. Some are fearful that they will lose it. They don't want anything to rock the boat they've been so comfortably ensconced in over the last few decades. Reality has once again begun to intrude into their lives.

This is a tough ol' world folks. We can't really get too comfortable for too long. It'll catch up to us when we don't expect it. Then many of our little causes won't matter so much anymore. We'll be too busy worrying about what is gonna happen to us.

The bad news is, things change.

That's the good news. Things change. We aren't lotus eaters as of yet. We cannot afford to be. Vigilance is yet required. The world is not a safe place and I doubt that it ever will be without divine intervention. People are people and life is.

Perhaps we need to start thinking about tomorrow and prepare for it, instead of considering only the day and ourselves. There's always enough drama going on in the world. We don't need to add to it with our little projects and causes and keeping up with the latest fads and fashions and who has the newest house , TV set or pickemup truck.

We need to start looking for peace and realizing that our peace needs to be protected at all costs. Therefore we must remain strong and vigilant. Perhaps it's time to give up lotus eating as well, and remember where we came from. A nation of strong individualists who wanted something more for themselves and for their children's children's children.

Well, I got that all confused, but wth, I ain't inna classroom or I'd a spent a couple more hours gettin' that essay just so! LOL.

It's morning coffee, and speaking of which, it's past time to warm it up and take a look at the comics! Hey! Lotus eating is ok as long as ya take it in small doses, otherwise, yer useless after awhile ain't ya! LOL

When I get it all figured out, I'll let ya know! In the meantime, if you find any answers, let me know wuld ya! I need alla help I can get.

We'll gt it right one of these days. Might even do it better! Hell, it's a new day! a new opportunity to get it all figured out!
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Old 02-09-2003, 07:04 AM
nang nang is offline
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All I know is, Looking outside now at the snow and 6 degree temp., it would be mighty nice to be somewhere else. In the boat on a lake with my kid and my dog and my husband and a cold lemonade. But other than that, life is good. And now I have to get ready for church so I can go Thank god for my life. see ya

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Old 02-09-2003, 11:34 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee!

'Mornin' folks! How ya doin' this mornin'! Coffee's on! Ya better grab a cup and get yer eyes open! Paper'll be here after a bit!Got two inches of fresh snow! Looks beautiful out there this mornin'! I hate shovelin it, though! Turnin' into hard work anymore! LOL.

Spent some time in chat last night. Lots of new folks runnin' around there! Got a chance to vist with SgtofMarines fer a few minutes. He'll be headin' out anytime now. He's actually kinda aggravated fer some reason. Get ready. Wait. Get ready. Wait. Get ready. I told him that some things never change! LOL. Hope those boys do ok. I ain't there to make sure they're trained right anymore! LOL. That's my biggest concern. Makin' sure folks are trained and ready for anything. Other than that, we had a job to do.

I've met a few folks the last few days online who didn't have a clue about what the Marine Corps is and what it's all about. One thing that keeps comin' up is the 'mystique'. The fellowship. Why we care so much for one another. Kinda hard to describe that one, and I know they can't be satisified with "If you're not a Marine, you'll never understand." as true as that statement is.

So, I'll try to say it in words one more time, knowing well ahead of time that there aren't really words to tell it with.

It's sharing the same canteen. It's arguing over who gets what c-rats, then throwing them in a pot together. It's sharing a fighting hole all night with a Marine you may not know, but knowing, too, he'll be there keepin' an eye on things while you get some shut-eye. It's standing in formation for some bull-**** inspection or re-tirement ceremony for hours on end. It's being a part of the flag ceremony. Picking any four Marines to do it and knowing in less than an hour you can have every move nailed to the wall, 'cause you've seen it done and know how to drill inside and out. It's bustin' yer ass to get that helo up and turnin' and burnin' because a brother is countin' on ya. Some Marine ya never met and probably will never meet is counting on you somewhere else. He knows yer doin' yer best to get the goods to him. He can count on ya.

It's sharing a squad bay and listening to everyone else snore and fart, 'cause you know you don't do either, but you don't want to be anywhere else in the world but right there and right then. It's helpin' the next guy get his **** ready when you got yers done and squared away. Next time it might be you needin' a quick hand, and you know he'll be there helpin' ya out. It's joinin' in when that fight out in town busts loose and you gotta cover each others ass all the way to morning inspection! LOL.

It's bein there and knowin' the Marine next to you will be there. It's shared experiences and a shared heritage, for those who have gone before have left you something to be proud of. You can't let them down. They're watchin', and hopefully, they're proud.

A team of Marines. A family. A brotherhood. Inexplicable, Inescapable. Indefatigable. Unbeatable. Four words say it all.

United States Marine Corps.

Two more leave everyone else in the dark.

Semper Fidelis.

Ah, well. It was worth another shot. One of these days I'll get it right.

In the meantime, warm up yer coffee and get yer day planned out. It's a new opportunity to get it right! A new chance to get it better. Might even get it all figured out one of these days!
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Old 02-10-2003, 04:59 AM
Hoyin Hoyin is offline
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Default and bagels and cream cheese...and wool socks and a space heater! In Mongolia if you could get ahold of all of those things you'd be a rich and lucky person.
I aint a rich and lucky person but I do have one pair of wool socks!
Email me coffee
Mongol Dai!
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