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Old 01-13-2003, 07:31 AM
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Cool U.S. Supplies, Calibrates And Endorses Use Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq

American Gulf War Veterans Association
Joyce Riley vonKleist, RN, BSN spokesperson
P.O.Box 85, Versailles, Missouri 65084
(573) 378-6049 voice, (573) 378-5998 fax
10 Sept. 2002
Contact Person: Gary Treece

As the Bush administration works to gain world support to conduct a pre-emptive strike against Iraq, new disturbing information has surfaced with regard to U.S. involvement in the development of Iraq?s chemical and biological weapons program.

The pre-emptive strike is based upon President Bush and Vice-President Cheney?s beliefs that there must be an invasion of Iraq because Saddam Hussein:

possesses weapons of mass destruction and the potential for nuclear weapons,

used these weapons on his own people (Kurds) and the Iranians,

has a history of lying to the world.

According to information obtained by the AGWVA, there is irrefutable evidence to show that the Unites States government provided and encouraged Iraq?s use of chemical weapons. The United States Department of Commerce and The American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) provided at least 80 shipments of biological agents that were not attenuated (or weakened) and were capable of reproduction. These shipments included such virulent agents as Anthrax, West Nile Virus and Clostridium botulinum (S.R.103-900, May 25, 1994, pg. 264).

The AGWVA also found it very disturbing to learn that on December 19, 1983, the Middle Eastern envoy who carried a handwritten note from President Reagan to Saddam Hussein, to ?resume our diplomatic relations with Iraq? was none other than our present Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld.

According to ?U.S. Diplomatic and Commercial Relationships with Iraq?, 1980-August 2, 2000, (, Nathaniel Hurd states:

?Iraq reportedly began using chemical weapons (CW) against Iranian troops in 1982, and significantly increased CW use in 1983? Shortly after removing Iraq from the terrorism sponsorship list, the Reagan administration approved the sale of 60 Hughes helicopters. Analysts recognized that ?civilian? helicopters can be weaponized in a matter of hours and selling a civilian kit can be a way of giving military aid under the guise of civilian assistance.?

Mark Phythian, in his book Arming Iraq: How the U.S. and Britain Secretly Built Saddam?s War Machine? (Northeastern University Press, 1997) stated:

? ?the Secretaries of Commerce and State (George Baldridge and George Shultz) lobbied the NSC (National Security Council) advisor into agreeing to the sale to Iraq of 10 Bell helicopters, officially for crop spraying. It is believed that US-supplied choppers were used in the 1988 chemical attack on the Kurdish village Halabja, which killed 5000 people.?

In his own book Turmoil and Triumph: My Years as Secretary of State, George Shultz refers to a declassified CIA report which notes Iraq?s use of mustard gas in August 1983, giving further credence to the suggestion that the State Department and/or the National Security Council (NSC) was well aware of Iraq?s use of chemical weapons at this time. If the use of chemical weapons was known in August of 1983, and Donald Rumsfeld went to Iraq in December of 1983, he was on notice that this country was using and was going to continue to use weapons of mass destruction. Why, then, did the United States move to de-list Iraq from those considered to be terrorist nations?

On March 23, 1984, Iran accused Iraq of poisoning 600 of its soldiers with mustard gas and Tabun nerve gas. Donald Rumsfeld returned to Baghdad on March 24, 1984. On that same day, the UPI wire service reported that a team of UN experts had concluded that:

?Mustard gas laced with a nerve agent has been used on Iranian soldiers. Meanwhile, Donald Rumsfeld held talks with foreign minister Tariq Aziz.?

Probably the most critical piece of information is that according to Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward, in a December 15, 1986 article, the CIA began to secretly supply Iraq with intelligence in 1984 that was used to ?calibrate? mustard gas attacks on Iranian troops.

It is public record that the U.S. not only armed Iraq from 1983 thru August 1, 1990, but that they also provided the money to Iraq to purchase the weapons via the Atlanta branch of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL), George Bush, Sr., and the Export-Import Bank. Iraq received $5 Billion dollars funneled through the Commercial Credit Corporation ostensibly for food credits. It is also public information that at least $2 Billion dollars from the defaulted loan was repaid by the U.S. citizen taxpayers.

Joyce Riley, spokesperson for the American Gulf War Veterans Association has for seven years been shining the light of accountability on the Department of Defense for having armed our ?enemy? with weapons of mass destruction, exposing our military to these weapons and then denying not only their culpability but the very existence of the mystery diseases. She often quotes Senator Donald Riegle (D-MI) who stated in Senate Report 103-900, ?Our troops are not just sick, they are dying.?

