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Old 02-09-2008, 08:55 AM
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Default Obama's connections

With its similarity to popular online sites such as Facebook and MySpace and its links to a network of grassroots blogs, Barack Obama’s campaign website has been hailed as a testament to the candidate’s transformative politics. But at least part of the senator’s online outreach, “Muslim Americans for Obama ’08,” proposes installing Muslim prayer areas in public places and giving Muslims time off for prayer and has denounced Obama’s colleagues in the U.S. Senate who happen to be Jewish. This segment of Obama's online outreach also has ties to unindicted co-conspirators in terror trials and has recruited Obama supporters from among the ranks of fundamentalist Muslim extremists.

On the blog, which is attached to, viewers can read about “the Senate pro-Israeli zionist hawk Joe Lieberman,” as well as criticism aimed at Obama himself for getting too cozy with the Israeli lobby. As stated on the blog, that last part was derived from information found on Electronic Intifada (EI), a terror apologist website based in Chicago, Illinois, Obama’s hometown. According to the site’s co-founder, Ali Abunimah, Senator Obama once told him, regarding Abunimah’s anti-American and anti-Israel writings, to “Keep up the good work!

While the Muslim Americans for Obama ’08 blog is hosted by Obama’s website, it is actually part of another site that goes by the same name, located at The registered agent for the site is Zakiyah Omar, a women’s costume designer from Jacksonville, Florida. Omar has been involved in the Obama campaign since December 2006 (She has had the site since February ’07). She too has her own blog hosted by the official Obama website.

On the Muslim Americans for Obama ’08 site, one will find a list of upcoming events, issues and solutions, details on how to join, a links section to sites of interest, and of course, a link to the blog. There’s even a toll-free number to call for more information.

Within the events section, a number of the listings pertain to conferences and conventions being sponsored by organizations that have a number of troubling ties. One is the 44th Annual ISNA National Convention, held in Rosemont, Illinois.

ISNA or the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) was recently named an “Unindicted Co-conspirator” for a Dallas trial that dealt with the funding of millions of dollars to Hamas. Beginning in December 2003, ISNA was the subject of a Senate investigation into the financing of terror groups overseas. The group currently uses its website to propagate violent hatred against Jews and Christians.

Another of the events listed is the 32nd ICNA-MAS Convention, held in Hartford, Connecticut. ICNA or the Islamic Circle of North America, in August 2006, was the top donor to a Pakistani charity that, at the time, had given $99,000 to the head of Hamas, Khaled Mashaal. Four people associated with the ICNA-related ‘Houston Taliban’ were arrested and charged with jihad training with firearms, for the purpose of joining the Taliban to attack Americans overseas.

MAS or the Muslim American Society, like ISNA, uses the web to spread violent hatred against non-Muslims. In April 2004, MAS’s Communications Director, Randall Todd “Ismail” Royer, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his activities within the ‘Virginia Jihad Network,’ a group that was conspiring with Laskar-e-Taiba (LeT) to attack Americans and Indians abroad.

Yet another event listing is the 2007 MANA National Convention, held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. MANA or the Muslim Alliance in North America was founded in May of 2000, in response to the arrest of cop killer H. Rap Brown, a.k.a. Jamil Al-Amin. The President (Amir) of the organization is Siraj Wahhaj, an individual that was named by the U.S. government an “Unindicted Co-conspirator” in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

According to Muslim Americans for Obama ’08, it took part in “VOTER REGISTRATION/INFORMATION BOOTHS,” at each of the above venues. Taking that into consideration, since Muslim Americans for Obama ’08 is officially part of the Barack Obama for President team – or as the campaign puts it, “Community” – one can conclude that Senator Obama and/or his campaign had sanctioned its attendance at these events.

Further troubling are the following “Issues & Solutions” on the site:
  • Institute a Law to allow Muslim Employees to take an hour off from work for Friday Jummah Prayer.
  • Make the 2 Eid’s recognized National Holidays on Calendars with days off from work.
  • Provide prayer areas suitable for Salah and Jummah, in public and private facilities. (i.e. Malls, Airports, Universities and government buildings.)
Found on the right side of the website’s homepage are a series of links, most of which deal with information about Senator Obama and the campaign. One of them, though, is a link to Aswat Al-Islam, a radical Islamic multimedia outlet. Muslim Americans for Obama ’08 lists it as “Quran (Audio) English Translation.”

