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Old 11-13-2002, 07:49 AM
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Unhappy PIC n' CHOOSE

Immigration has always been a hot issue here in the United States, and ?Send Us Your Wretched Masses? is fast becoming a thing of the past!

For about two hundred years, people have realized that ?Opportunity And America? were synonymous. The Old World, much of which is as dried out as that fly carcass you see dangling (lifeless) from a spider?s web, is but a burned out ember by it?s own design! It wasted it?s resources, polluted it?s environment, abused it?s people and turned it?s back on innovation, human misery and even common decency, for decades, if not centuries!

At first, people flocked to America in search of religious freedom, fortune, adventure or a fresh start. Now, however, the exodus revolves around political persecution, starvation, mass extermination and deprivation. The ?Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? have (in some cases) driven out or eliminated those with a mind to think, the will to resist, and the guts to speak out! But not here in America, ?NOT YET ANYWAY!!?

Equality, however, is an issue that apparently stalks even the immigrant? The question has arisen among civil rights groups as to why some foreign entities are allowed admittance (more readily) than others, and why certain nationalities can (virtually) walk right in, while others are almost immediately deported?

The matter of Cuban v the Haitian refugees is a splendid case in point. Cuba a nation (some 90 miles distant from Florida), who but forty years ago was erecting nuclear missile silos to blow the living hell out of short and medium range U.S. targets and populations, is now a welcomed entity, as far as illegal immigration is concerned. All it takes for most Cubans to enter the U.S. is merely two words - ?Political Asylum!" And that is enough (usually)to see them welcomed with open arms!

Haitians, however, a people not all that different from the Cubans, are cuffed, and transported back from wence they came - almost immediately?!

The same scenario virtually applies to all undocumented Mexican laborers who habitually stream across the border in great numbers. They too are rounded up (as best as our overly strained Border Patrol, INS, Department of Justice,and soon, Der Vaderland Security) can catch up with them, and this is a job that is becoming more and more difficult and fruitless each and every day! Resources are strained, personnel is limited, and those who are caught, usually end up back here the very next day!

This is ?NOT? the fault of our agents, but rather a case of ?Need v Greed!? The Mexicans (and Central Americans) need the work to survive, and of course, there are always those who won?t miss an opportunity to turn an easy $$ by playing the part of a ?Coyote?, a man or woman who for a thousand dollars (or so) each, will guide these hapless souls across the International Border to the Promised Land (USA), deserting them at the first sign of danger!

Is this massive, world-wide influx of undocumented humanity right or even legal under these conditions - HELL NO! Will it continue - "You Can Bet Your Backside On It!"

Just like those people from Communist Europe who jumped the "Wall" back during the ?Cold War?, or the Boat People who were attempting to flee from murder, war and mayhem in Asia, or the Chinese back in the late nineteenth century who were trying to escape over-population and loss of hope, there will always be those who will risk life and limb to find that greener pasture. Unfortunately, among these masses, will also come the criminals, anarchists, terrorists and dregs of world society!

Granted, we all were immigrants at one point or another, even the Native American. But most came to better their lot, and not to rip and run, or leach and bleed!

But that was then and this is now, and we can no longer continue to open our doors to all who seek entrance for one reason or another, right or wrong! For if we do, the day may quickly arrive when we too, just like the ?Old World? become saturated, over-extended, and indeed, even a carbon copy of that which our ancestors escaped from but a century or two ago. And as such, we can fast become overwhelmed, not by a new group of dedicated patriots who are fresh, hard-working neo-Americans, but rather by those intent on bring us down from within! "Those who would import their sins to the New World!!"

As such, it is not Homeland Security in itself that should strike fear into our souls, but rather what it has the potential (be it slim) to mutate into! Harsh times do indeed require harsher measures, and Homeland Security is just that - "HARSH", if by future potential alone (Orwell's 1984).

Any good (or necessary) thing can be, and usually is, abused by someone who sees a weakness within it, and then exploits it! And there has never yet been a nation that has created a ?Super Police Force? who has not seen that entity (at least partially) abused in it?s mounting power!

As far as solutions to our immigration woes, unfortunately, the border must be tightened, penalties intensified, existing border protection and personnel increased, and a new mind-set instilled, both within our people and our leadership!

?Talk is cheap, many in politics are naught but talk, ergo, many in politics are cheap!? Except, of course, when it comes to inflicting damage upon our own, especially damage to this nation?s finest - Her Honorable Veterans! (And here you thought that I wouldn?t get that in, did you Uncle, or is that Big Brother?)


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Old 11-13-2002, 08:41 AM
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Post Certainly An Interest perspective.

The reality is that the United States will have to place a permanent moritorium on immigration. We just don't have enough space, and resources to continue with our immigration policy from any nation. Sadly, many third world nations gladly will send us their mentally handicapped, criminally insane, etc and let us take care of their problems. I guess we could develop large cities in Eastern Nevada and Eastern Montana to place all these immigrants and few other large areas of isolation in the Western United States, but the reality of it all we are fast running out of room,and resources like water, and ability to create electricity and other forms of energy. The sad part is that New Immigrants can receive better benefts from our government than most VETS. Vets should be the first priority for a grateful nation when it comes to benefits. Nothing is too good for an honorably discharge veteran. Our government needs to develop better priorities when it comes to our Veterans.