Riley, a former Captain in the United States Air Force Reserve and Flight Nurse states: ?If it wasn?t bad enough to watch our troops become ill from our own weapons? the Department of Defense labeled our sick men and women as ?mental cases.? These proud men and women have been abandoned, are now sick and must fight the battle alone. These needless illnesses and deaths now lie at the feet of the Pentagon and Veterans? Administration Hospitals.?


SSgt. Roger A.
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Old 01-13-2003, 07:32 AM
thedrifter thedrifter is offline
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American Gulf War Veterans Association
Joyce Riley vonKleist, RN, BSN spokesperson
P.O.Box 85, Versailles, Missouri 65084
(573) 378-6049 voice, (573) 378-5998 fax
2 Oct. 2002
Contact Person: Gary Treece

The American Gulf War Veterans Association (AGWVA) now calls for the resignation of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. In response to questioning by Sen. Robert C. Byrd, (D-WV), Rumsfeld denied any knowledge that the United States had shipped biological weapons to Iraq during the 1980?s. Rumsfeld was addressing the Armed Services Committee last week, when he stated that he ??had no knowledge of any such shipments and doubted that they ever occurred.?

There is no disputing the evidence that the U.S. provided bacteria and viruses as evidenced by Senate Report 103-900, ?United States Dual-Use Exports To Iraq And Their Impact On the Health of The Persian Gulf War Veterans,? dated May 25,1994, chaired by Sen. Donald Riegle (D-MI) of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. This Senate report was available to all senators and listed among other items, Bacillus Anthracis, (anthrax) Clostridium botulinum, and West Nile Fever Virus as pathogens that were shipped to Iraq in the 1980?s with the full knowledge of the Department of Commerce and the CDC.

There is no question that the Secretary of Defense must be informed and up to date with information about a potential military enemy and his military capabilities. Mr. Rumsfeld?s statements demonstrate that this is clearly not the case.

If our Secretary of Defense is unaware of the sales of biological materials to a country with which we are about to go to war, or if he is in denial over the fact that these sales occurred, the AGWVA believes that he represents a clear and present danger to the lives of our military, our country, and the American people, and should be considered a very serious threat to the national security. It is for this reason that the AGWVA calls for his resignation and removal from office.


SSgt. Roger A.
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Old 01-13-2003, 08:27 AM
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Default Buried on the back pages of Veteran's Concerns

Unfortunately only a few read this stuff or even care to read it. And if it is brought up we are seen as unpatriotic. Do not ask the hard questions. It rocks the world we live in. "How many times can a man turn his head pretending he just doesn't see? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind...the answer is blowing in the wind...Note the date on this post.

United States Dual-use Exports To Iraq

Joined: Aug 21, 2001
Posts: 77 Posted: 2001-08-30 23:40

U.S. Senate, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs,
Washington, DC.

The Committee met at 10:10 a.m., in room SD 106 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Senator Donald W. Riegle, Jr.

Saw the people standin' thousand years in chains Somebody said it's different now, look, it's just the same...Pharoahs spin the message, round and round the truth..They could have saved a million people How can I tell you? ccr

Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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Old 01-13-2003, 08:36 AM
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Anthrax Vaccine Facts and Documents

Joined: Aug 21, 2001
Posts: 77 Posted: 2001-08-23 02:24
On the web address below you will find Facts and Doucuments regarding the use of Anthrax by the military. I offer it to you without commentary. You will have to search the site and the forums on the site...come back and tell us what you have found...

Also listed under Web Links found on the home page/main menu/other options.


Joined: Aug 26, 2001
Posts: 1 Posted: 2001-08-26 23:46
Recently the VA with the backing of the NAS declared that Anthrax and other biological agents used in the Gulf War were not contributive to the health problems of military as well as civilians. Included in the VA/NAS denial was the health hazard of using uranium in the penetrator noses of anti-tank weapons and as well the explosive enhancement bands on missile and artillery shells. How can this egregeous abuse of US and allied military personnel be corrected? I have the VA release on hand. I sent an eMail to John McCain, Sen AZ A Vietnam vet and a member of the armed services committee and I have yet to receive a response (I mentioned Anthrax etc but spoke vigorously concerning the uranium trioxide problem. Uranium, like Magnesium, is incendiary and upon heated by impact or nearby explosive detonation burns rapidly to "yellow smoke" that is easily ingested by clean-up operators in the arenas of conflict. Galois


Joined: Aug 21, 2001
Posts: 77 Posted: 2001-08-27 02:27
Galois, I read your post and I am literally sick right now. Just when I think the lie can't get any bigger it does. I don't have an answer. I don't think they listen I write letters and the response is the party line. The military industrial complex has killed our grandfathers, our dads, our peers, our children and aiming for our grandchildren with their experiments.

