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Old 03-17-2022, 08:20 AM
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Post Eye on Extremism - 03-17-22

Eye on Extremism - March 17, 2022
By: Counter Extremism Project News

As of 03-17-22:

Reuters: U.S. Weighs Dropping Iran's IRGC From Terrorism List -Source

“The United States is considering removing Iran's Revolutionary Guards from its foreign terrorist organization blacklist in return for Iranian assurances about reining in the elite force, a source familiar with the matter said on Wednesday. The source said Washington had not decided what might be an acceptable commitment from Tehran in exchange for such a step, which would reverse former U.S. President Donald Trump's 2019 blacklisting of the group and draw sharp Republican criticism. The move was the first time Washington had formally labeled part of another sovereign government as a terrorist group. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is a powerful faction in Iran that controls a business empire as well as elite armed and intelligence forces that Washington accuses of carrying out a global terrorist campaign. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Biden administration was weighing whether to drop the terrorist designation “in return for some kind of commitment and/or steps by Iran, with respect to regional or other IRGC activities.” The Biden administration's consideration of such a tradeoff was first reported by Axios, citing Israeli and U.S. sources.”

Asharq Al-Awsat: EU Blacklists Yemen’s Houthis, Freezes Group’s Assets

“In a move welcomed by the Yemeni government, the European Union blacklisted the Houthis, freezing the militias’ assets, only days after a similar Arab resolution and a UN Security Council resolution described the group as a terrorist organization. The EU’s decision was made against the backdrop of Houthis attacking civilian infrastructure, obstructing humanitarian aid, pursuing an oppressive policy of sexual violence against women, recruiting child soldiers, planting landmines arbitrarily, and targeting commercial ships in the Red Sea. According to the ban, the EU froze Houthi assets and prohibited funding the group. Yemen’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates welcomed the EU resolution on Houthis. It supported sanctioning Houthis for threatening peace, security, and stability in Yemen. A press release by the ministry cited the Houthis’ terrorist behaviors, including attacks on civilians and infrastructure in Yemen, oppressive policies and atrocities against civilians, sexual abuse against women activists, child recruitment, provoking sectarian-racist based violence, randomly spreading landmines, blocking humanitarian aid, and assaulting commercial ships in the Red Sea. The ministry called for mounting more pressure on the insurgents to press for peace and revive Yemen's political process.”

Re: United States

The Jerusalem Post: Violent Extremists Enduring Threat To Faith-Based Community - DHS Official

“The faith-based community continues to face an enduring threat, both from domestic and foreign violent extremists, says Stephanie Dobitsch, Deputy Under Secretary for Intelligence Enterprise Operations at the US Department of Homeland Security. Speaking at the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Dobitsch said that the greatest threat “comes from lone offenders and small groups, inspired by the full range of domestic and foreign violent ideologies and personal grievances.” “The threat to faith-based communities spans the ideological spectrum, and we see them as a target of multiple groups and individuals seeking to target those communities,” she said. “The greatest threat stems from racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists who believe in the superiority of the white race; militant violent extremists and individuals who are inspired by foreign terror groups overseas.” “Looking back over the last 10 years, we've observed about 30 incidents of domestic violent extremists targeting mosques, synagogues, churches, and other religious centers and institutions,” she continued. She went on to say that Jewish communities were targeted nearly twice as often as other religious communities followed by Muslim, Christian, and Sikh communities. “The most common weapons in these attacks or these plots was arson, and then firearms,” she noted.”