Aswat Al-Islam features the works of such Islamist luminaries as: “Uninidicted Co-conspirators” of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Siraj Wahhaj and Bilal Philips; anti-Christian bigot, Ahmed Deedat; pro-wife beating author, Jamal Badawi; suicide bombing supporter, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi; and the chief cleric of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, who has called for the murders of Jews, Christians and Americans and has described Jews as “the scum of the human race, the rats of the world, the killers of prophets, and the grandsons of monkeys and pigs,” Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais.

According to Muslim Americans for Obama ’08, Senator Barack Obama “is the BEST candidate for the job in 2008.” But being the best candidate should have as a requisite keeping company that is worthy of respect. Recently, Obama has been cited for having a racist and anti-Israel pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and a campaign advisor that has expressed sympathy for Hamas and Hezbollah, Robert Malley.

If Sen. Obama truly is worthy of the presidency of the United States, he should publicly distance himself from these extremist groups and individuals. And if he does not want his campaign to be seen as hospitable to radical voices, he should sever his ties with the blog that provides credible evidence for this charge.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

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Old 02-11-2008, 12:08 PM
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Default Some of Obama's beliefs

“[Barack] Obama [has said] the top priority of the next president should be the creation of a more lasting and equitable prosperity than achieved under Presidents Bush and Clinton. Obama apparently missed the class that teaches government doesn’t create prosperity; people do. During [a recent] debate with Hillary Clinton, Obama said he would pay for his proposed new programs, including mandatory health insurance, by imposing higher taxes on ‘the wealthy’ and raising the tax on Social Security wages. He added, ‘What we have had right now is a situation where we’ve cut taxes for people who don’t need them.’ Should government determine how much money people ‘need’? This is Marxism: ‘from each according to his ability; to each according to his need.’ Sen. Clinton expressed similar sentiments on ABC’s ‘This Week’ when she said if people refuse to buy health insurance under her plan she might garnish people’s wages. One reason this socialistic mind-set resonates favorably with many is due to the shift in the last half-century from promoting hard work, self-sufficiency, marriage, personal responsibility and accountability and living within one’s means, to a mentality that I am entitled to the fruits of other people’s labor. That used to be called robbery before government started doing it more than a century ago through the income tax... How many politicians today talk about looking out for one’s self, not relying on government?”
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 02-11-2008, 12:22 PM
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Scout - I don't care who gets in office - the best of intentions means little unless Congress works to promote it. They are but figure heads with the power to put people in harms way. I don't think he has the skils to manuver within the system. Hillary can't do it either the people have to get a congress that wants change not just talks about it when elections come due.

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Old 02-12-2008, 06:52 AM
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At some point, probably in our life time, taxes will have to be raised and entitlements cut. We have anywhere from $ 60 to $ 80 TRILLION dollars in unfunded liabilites, that the guvmimt just sort of sweeps under the rug, plus the $ 10 TRILLION national debt that they acknowledge, sometimes.... That is money owed to the taxpayers, like you and me, for Social IN-Security, Medicare, pensions etc.....

Do the math.

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Old 02-12-2008, 09:53 AM
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Default Larry

At one point, not too long ago, GWB called for reforms, serious reforms in the Social Security system, which, incidentally, was bankrupted by good ol' LBJ when he allowed the Trust fund to be lumped in with the general revenue fund. I don't think we need to raised taxes as much as to reform the systems that are supported by taxes. There is so much fraud, waste and abuse in the SS, Medicare, and to a lesser extent, military pensions, that if fixed, could greatly add to the liquidity of the respective systems. A valid repair possibility is to start privatizing the SS system, giving younger workers an opportunity to opt-out, and other choices. Obama will socialize everything he can - jsut examine his policy statements, such as they are.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 02-19-2008, 03:00 PM
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Default HorseHockey!

Folks to understand just how hilarious this is .