Maybe we could spread this all over the web and ask vets everywhere to write we could at least stay the govt hand from denying benefits to our children that are now sick and dying from the chemicals "they didn't use", and the drugs "they didn't give them", and the anthrax that was of course "safe".

Put a post up on the Vietnam conflict forum here and ask them to read what you wrote. Maybe some of the Gulf War Vets will come in and back you up with some more facts. We haven't got much response from them yet. Go get them if you know them and bring them in. I don't have any answers any more...only sorrow...arrow>>>>>

Saw the people standin' thousand years in chains Somebody said it's different now, look, it's just the same...Pharoahs spin the message, round and round the truth..They could have saved a million people How can I tell you? ccr


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Posted: 2001-08-27 02:34
I hope Senator McCain is able to be heard if he decides to work against this movement to silence the vets and civilian workers of the Gulf War. For many reasons I believe they had every intention of allowing personnel to be exposed to said contaminants to better gauge the long term effects. It will probably be many more years before anything is done to take responsibility if the past is any indication of the future.


Joined: Aug 21, 2001
Posts: 77 Posted: 2001-08-27 05:04
I pulled this off a gulf war website it is a post by a mom worried about her boy:

My Son Tracy was in the Gulf War and in the service for 8 years. His hands shake and his legs tremble sometimes. Also he sweats blood through the pours. I want to know what this condition is and if anything can be done for it. When he was in Georgia the base Dr. told him that the shakes were like the begining of parkinsons and that it was due to some of the vaccines and or the nerv gas chambers the men had to go through. The dissability borad said they could give him 10% disability. He told them "I have these problems for the rest of my life and you want to only give me 10% and who knows what else will come up in the future." He did not accept it and they said maybe a 25% disability. He did not accept that eaither.

Which I am glad of cause since then is when he found out about the bleeding through the pours of his skin. So now what can he do?

thanks for any info on these two illness

there is no parkinsons in eaither side of the family and to my understanding it is genetics. But the bleeding is a whole different thing. Tracy is only 33 and his whole life ahead of him.

Saw the people standin' thousand years in chains Somebody said it's different now, look, it's just the same...Pharoahs spin the message, round and round the truth..They could have saved a million people How can I tell you? ccr


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Posted: 2001-08-27 09:09
The expression goes "same old shit, different day." Pardon my French but I'm pissed off right now. Time and time again the people that made this country what it is today, fought for it, died for it, get hidden in the back corner. What is needed is a 25 million man march on the demogods and autocrats in DC. 25 million veterans that are sick and tired of being denied. I sat back and watched one of my brothers die of AO, but the government says that it only took the leaves off the trees, bullshit! Sadam had and probably still has one of the largest arsinals of chemical warfare agents in the world but - we can't say anything because the US tought him how to make them. The US even provided him with a good deal of of the agents.

Oh, if you say something then you're speaking against your government, "you must be some sort of communist or subversive. Bend over and let us stick it to you again."

The VA doesn't say that you have PTSD, you have an "extreme anxiety reaction," If it's bad enough you might just get a stripent of $2 grand a month. Who the hell can live comfortably on $2 grand a month. That's $12 an hour for a 40 hour work week. $24,000 a year, and if you blow yourself away because of the boogeyman in your head, what does your wife get, what does your kid get? A flag.

In the past several years I have tried to get a job to make my family a little more comfortable, to pursue a little more of "the American dream." On each job application it ask you to reveal any disabilities and by law you have to write it down. When the company checks you out with the VA, the VA tells them not to hire you, "you're a crazy Vietnam Vet."

As Mammy said to Scarlett, "it ain't fitten, it just ain't fitten,"

Dad taught me that if you want something done by someone you have to look them straight in the eye, not get on the phone. Letters ain't gonna get it, but face to face, with lots of troops, with lots of press, gets the bureaucrats attention. Why do we allow ourselves to be ignored?

Pain is only temporary. Pride is forever.


