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Old 08-04-2019, 04:08 PM
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Exclamation Johnson's Campaign Manager Helped Saudi Arabia's Disinformation Efforts

Johnson's Campaign Manager Helped Saudi Arabia's Disinformation Efforts
BY: UK Press TV - UK Politics - 8-3-19

One of the closest aides of newly-installed British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has been accused of running a massive online disinformation campaign on behalf of controversial clients, including Saudi Arabia.

Lynton Crosby, an Australian political strategist, dubbed the “Wizard of Oz”, is so close to Johnson that he ran his successful London mayoral campaign in 2008. Crosby has reportedly been advising Johnson on his bid to become PM from as early on as June 2016.

Crosby’s lobbying firm, CTF Partners, allegedly ran well-concealed online disinformation campaigns for a wide range of controversial clients, most notably the government of Saudi Arabia.

This activity was so extensive that the Guardian’s investigative report into CTF partners has described it as a business model “that appears to have professionalized online disinformation”.

The Guardian report, published on August 01, alleges that CTF Partners used Facebook to administer professional-looking “news” pages “reaching tens of millions of people on highly contentious topics, without apparently disclosing that they are being overseen by CTF Partners on behalf of paying clients”.

This revelation comes against the backdrop of growing concern over the role and influence of “fake news” in determining the outcome of political contests. The House of Commons has been conducting extensive enquiries into “fake news” since 2017 and released its first detailed report on the subject in July 2018.

The House of Commons, in tandem with the rest of the British political establishment, adopts a selective understanding of “fake news”, often attributing it to state-sponsored activity by Britain’s adversaries, notably the Russian Federation.

The revelation that a trusted member of the British political establishment, and an ally of the new prime minister, has been running arguably the largest Facebook-based disinformation campaign in recent years, shatters the myth spun by the British political elite.

Another aggravating feature of the developing Crosby scandal is CFT Partners close relationship with Saudi Arabia.

According to the Guardian, Crosby’s firm took “millions of pounds” from the Saudi Arabian government to bolster the reputation of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who has been implicated in the murder of dissident journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.

The Crosby affair coincides with revelations that former foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, received funding from a close ally of Mohammed bin Salman, in his failed bid to become Tory party leader.

Ken Costa, a South African banker and Christian philanthropist, is reportedly bin Salman’s “point man” in Britain. According to an investigative report on BuzzFeed News on July 04, Costa had donated £10,000 to Hunt’s leadership campaign.

At the very least, these revelations are bound to shatter public confidence in the British government’s approach to fake news and foreign influence in British politics.

The government’s deliberate focus on Russia has apparently obscured the main source of the problem: namely, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Personal note: The report above (how much of this true? Hmmm sounds familiar don't it. These news cyber links posted and read by idiots like me - seem to have something in common around the world. These underground geeks now know how to manipulate the threads so that they give the impression the news we are reading is real.

This now presents a problem with the media sources. Whose going to believe anything on the web anymore. Is it tainted news - is it doing more harm than good. To loose our trust in our information processes will do great harm and cause undo harm to the readers of such post.

I try to ensure that I find post I can trust but these geeks now have generated a business of false news or lets say reconfigured - to either hurt or improve government officials around the world.

We all know that everything written is not 100% correct and it could be that our trust in the media and news reporting "may or not be" on the up and up".

OK - So now what information can we trust when the player's are manipulating the verbiage? Around the world there are these creatures of information fraud that can help or destroy the subject involved. We have to be smart enough to know the facts from the altered or rewritten postings.

It will take some doing but I will try to stay on US military sites for my review and interest but now it may be that these foreigners are also rewriting the scrips to favor their contributors who send them paychecks for good reports that they've manipulated.

Free Speech is one of our Constitutional rights "but what if we are reading" has been altered to ensue a different meaning with some simple alterations?

So now we can't trust what we read or hear? Wow - I found out that those foreign and underground hacker's get paid "big money" to misconstrue the verbiage to mean something other that what was originally published.

They can slander and destroy opponents by manipulating the verbiage. How do we know when we've hacked (even with virus protection)? Political leader's are also being manipulated by false data coming to them. Insider's working in the most critical spaces within government may also suffer from unwanted intrusions even with their most up to date virus protections.

We may have to go back to hand-written messages or carrier-pigeons. The geeks today are a lot smarter than many of us and the program writer(s) know how to infest posted information.

Like I said - lot of money is paid to those folks who can disrupt or intervene in these sensitive areas around the world. I must have lived under a rock! I will be more cautious from now on with my threads.

FAKE NEWS - wow so much for the world's information publications (are they real or fake)?

Boats (A little smarter today then yesterday - how about you?)

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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