They need to understand that most of these right wing prognositicators like you have been Dubya supporters for 8 years or more now.

Hell, Bush can't even find countries on a map, can't use the English language in a normal much less understandable way, can't write five sensible sentences on his own ----much less a paragraph for Gods' sake!

He obviously has no higher level thinking capacity or powers of deduction than any President----EVER! He's never achieved a thing in his life that his daddy and his daddy's friends didn't hand him, and he's even is proud that he "doesn't read newspapers or magazines."

However, I understand he does play videogames once in a while , and he IS an EXPERT at invading the wrong country.

That is why it is such a howler to hear all these cries of protests from these same Bush supporters towards Barrack Obama, a man who has authored two best sellers, taught constitutional law at one of the best Law Schools in America, Was president of the Harvard Law Review (not even Bill Clinton can claim that), was for years an outstanding State Senator in Illinois ( even the Republicans said he was great), was a civli rights lawyers, etc etc.

He has more intellectual capacity in his little fingernail clipping than Gee-W Bush has in his entire body.

HE has many times (or MORE) qualifications than Bush had before GEE-W ran for President!.........

But of course to the GOP, consistency and "qualifications" don't mean a thing when it comes to THEIR candidate(s)....... and it is downright "un-american" if the other side of the aisle dares question their 'Resume".

You force me to bring up Dubya as a contrast:

Georger W. Bush ...........

Former cocaine snorter (admitted it), drunk/alcohol abuser, and party boy. Avoided the draft by using his daddys' political "connections" to get him into the Texas Air National Guard which virtually assured* he wouldn't be sent to Vietnam. *(See 'ChickenHawk' for further explanation)

Got a degree in business from Harvard (can you say "legacy"? I KNEW you could...) then promptly went out and drove every single business he ever owned or managed* into the ground. *(See "miserable failure" for further explanation).

And yet, in every business, when it crashed, his rich family and friends were there to bail him out so that he didn't have to suffer the ravages of his own incompetence.

A couple of failed political campaigns, then finally a victory when Karl Rove*........ *(See "MudSlinger"..."Traitor" ...ect, etc) came aboard to start slaying (and slurring) his enemies. Interesting political postion, too. Governor of Texas, which looks good on the resume. Of course, legislative power in Texas is vested in the office of the Lt. Governor, but Dubya has always done better as a hood ornament.

Good Golly Miss Molly!........; Obama by contrast, graduated from Columbia without using anyone's coat-tails, and then graduated 'magna cum laude' from Harvard Law School. He worked for a number of years on issues for the poor and less fortunate, taking on discrimination cases, as well as voter registration cases.

Now, you say that he is not qualified to be president?

Let's take a look!...........

2.6 GPA ---Yale student.
History major. 2.6 GPA ---Harvard business student.

Runs every business he touches into the griound; gets bailed out by friends and family. After two tries to get into politics (during which his opponents successfully portrayed him as out of touch with common men) he gets what amounts to a figurehead position in Texas, where his greatest achievement becomes the record number of executions he signs off on.

3.8 GPA ---Columbia Poly Sci major with a specialty in international relations.
Harvard Law, 4.0 GPA---with high honors.

6 years of trial experience working for low income people. 11 years as an instructor in Constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. 8 years as an Illinois State Senator, and 3 years as a United States Senator.

Now I submit to you that Dubya, who was dumb enough to think this country could be run like a business (look how WELL things have turned out under HIS watch!), with NO knowledge of law or politics, was unable to destory this country (so far anyway---time will be the judge of that---- ), no matter HOW MUCH he phucked up!. Obama, with degrees in both political science and law, is far more capable of running this country than the numb-nuts currently occupying the White House.

And, if we should really be honest, any one of the three remaining substantial candidates, from either of the major parties, will do better than Dubya did.

The saddest thing in the world is that, for the first time in 40 years, you ( so-called conservatives that is) have a man running for the office of president who is nearly (notice I said -- NEARLY) everything that a republican presidential candidate should be, and yet many, many folks from the "NEW RIGHT" snipe at him because he's not conservative enough to meet your (and their) requirements.