Joined: Aug 21, 2001
Posts: 77 Posted: 2001-08-27 15:51
Good comments John...and the the way the Disability act says an employer is not to ask those kinds of questions any more...or discrimnate against the disabled...hahaha .nice words...but with the access everyone has to medical records, insurance companies etc, any one can find out anything, any time...
Saw the people standin' thousand years in chains Somebody said it's different now, look, it's just the same...Pharoahs spin the message, round and round the truth..They could have saved a million people How can I tell you? ccr

Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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Old 01-13-2003, 08:40 AM
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Anthrax Vaccine Links and Information

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Posts: 77 Posted: 2001-08-31 04:06

Saw the people standin' thousand years in chains Somebody said it's different now, look, it's just the same...Pharoahs spin the message, round and round the truth..They could have saved a million people How can I tell you? ccr

Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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Old 01-13-2003, 08:53 AM
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Default We owe it to our Gulf War Vets

and every Mother's Son or daughter that we send into harms way to read this report. If we are going to consent by our voice or our silence to send them we at least owe them the truth and the protection that they need to carry the battle.

James J. Tuite, III

James Tuite receives email at: (

Responding to a commitment to our national security, our Armed Forces, and our veterans, Jim has refocussed his experience on investigating the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, chemical, biological, and radiological warfare defense, and the occupational hazards of the modern battlefield.

Once an Army medical specialist with the 101st Airborne Division's Eagle Dustoff (Air Ambulance Platoon, 326th Medical Bn.) in Vietnam, Jim is a retired U.S. Secret Service senior special agent. His duties with the Secret Service included criminal investigation, intelligence and foreign counter terrorism activities, and science and technology research and development. He was also a chemical hygiene officer in the Secret Service's laboratory division.

With a B.S. degree in the Administration of Justice from the American University, and a Masters degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University, Jim had just completed his doctoral studies at Catholic University and was completing his dissertation when then U.S. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Donald W. Riegle, Jr. asked him to direct an inquiry into U.S. export policies to Iraq prior to the Gulf War and the possibly related health consequences of that war. He was also the author of the three reports released by the Committee in 1993 and 1994.

Since leaving the U.S. Senate staff earlier this year, Jim has established an international security consulting firm and has worked as a technical consultant with network media. He has appeared in documentaries and network news programs in the U.S., Japan, and the United Kingdom on issues related to proliferation, Iraq's biological weapons programs, biological terrorism, and the health effects of the Persian Gulf War. He continues to lecture and write on issues related to the health consequences of the Persian Gulf War.

Jim's new internet E-mail address is He can also be contacted at (202) 625-6720. Mail should be directed to P.O. Box 25732, Washington, D.C. 20007

Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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Old 01-13-2003, 09:45 AM
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Default America's Biggest Cover-Up

Testimony of Howard B. Urnovitz, Ph.D. (1/24/02)
U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and International Relations

Howard B. Urnovitz, Ph.D. -- 01/24/2002


January 24, 2002



I am grateful to the Subcommittee for allowing me the opportunity to present my views on Gulf War Syndrome or GWS. My name is Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz. I received my doctorate degree in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Michigan in 1979. My entire CV is submitted with my written testimony. I currently hold the position of Scientific Director of the Chronic Illness Research Foundation as well as my current position as Chief Executive and Science Officer of Chronix Biomedical, a privately-held genomics company. I receive no government grants or support for my work.

The Subcommittee has asked me to testify on the status GWS research. My reply is simple: We have reached a stalemate. My purpose of being here today is to explain why.

In my last testimony to this Subcommittee, on February 2, 2000, I pointed out that the human genome appeared to play a critical role in GWS. In fact, I testified that the major opportunity GWS presents to medical science is that neither a single bacterium nor a virus could be blamed for the illness. I have stated repeatedly in public for the past several years that the mycoplasma causal theory for GWS was based on poorly conducted research and the claims had never been validated. Finally, an excellent controlled scientific study has put this matter to rest. I will state again for the record what I believe to be the basis of GWS: it is the genome, not the germs.

In the late 1800s, Louis Pasteur hypothesized that bacteria might be a cause of human disease, sparking a major revolution in medicine, the "germ theory." However, the theory that germs cause most, if not all, human disease fell apart immediately in the early 1900s when doctors investigated the transmissible agent in polio.

The conceptual failure to see that a single germ does not always cause diseases is why we have not cured or prevented all of the so-called viral diseases. In fact, the common perception that vaccines can stop all diseases is just plain wrong. The 1957 final report of the poliomyelitis vaccine field trial contains no evidence to support the claim that it was the antibodies to the poliovirus that prevented some cases of childhood paralysis. This report and the medical literature I have read so far calls into question the use of antibodies as surrogate markers for a protective response to germs like anthrax. In fact, it is my opinion that the strategy of anthrax protection through vaccines is based on very weak science.