Re: Middle East

The Jerusalem Post: Hamas, Islamic Jihad Call To Step Up Attacks In West Bank, Jerusalem

“Leaders of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad called for escalating the fight against Israel, especially in the West Bank and Jerusalem, until “the liberation of Palestine.” The appeal came during a meeting on Wednesday in Beirut between PIJ Secretary-General Ziyad al-Nakhaleh and Saleh al-Arouri, deputy head of the Hamas Politburo. Hamas officials Osama Hamdan, Ali Barakeh and Ahmed Abdel Hadi attended the meeting with the PIJ leader. The call for stepping up “resistance operations” against Israel came amid mounting tensions between the Palestinians and Israel in the West Bank and Jerusalem. On Tuesday, two Palestinians – one from the Balata refugee camp near Nablus and the other from the Kalandiya refugee camp in the Ramallah area – were killed during clashes with the IDF. The Palestinian Authority, Hamas and PIJ have warned that Jews are planning to “storm” al-Aqsa Mosque compound (Temple Mount) during the upcoming Jewish holidays. They called on Muslim worshipers to converge on the mosque in the coming days to “thwart” the planned “incursions,” warning that Israeli measures could lead to a religious war in the region.”

Re: Nigeria

AFP: Seven Cops, Four Villagers Killed In Terrorist Attacks In Nigeria

“Gunmen on Tuesday killed 11 security personnel, including seven policemen and four vigilantes, in attacks in central and northwestern Nigeria, in the latest violence blamed heavily armed criminal gangs. Northwest and central Nigeria have been terrorised for years by the gangs who raid and loot villages, steal cattle and carry out mass abductions of residents for ransom. But recently attacks have intensified despite military attempts to drive bandits out of their camps in forests. In the first attack on Tuesday, scores of bandits stormed a police station in central Niger state’s Magama district around 1200 GMT, leading to a gunfight with policemen and local militia, Wasiu Biodun, Niger police spokesman said in a statement. ‘Unfortunately, during the gun battle, the Divisional Police Officer, two other policemen, and four vigilante members lost their lives,’ Biodun said in the statement. Several bandits were also ‘neutralised’ in the ‘fierce gun battle’ in which many of the attackers escaped with injuries, the statement said. Police personnel deployed in the area after the attacks to maintain order, Biodun said. In the second attack in neighbouring Kebbi state, motorcycle-riding bandits numbering around 500 invaded a tomato-processing factory in Gafara village of Ngaski district, in a bid to abduct expatriate workers, Nafiu Abubakar, Kebbi state police spokesman said.”

Sahara Reporters: Boko Haram, ISWAP Terrorists Abduct Health Worker In Borno

“One Mr Bulama Geidam, a health worker assigned to the General Hospital Gubio, in the Gubio Local Government Area of Borno State has been abducted by the members of the Islamic State of West African Province faction of the Boko Haram terrorists. The ISWAP insurgents attacked Gubio early hours of Wednesday, carting away a load of food items and fuel from a humanitarian truck. Confirming the abduction, the state Commissioner for Health, Juliana Bitruce, described the incident as “unfortunate and disturbing.” According to the News Agency of Nigeria, the Commissioner said that the abducted health worker was among those who remained at their duty posts despite the palpable insecurity within the area. “The ministry will write to officially inform all the concerned security agencies, including the Theater Command, Operation Hadin Kai,” she said. The commissioner prayed for the safe release of the health worker.”

Re: Africa

The National: Tunisia Dismantles Terror Cell Linked To ISIS

“Tunisia says it has dismantled a terrorist cell linked to the ISIS group, according to an official statement from the country’s interior ministry. Units from the Anti-Terrorism department at Tunisia’s National Guard said they had been able to uncover a cell called “Al Muwahhidun” linked to an extremist group that had earlier pledged allegiance to ISIS. “The cell included six members and is active in the Tataouine region led by a Takfiri (extremist) fighter. Its fighters had pledged allegiance to the leader of the so-called ISIS terrorist group. They deliberately attracted a group of young men to adopt the Takfiri ideology and also planned to manufacture explosive materials,” read a statement from the Tunisian interior ministry. Earlier this year, Tunisian police thwarted an attack planned by a woman coming from Syria, where she received training “with terrorist groups,” targeting tourist areas in the country. Tunisian security forces have foiled most extremist terror plots in recent years and they have become more efficient at responding to those attacks that do occur, according to Western diplomats. The last major attacks that took place in Tunisia came in 2015 when extremists killed scores of people in two separate assaults at a museum in Tunis and a beach resort in Sousse.”