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Old 11-13-2002, 08:59 AM
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Talking KEITH

Quote: Our Friend Keith Hixon - Sadly, many third world nations gladly will send us their mentally handicapped, criminally insane, etc and let us take care of their problems.
Keith, Alas so true, but can not this scenario work both ways? Just think of it, we could empty out our prisons and insane assylums and ship these people abroad. The only problem, as I perceive it, however, is that we would also have to send a few in Washington DC (and accompanying bureaucracies) over too, and we all know that they only travel "First Class!!"

Hey, come to think of it, "IT JUST MIGHT BE WORTH THE EXPENSE?!"

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Old 11-13-2002, 09:07 AM
Drywall Drywall is offline
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I think you nailed it with the comparison to veterans. Billions available for immigrants but it's like pullin teeth to get more and better care for vets. Lets take care of those who gave so much of themselves first. Without those vets the immigrants wouldn't have a place to run to. I just don't think that ever occurs to bureaucrats.
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Old 11-13-2002, 09:23 AM
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Lightbulb DRYWALL

Dry Wall, Keith, et al -

Amen, amen, amen!!!

Many American Veterans, contrary to what is being pushed by the Bureau-Media, have again been put upon the back burner (opinion)!

As far as future vets, and that number may soon increase dramatically, what will be their lot (our kids and grandkids), if today's veterans, indeed, all of "Current American Society", doesn't fight for their rights and needs too?!

"Who, after all, does the military defend and protect, if not the general population?!"


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Old 11-13-2002, 10:02 AM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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Oh man Keith, not Eastern Nevada. You?re talking the Ruby Mountain Range and some of the best fishin, huntin and ranching anywhere. But on the other hand, there is often talk of trading Clark County (Las Vegas) to California in exchange for the eastern California rural counties, Alpine, El Dorado, Modock, etc. Clark is a big county and once connected to California and loaded up with immigrants it would be one big happy family and those who think open and unrestricted immigration is a great deal, would have direct connects and responsibilities. Sounds like a wonderful, wonderful social opportunity to me. The rubber meets the road and all that neat stuff.

But alas, here in Northern Nevada we have serious and unique immigration problems all our own these days. Nevada is the fastest growing State in the US and destination for thousands and thousands of Californians fleeing their home state and trying to get away from the insanity going on over there. I call the situation ?Californians voting with their feet?. Right now, our small rural community is looking down the gun barrel at the cost of putting in a very expensive water facility to accommodate the influx. As is and in a dry year where the snow pack is less that expected, our pumps are sucking mud and sand as it is. New potential water sources have a high arsenic content so to meet fed water regs, were looking at a cost of a facility that is six times our annual county budget, zow.

As I speak, the Nevada Supreme Court is thinking about overruling a election vote where county residents decided to set growth limits at 2% per year. Of course the land developers, mostly out of California, are screaming like cut cats that the vote is unconstitutional and all that. So there it is, a proposition got on the ballot and now it appears that county residents are being disenfranchised from the vote. What I?m talking about is the vote from November 5th and already it?s in the State Supreme Court. That was on the same ballot with legalizing pot and signing up for same -sex marriages. Neither of those passed so I suppose those will be contested as well. Busy season for the State Supreme Court I?m thinking. So all in all, I?m thinking I am far more concerned with our own countrymen fleeing and needing to have a decent community to live in than taking the view that wide-open US borders is a real neat thing to do. As time presses forth, Colorado, Utah and many more rural states are going to experience this backlash secondary immigration/migration and the wagon trains will be/are rolling east, big time. We?re already stretched to the limit so I just don?t know what the next step will be. Depressing to say the least and now some politicos in Reno are toying with the idea that it should only take an address to vote and just may contest the law that one must be a US citizen to vote. So, they are playing up to the growing non-US Citizen population and are looking for political stroke. Watch out for this situation to get stirring everywhere. :ek:

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Old 11-13-2002, 10:57 AM
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Post I really think a complete moratorium is the only answer.

The United States Must look at the future. I know we are a nation of immigrants but at sometime immigration must come to a halt because of the lack of room. That is only common sense. I think we can get those opposed to a moratorium on our side by proposing that we use the national parks as immigration camps because it is unused Federal Land.


Hey Scamp!

We must get together for some fly fishing! My wife's Sister just moved to Burns Oregon. I understand there is some great fly fishing in that area and it isn't too far from Nevada. Or when I visit in Burns I could come on down to Nevada for some great fly fishing.
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Old 11-13-2002, 11:41 AM
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Yes, Keith, fly fishing is in on the list. In the spring I have some unfinished business in Brookings, Oregon. My former Mrs. is not doing so well so I?ll have to get over there and see if I can?t get her moving in a direction and getting the green side up for a change. She has a notion about coming on home, but I?m not inclined to go through all that again. So we?ll just have to do the best we can with what is served up in life and see where we go from there. But no point in missing some fishing along the way of things as it has a great settling effect on me and I think I?ll need it.

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Old 11-13-2002, 01:05 PM
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Post Hey my brother lives down there by Brookings

I haven't visited with him in over a year. Retired School Teacher.

He taught at Port Oford and Myrtle Point. Burns is pretty close to goose lake which stradles the Oregon / Nevada Border.

We'll have to get together sometime.

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Old 11-13-2002, 04:24 PM
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Hey Yall

I wish The Humper would put onto this site the E-Mail he sent me, Then and "if" you dont know by now, the LIFER/VETERAN is being dumped on every day, but the beaurocrat after retiring has it made.

What am I doing here??
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