I applaud the work of early poliovirus researchers, who were true pioneers. I believe we should view the early polio vaccine effort as we view Columbus? voyage. Columbus did not discover America. He found a new world that allowed his successors to discover the Americas. Drs. Salk and Sabin did not prevent all cases of childhood paralysis, but they showed us the way to do it and perhaps how to prevent many chronic diseases through post-exposure treatment.

So why is there a stalemate?

The letter from the Pentagon included in the GAO Report (GAO-01-13, April 2001) cautioned the authors of the report not to be "hasty" in drawing the conclusion that there might be fewer health complaints from the French troops. This letter indicated to me that the military continues to take what I would call a "denial of the clues" position. Denying or refusing to recognize scientific clues, controlled studies (including ours) and even facts about GWS has created this stalemate, a stalemate that has implications bigger than the disease itself. These denials are manifestations of the weaknesses of large-scale, government-funded research. This weakness delays any and all attempts to treat GWS veterans and hinders any and all attempts for a medical defense against the next generation of chemical, biological and radiation terrorist weapons.

What is the source of this "denial of clues" position with regard to GWS and other medical mysteries? I believe it is the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS is the largest and most powerful medical research entity in the world today. It strongly influences the financing, communication, and priorities of the world's medical research agenda, including military medicine. Its Fiscal Year 2001 budget was $429 billion In my opinion, this agency is completely out of control because of, in part, its continued violations of medical ethics.

I argue that the response of the entire federal health establishment to recent acts of bioterrorism constitutes a violation of medical ethics. Despite ample evidence from military usage over the last decade that the existing anthrax vaccine is highly reactive with possible deleterious long-term health effects, the October 2001 terrorist attack that employed mailed anthrax spores triggered an extremely questionable reaction from the Health and Human Services Department and its Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Both HHS and CDC made the still unlicensed vaccine available to potentially exposed postal workers and congressional staffers not as an immunization, but as a treatment supplemental to antibiotics - without a scintilla of scientific evidence that such inoculations could help prevent the disease in exposed individuals. Even the HHS and CDC officials responsible refused to recommend the workers actually take the shots. In the fields of advertising, public relations, and political speech writing, this approach is sometimes called the "The Spaghetti Theorem" - throw an untried idea against the wall and see if it sticks. It has no place in science or medicine.

And now we learn from the CDC-authored informed consent documents for such civilian shots that the anthrax vaccine may be connected to birth defects if the inoculation is given during pregnancy. The data come from a preliminary Navy study still under review. So far the Pentagon has refused to provide further details.

Further, we now have learned from the October 23, 2001, GAO report "Anthrax Vaccine: Changes to the Manufacturing Process" that the FDA has blatantly turned a blind eye in its oversight and surveillance of the Bioport anthrax production facility.

A less recognized yet more flagrant medical ethics violation by HHS is its endorsement and defense of the "Durban Declaration." Ironically, the Durban Declaration memorialized 20 years of frustration and failure by the AIDS research community to successfully treat the disease by eliminating the associated virus, HIV, with either drugs or vaccines. The Declaration claims to be based on an exhaustive medical literature. But this literature is substantially comprised of opinions, poorly conducted studies, and reviews of poorly conducted studies. Instead of using the milestone of 20 years as a "call to arms" to encourage novel and non-traditional research approaches, 93 HHS employees from agencies including the NIH, FDA and CDC, published a declaration in the journal Nature stating that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS and that the scientific debate is closed. As a scientist, I was outraged to see such a declaration which seems totally at odds with the tradition of the scientific method.

Here is what lies ahead for people who suffer from emerging chronic diseases like GWS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS as well as for efforts to protect the population at large from mad cow disease and chemical and biological terrorism. Rather than recognizing and reporting on the failures to cure, prevent, or successfully treat a disease, HHS scientists will continue to deny that billions of taxpayer dollars and decades of medical research has yielded little or no progress in the understanding of chronic syndromes. Yet, they will publish documents that will mandate how future medical research should and should not be conducted. Scientific journals will publish these documents and imply that they are scientific in nature. Mainstream media, without asking any hard questions, will then distribute the information to the general population and label all who challenge the documents as "dissidents."

Label us what you want, but misrepresentations are misrepresentations. We continue to use the Internet to describe our scientific position. You can view our correspondence with the HHS on our website, (Government Relations). It asks how HHS scientists can take the position that a virus is the sole cause of AIDS based on opinions, poorly conducted studies and reviews of poorly conducted studies.