Africanews: Morocco: 5 Suspected Terrorists Linked To Islamic State Arrested

“Five suspects affiliated with the Islamic State (IS) jihadist organisation, who were planning attacks on security forces and government officials, have been arrested in a new anti-terrorism sweep in Morocco. The five men, aged between 21 and 44, were apprehended in separate but simultaneous operations in several towns and villages in the west and south of the country, the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigation (BCIJ), which is in charge of counter-terrorism, said in a statement. The suspects were taken into custody. These “extremists are involved in inciting and preparing the execution of terrorist projects and have undertaken the collection of extremist content on how to make explosive devices,” the statement said. They allegedly identified security and military sites and government facilities for the purpose of targeting them. According to the preliminary investigation, they were also planning “physical liquidations” of members of the security forces and the government “in addition to targeting financial and banking establishments in order to secure the resources and financing necessary for terrorist operations,” the BCIJ said. During the searches of the suspects' homes, the anti-terrorist police seized writings advocating the EI as well as an inventory of products used in the manufacture of explosives and knives. Electronic equipment was seized.”

Re: United Kingdom

The National: UK Holds Terror Conference To Make Square Mile ‘Safest City Area In The World’

“A terror conference took place on Wednesday in London with the aim of making the capital's business district the “safest city area in the world”. Hosted by City of London Police, more than 150 security professionals, business leaders and counter-terrorism experts attended the CT2022 event. Organisers said the event was focused on making the Square Mile the safest city area in the world. Figen Murray, whose son, Martyn Hett, was killed in the Manchester Arena bombing, spoke about the importance of the proposed Protect Duty legislation and the need for more stringent security measures in public spaces. Her son was killed along with 21 others when ISIS terrorist Salman Abedi detonated a bomb at the end of an Ariana Grande concert in 2017. Since her son's death, Ms Murray has frequently campaigned for venues to enact terrorism protection measures. Assistant Commissioner for Operations and Security at the City of London Police Paul Betts said the force is working hard to protect the City against attacks. “Keeping people safe and feeling safe is a priority for the City of London Police,” he said. “The City of London has huge historical, cultural and economic importance and we are committed to making it a safe space for people to enjoy.”

Re: Germany

Deutsche Welle: Ukraine War Gives Germany's Fight Against Right-Wing Extremism New Momentum

“Russian President Vladimir Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine has become a topic of heated debate also for Germany's far-right extremists. In chat channels, there is talk of German neo-Nazis flocking to Ukraine to fight. “However, one should not overestimate this,” said Thomas Haldenwang, the president of the domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV). Young men have taken to social media channels vowing to join the fighting in Ukraine, but Haldenwang described them as simply engaging in “loud-mouthed boastfulness” (“Maulheldentum”). The domestic intelligence agency has identified right-wing extremists who may be intending to take up arms in Ukraine. Authorities try to prevent them from leaving the country by revoking their passports. Haldenwang says no more than a handful of cases have been confirmed of German far-right activists actually leaving for Ukraine. “And in these specific cases, we do not assume that they actually took part in any combat operations,” he said. Germany does not criminalize those who join regular armed forces abroad. Joining or setting up any militia unit, however, is considered as partaking in terrorism.”

Re: Europe

Irish Examiner: Lisa Smith Trial Hears Messages Discussing Islamic Law And Isis With Other Muslims

“The prosecution case against former soldier Lisa Smith, who denies membership of terrorist group Isis, will finish next week, the Special Criminal Court has heard. The court has been listening to thousands of messages between Ms Smith and other Muslims sent in 2013 and 2014 using Facebook Messenger or uploaded to a Facebook group called, “We hear, we obey”. In the messages Ms Smith discussed issues relating to Islam, Islamic law, Isis and the conflict in Syria and Iraq. Sean Gillane SC, for the prosecution, said he expects to complete the prosecution evidence on Monday following the St Patrick's Day break. Defence counsel Michael O'Higgins SC said the defence may make an application at the close of the prosecution case which will require a ruling from the court. The trial began on January 25 and was originally expected to last 12 weeks. Ms Smith, 40, from Dundalk, Co Louth, an Islamic convert and former Irish soldier, travelled to Syria after terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi called on all Muslims to travel to the Islamic State. She has pleaded not guilty to membership of an unlawful terrorist group, Islamic State, between October 28, 2015, and December 1, 2019. She has also pleaded not guilty to financing terrorism by sending €800 in assistance, via a Western Union money transfer, to a named man on May 6, 2015.”