Well, we've had four of those types from the "CONservative" side of the aisle in the last 30 years, and look at how they've messed up this country. Time to let the big people (you know---the ADULTS) take back over and make things better. You'll be thanking us for it very soon!

And here's hoping that the GOP gets back to being a party for real conservatives, instead of the paranoid, hate-mongers and neo-con ultra-rightwing Christian fundamentlists who have contrrolled it for the last 20 years.

If folks are in for a RUDE AWAKENING!




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Old 02-21-2008, 08:38 AM
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Default Gimpy,...

Gimpy,...YEAH SURE!!!

Both quite perpetually suspect of intent Hillary Rodham C. & Barack Hussein O. Jr. have proved themselves of much better character, honesty and integrity than our current Commander-In-Chief and candidate for same, Sen. McCain? You and all other: "Die Hard" Leftists continually propagating so are actually intelligence insulting, or absurdly believe that all Americans have very bad memories.

Only fools or dupes could seriously trust someone like Hillary (plus hubby) or anyone having set records for stating: "I Don't Recall" under oath, plus previously labelled as; "Pathological Liars"...with their & family"s very lives.

Same-o, same-o goes for another truly suspect of TRUE intent & TRUE allegiance Barack, and/or one claiming that his father from an extremely large extended Muslim Family (both sides/parts having 3-4 wives & thus multiple grandparents), that his father is actually an ATHIEST. YEAH, SURE!!! (again). Muslims get more riled regarding athiests than with INFIDELS and/or believers in dieties other than Allah.

If Obama's religious history portrayed is actually so,...How come both he and pappy aren't on some Muslim Turncoat Hit List? Why all the Muslim Support (from abroad also)? Think about it. Muslims normally even put disrespectful cartoonists on their Hit Lists.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.

Last edited by reconeil; 02-21-2008 at 02:29 PM. Reason: add words
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Old 06-25-2008, 03:31 PM
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Default SuperScout,...

Naysayers whom wouldn't even agree The Sky Blue if not Democrat so decreed aside,...
to me those shrugging-off suspect, bad and actually despicable: "Obama Connections",
allegiances or affiliations, remind me of old times.

Wasn't all that long ago that most in mainstream press/media and even many Republican
Politicians ALSO & STUPIDLY similarly gave Candidate JFKerry & his little (about 7-8):"Band
of Brothers" and/or; "Hangers-on" the benefit of doubt, in that 3 Month Tour of Duty
Wonder: "Rambo Kerry's" history & exploits were quite exemplary & A-OK. Even despicably
lying under oath as a young lieutenant before The U.S. Congress was deemed fine and/or:
"The Right Stuff".

Whereas, same press and even many Republicans INSTEAD & ABSURDLY pretty-much ridiculed,
demeaned & belittled about 3-400 Vietnam Swiftboaters (Ranking Officers & Doctors inclusive)
as just liars & malcontents, since exposing him instead of jumping on The Kerry Bandwagon.

Apparently then didn't matter much to career-political hacks desperately trying to retain
power & control for Democrat Party, in that doctors treating Kerry for: "Band-aid type
wounds" for THREE PURPLE HEARTS, all pretty-much agreed with the doctor stating:...
"Saw worse wounds from a rose bush" while Kerry APPLIED FOR EACH Purple Heart?

Why was that, and why basically still like that now?

Are Republican Leaders/Politicians STILL just as fearful as before about alienating the:
"Attack Dog" and/or typically & concertedly character-assassinating Dems & Supportive Press?

Sure-as-hell seems just as whussy & gutless to me now, back with The Kerry Fairytale.

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Old 06-26-2008, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by tranquill View Post
Here the ultimate Israeli right-winger adopts perfectly leftist/ progressive rhetoric for his goals:
Very curious read, actually.
To whom are you addressing your comments, and more importantly, what the hell are you saying?
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 07-06-2008, 02:18 PM
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Default SuperScout,...

Excellent questions. Too bad didn't get any answers, since normally like knowing
what people have to say,...and especially regarding The Muslim Saintly One (just jokin)
and/or Barack Hussein Obama Junior.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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