By allowing its 93 employees, all of whom are ostensibly public servants, to abuse their powerful government positions by signing the Durban Declaration, HHS has signaled the American people that it will permit its scientists to take a public position on unsolved medical problems instead of finding the answers through rigorous research. Research into GWS is directly affected by these unethical practices. How?

Genomes and germs.

Exemplified by the Durban Declaration, the American medical science complex is unwilling to accept and, in fact, vigorously opposed to the idea that epidemics and disease clusters can happen without a single microbe as the prime causative agent. The original successes of Pasteur and Koch in the late 1800's with a select number of bacterial maladies do not hold true for all diseases, especially the chronic diseases. This "one size fits all"" single-germ approach of medical science is why diseases like GWS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, childhood paralysis, and AIDS have not been conquered. By allowing HHS to mandate how science will be conducted, a clear government sanction has been established. This sanction will prevent the discovery and innovative research needed to attack the tough medical issues we face today.

Allow me to give you an example of why the "one size fits all" approach does not work for chronic illnesses. For 100 years, since Landsteiner and Popper transmitted poliomyelitis from a boy to a laboratory animal, every doctor in the world will tell you that the childhood paralysis was caused by a single entity called the poliovirus and can be completely stopped by polio vaccine. The web site has posted a detailed special report questioning why the polio vaccine has not eliminated childhood paralysis world-wide and even challenging medical researchers to produce the hard science to show if there was ever was a poliovirus epidemic. Diseases cannot be conquered if scientists refuse to admit they are wrong, go back into the laboratory, and work until they find the truth.

This astonishing abuse of the scientific method by political scientists has led us to the stalemate we are in today. Clearly, science has been trapped in similar stalemates before. In the 1600's, Galileo, equipped with a new invention, the telescope, was able to confirm Copernicus' heliocentric theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun and not the reverse. The political system and religious institutions of the time made sure Galileo?s ideas, teachings and writings were suppressed. Galileo was charged by the Inquisition with heresy and sentenced to house arrest for life. It took hundreds of years for scientific fact to overturn political opinion. We are facing the Galileo effect today in medicine.

What are the implications of our current stalemate?

The world cannot defend itself against biological/chemical/radiation terrorism until this stalemate is brought to an end. The single-germ-theory will not allow science to define the genomic conditions necessary to render an individual susceptible to a disease process. Terrorists will soon learn how to make their next move so that the weapons become more effective. Our next move has to be the development of medications, genomic drugs, that can focus and strengthen the genomic reaction to toxic injury. The current scientific stalemate prevents us from making this type of progress. We cannot take this critical next move because the stalemate has you believing that vaccines and conventional antibiotics are the way to stop terrorism even though none of the data I have seen support this claim.

Scientific Revolution Tactics: Where Do We Go From Here?

I would like to go on record stating that the single-germ-theory as the cause of chronic diseases will disappear once scientists learn the proper use of their new "telescope," i.e. genomics.

I am sure you have heard about the power of genomics, but even in this brand-new discipline we have a stalemate created by scientists trying to cram square pegs into round holes. Most genomic scientists want you to believe that diseases occur as a result of mutations in the genes that make proteins. Nature is telling you that many of the major diseases are not in the protein coding genes but in what are misleadingly referred to as the "junk" DNA. A quarter-century ago, I began my doctoral research in a lab that studied how to create poliomyelitis in mice without any poliovirus: by manipulating the junk DNA with toxic chemicals or radiation. GWS has convinced me that these same interactions of toxic exposures and chronic diseases occur in humans as well. So, the clues are now telling us that the cause of chronic diseases is the JUNK genome, not the germs.

Who is listening to me?

I predicted in my last testimony to this Subcommittee that GWS research would lead to medical breakthroughs in all areas of chronic disease research. I subsequently chose to study a disease that would have commercial implications so as to raise investment capital to prove my point. In less than 3 months' time and with only one other scientist, we are now validating a new test for Mad Cow Disease that does not require the cow to be killed before testing. Our test looks at the same genomic elements I found in GWS veterans. I am confident that the validation of this test will prove the positive predictive value of blood junk gene tests and have enormous value in protecting the food supply and human health. I see no reason why we cannot design a similar program for GWS -- that is, identify new diagnostic markers and start a discovery program to produce genomic drugs to dampen down the GWS veterans? ailments. These same genomic medications would better protect our troops against biological and chemical weapons than still unproven vaccines.

It is unfortunate, due to the stalemate, that this genomics test probably will never be used in GWS research. The April 2001 GAO report on GWS has clearly outlined the obvious study that should be done: use a variation of the genomics test on the Persian Gulf War vets, deployed and non-deployed, from the US, UK and France. If the French soldiers truly have a lower incidence of GWS, the genomics test will confirm it. The follow-up studies can then refine the testing procedures so that treatment options can be judged against a soon to be validated laboratory marker.