Re: The Federalist: Why Is Putin Talking About ‘De-Nazifying’ Ukraine?

“…Of course, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish, as was the nation’s previous prime minister, Volodymyr Groysman. This led Hans Jakob-Schindler, senior director of the Counter Extremism Project, to sarcastically note of Putin’s claims of Ukraine as a Nazi state was, “apparently, a very new kind of Nazi that only a Russian understands how that works.” Reinforcing Groysman’s view, the 450-member Ukrainian parliament, or Rada, only has one member from a party accused of neo-Nazi leanings. Svoboda, founded in 1991 at the dissolution of the Soviet Union, recruited skinheads and employed neo-Nazi symbols in the 1990s, only to later moderate. It reached its apex in the 2012 election, winning 10 percent of the vote and 37 seats. In the 2019 election, Svoboda received only 2 percent of the vote. Returning to Malet, his contention that there’s a “good mix” of neo-Nazi-like groups in both Ukraine and Russia is important for context. Putin has his own ultra-nationalist groups. For instance, in 2014, a Russian motorcycle gang with close Putin ties known as the “Night Wolves,” was used as the vanguard of the Crimea invasion — inaugurating a new era of so-called “hybrid warfare.”

Re: Middle East Institute: Will Russia Deploy Syrian Fighters To Ukraine?

“The current Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought to international attention one of the sad new realities of Syria: Any war involving Russia or Turkey is likely to involve the use of Syrian “mercenaries” as cannon fodder. Both pro- and anti-regime Syrians have fought under the Turkish and Russian flags in Libya since early 2020, while Turkish-backed Syrian rebel factions sent members to fight in Azerbaijan in late 2020. As the most recent Russian advance into Ukraine stalled, rumors quickly grew that the Russian army would deploy Syrians once again. Yet most of the reporting on Russian recruitment in Syria has involved half-truths, if not outright lies. While it does appear that some Syrians have signed contracts to fight in Ukraine, there is no guarantee these fighters will actually be sent there. The coverage of this topic has also missed a key aspect of who would actually be involved if Syrians really do deploy to Ukraine. Above all else, there has been a lack of understanding of why Syrians might sign contracts to fight in a war in which they will surely die. The first significant claims of Russian recruitment came from Deir Ezzor 24, an opposition outlet notorious for publishing misleading stories to boost readership and gain attention. The outlet first reported that Russians were “opening the doors to recruitment” in Deir ez-Zor at the beginning of March.”


Re: Australian Jewish News: ‘Extradite Malki’s Killer’

“…The absence of progress in bringing Tamimi to trial is especially striking, given that she is one of 25 individuals named as FBI Most Wanted Terrorists. In addition, she was recently named one of the top 20 most dangerous extremists around the world by the Counter Extremism Project.” Roth said Tamimi and the leader of Al Qaeda are the only individuals on both lists. Suggesting the US has leverage over Jordan, the Roths added, “Jordan has for years been among the three largest annual recipients of US foreign aid. It’s currently ranked number two.” Roth said Tamimi’s spouse Nizar was recently declared persona non grata in Jordan and has moved to Qatar, but Tamimi has so far not followed him out of the country. Malki, 15, was a talented musician and actively cared for her younger disabled sister. In August last year, the Roths marked 20 years since her murder. Some weeks after Malki’s killing, the Roths founded the Jerusalem-based Malki Foundation, which supports Israeli families who care at home for a child with extreme disabilities. Roth said so far some 20,000 people have signed a petition to have Tamimi extradited.”

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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