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Old 06-28-2024, 11:20 AM
Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10,979
Default The Day Our Nation Died


Can ‘Our Nation’ really survive four more years of the same kind of tripe that was occasionally stuffed into our faces last night on international television? Or has politics truly become the foul-smelling circus that is constantly being shoveled into our own mugs? ‘And worst of all, have we been stripped of our dignity, our honor, and indeed, maybe even our entire nation itself - in the process?’ The people of our great nation are not fools you know, nor are we a gaggle of ever obedient little suckers either?

What we are is a country that has faced-down, and defeated, any (and all) international crud-buckets who even dared to look cross-eyed in our direction !? But unless you plan to become subservient to any one political regime or another, or even if we surrender outright to those international thugs and war-lords, remember that this is still your country people and it is a sacred trust that has been placed under “Your Our Own Control” at least for now!

But until (and unless) we re-grow a pair, and readopt the tenets that made us great to begin with, then we are truly on a collision course with mediocrity! The choice is still ours people, but for how much longer, is growing into a truly monumental question?

“And Our Bill of Rights”, liberty, and even justice itself, are coming under consistent attack within a nation that promises no instant reruns! And do we still have what it takes to rise once again to our feet, dust ourselves off, and reoccupy the catbird seat of history? Or will we too succumb to the noxious stench of cowards, cads, and those other creeps that now seek to grind “Our Nation Up, under their stinking jack-boots?

America, love it, defend it, protect it, and cherish it! Or lose it forever to the cowards and cads that have not been witnessed upon our once-sacred soil since the mid-1770s!

Maybe we are one helluva lot closer to “National Oblivion” than we may now care to believe? “But we still have but “One Country” – love it, defend it, or most assuredly lose it to the foul winds that are being generated from the sterns of some of those political fools!?”

“Our Freedom of Speech, and the truth of our actions are currently coming under attack - people!” Face it, defend against it no matter where it infests or perish beneath its odiferous yellow-stain and treachery - The choice is still ours patriots - Maybe?

But for how much longer and why do we continue to surrender our lots to fools, traitors, and even insane cowards? And just what kind of a contemptible-entity do these corrupted creatures remain glued to - anyway? “R. I. P. - Humanity!?”

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