How do we break out of this stalemate? Let me share some of my thoughts.

First, if science and government wish to continue any kind of responsible partnership, a new paradigm must be developed. It must allow scientific and public discourse on fresh research ideas, even if they contradict long-held doctrines. .

Second, the federal structure must end the de facto government sanctions that exist as a result of an inherent bias toward "maverick" research -- defined as any study that contradicts the conventional wisdom that germs cause all infectious diseases and ignores an avalanche of findings about the human genome. It's the genes, not the germs.

Third, we must leave behind a dim decade of "denying clues" that has not only deprived Gulf War veterans a possible pathway out of illness, but even worse has established a template of refusal to consider almost any new ideas on any medical subject. We must not continue to allow stale dogma to trash true science.

I am certain we will overcome this stalemate. Scientific discovery and new treatment modalities will prevail. Results-minded researchers will go to the private sector, as the global marketplace is proving.

The role of Congress should be to do what it does best -- keep the pressure on. As you are all-too-aware, we are engaged in a long-term war that involves hideous brands of terrorism, invasions of our homeland for the first time in 187 years, and a life-and-death necessity to realize: We don't have years to change the way we protect our troops and our people against chemical and biological warfare -- at best, we have months. You will never be able to protect the citizens of this country if HHS is not held accountable for its actions that continue to discourage scientific discovery in the ways I have described.

In conclusion, I want to thank this Subcommittee for its leadership in trying to understand the complexities surrounding the treatment of GWS. I also want to thank the staff of the GAO for its first class reports on GWS related issues as well as calling them as they see them.

I again thank the Subcommittee for recognizing the contributions I have made to the GWS medical literature and for my modest attempt at trying to keep the scientific debates open.

I ask that the full text of my statement be submitted for inclusion in the record of the hearing.

Living With Chronic Illness
The Mycoplasma Misrepresentation

America's Biggest Cover-Up

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Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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Old 01-13-2003, 12:39 PM
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Default Defective Protective Gear goes missing...

THE LAWMAKERS? worries have been buttressed by the General Accounting Office, which recently reported ?continuing concerns? about equipment, training and research. The GAO said that for six years, ?we have identified many problems in the Defense Department?s capabilities to defend against chemical and biological weapons and sustain operations in the midst of their use.?
Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.), chairman of the Government Reform Committee?s national security subcommittee, said the latest problem Pentagon officials uncovered involves gas masks that have the wrong gaskets and will require extensive inspections to ensure that they are functioning properly.


Shays said he is also concerned about the Defense Department?s inability to manage millions of protective suits so that units likely to deploy to the Persian Gulf receive the highest-quality gear, with 250,000 defective suits unaccounted for in the Pentagon inventory.

"I visited the troops in Europe, who I believe will be first responders in Iraq, and they did not have the best equipment we have, and that is a concern to me,? Shays said. ?We don?t know where some of our best suits are ? they are God knows where. And in some cases, we?ve mixed bad inventory with good.?

Raymond J. Decker, the GAO?s director of defense capabilities ad management, said he was not convinced that the Pentagon had enough new, highly protective, lightweight suits to equip all forces likely to fight a war in Iraq.

With the new suits in relatively short supply, Decker said, the Pentagon must rely on millions of older suits manufactured since 1989. But the quality of those charcoal-lined garments, he said, diminishes with age.

A Capitol Hill source, who asked not to be named, said recent Pentagon tests had revealed that the older suits are good for only a day or two after they are removed from their protective packaging. If additional testing turns up similar results, the source said, ?they?ve got a big problem.?

The GAO told Shays?s subcommittee in October that the Pentagon could not locate 250,000 defective suits manufactured since 1989 by a New York company called Isratex, whose officers have been convicted of intentionally providing the military with defective garments. An additional 530,000 defective suits produced by the firm have been located and removed from military stocks.

In a letter sent Wednesday to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, a member of Shays?s subcommittee, Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky (D-Ill.), cited ?extremely troubling? testimony by his subordinates on chemical and biological preparedness, particularly with regard to the 250,000 defective suits still missing.

In the letter, Schakowsky asked Rumsfeld to certify that all troops deployed to the Gulf for any possible military action against Iraq ?have been provided with equipment to protect against chemical and biological attacks in quantities sufficient to meet minimum required levels previously established by the Department of Defense.?


The threat to U.S. forces is particularly acute as the Bush administration puts the finishing touches on invasion plans to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein if his government does not relinquish its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and fully cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors.

The CIA says Iraq most likely has stockpiled ?a few hundred metric tons of chemical warfare agents,? including the nerve agents VX, sarin, cyclosarin and mustard gas, and also possesses anthrax and other lethal biological agents that could be weaponized.

Iraq did not use chemical or biological weapons against U.S. forces during the Gulf War, even though Hussein ordered commanders to fill Scud missile warheads, bombs and artillery shells with chemical agents. But many analysts say Hussein and his most loyal commanders will not hesitate to use them in another war, because this new military campaign would be for the explicit purpose of toppling Hussein?s government.

Anna Johnson-Winegar, the Defense Department?s deputy assistant secretary for chemical and biological defense, said she believed the Pentagon would be able to reach a ?goal? for providing all troops sent to the Gulf with the new protective suits, officially named the Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology, or JSLIST, suits.

Johnson-Winegar also said recent tests had given defense officials ?complete confidence? in the protective capabilities of the JSLIST suits and the older garments.

Retired Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey, who commanded the 24th Infantry Division during the Gulf War and is under Pentagon contract to brief the commanders of units likely to deploy on what to expect in any military action against Iraq, said he believed that U.S. forces were well prepared for chemical or biological attacks.

?Every fighter wing, every Navy ship at sea, every Army battalion is fully equipped to fight in a chemical environment,? McCaffrey said. He underscored the threat last month when he told commanders of the 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart, Ga., that they should expect to be attacked with chemical weapons.

Lt. Col. Stephen M. Twitty, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division?s 2nd Brigade, deployed in Kuwait, said his unit was well equipped and well trained to withstand chemical or biological attacks, having trained in offensive and defensive operations for as long as seven hours in full protective gear.

?During these training maneuvers, we tested our soldiers? ability to fight, test for agents decontaminate themselves and their equipment,? he said. ?Additionally, we have conducted foot marches in [full protective gear] over long distances.?


The U.S. military?s preparedness for chemical and biological warfare has greatly improved since the Gulf War, when 100,000 troops were exposed to trace levels of sarin nerve gas when engineers blew up sarin-filled rockets at a munitions dump in Khamisiyah in March 1991.

In addition to the new protective suits and masks, U.S. forces are equipped with armored M-93 Fox vehicles that detect mustard gas and nerve agents on the battlefield in less than a second, sounding alarms that give soldiers time to climb into protective suits, masks, boots and gloves. Military units also surround their bases with M8 alarms to detect the presence of nerve agents.

The Pentagon has also recently installed 52 stationary biological sensors called Portal Shield in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to complement a mobile biological sensing system towed by a Humvee that is designed to patrol the battlefield and provide early warning of a biological attack.

But unlike chemical sensors, biological sensors take as long as 20 minutes to detect the presence of germ weapons, greatly increasing the risk that soldiers would be exposed to biological agents before donning their protective gear.

Even the Pentagon?s new JSLIST garment and M40 silicone rubber gas mask cannot stop some biological agents and a powdered version of VX nerve agent called ?Dusty VX.?

One difficulty in assessing the Pentagon?s readiness in the chemical and biological arena is that much information about the protective qualities of the new equipment remains classified.

Johnson-Winegar declined to discuss whether the military?s protective suits would be effective against Dusty VX.

?It?s classified information,? she said, ?and it?s an operational security concern.?

Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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Old 01-13-2003, 02:45 PM
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But what can a young man or woman do when they are beginning their reign of service? You can't balk,or refuse any of these treatments,without being considered difficult. I don't even know ALL of the different injections my son had to take:including flu,anthrax,malaria,at least,etc. Has already been in the gas chamber 3 times. All this in blind respect and a sincere sense of duty- "If this is what I have to do,to serve my country-so be it".
What can we do to protect them? anything?
Didn't think so.
God Bless our men and women serving
My deepest respect goes out to all of you.

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Old 01-13-2003, 03:39 PM
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Your right nang. Voices were raised but not heard after the Gulf War. Now we are getting ready for more of the same. My answer now is to let congress know that they are accountable for these young people and not just to them but the whole nation. They better be gettin' it right. They have had years to work on this mess and they are too busy makin' deals with the money men to take care of business ie givin' our military the best of everything we have. That means, equipment, pay, medical, retirement, and all the things they deserve for putting their life on the line for all of us. These youngsters are just like the young men of all past wars they will only really know after the fact the terrible price they pay. But those of us that know have an obligation to hold the powers that be accountable for those that do not know.


Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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