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Old 06-25-2009, 08:10 PM
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Exclamation News: VA Orders Veterans to Stop Flying the American Flag Upside Down

News: VA Orders Veterans to Stop Flying the American Flag Upside Down
Posted on June 24, 2009 by rbrock

By Robert L. Rosebrock, Staff Writer

On Father's Day, at the 66th consecutive Sunday Rally to “Save Our Veterans' Land,” fellow Veterans of The Veterans Revolution had our American Flags hanging upside down as a “Distress Call,” just as we did the week before, and in accordance with the U.S. Flag Code.

In spite of Sunday being a special day of honor for Fathers, a group of 70 and 80-year old Veterans chose to spend the afternoon defending our Veterans land in lieu of spending it with their families.
If that doesn't send a serious message for a "Distress Call" that is of major importance, then what does?

Right: THE VA's TWISTED AGENDA: Last year there were several twisted American Flags that remained in a disgraceful state of deterioration for several months while the VA completely ignored them. The Flags were hanging right next to the Los Angeles National Veterans Home where Disabled Veterans were healing from the rigors of war.

An Attitude Problem
Toward the end of the Rally, a federal police car pulled up with its red and blue lights flashing and two armed VA police officers approached the front gate where we rally and hang the American Flags. A Lt. Carson stepped forward and ordered us to turn the Flags around up or remove them.

When I said "just a minute," as I called for fellow Veteran Rees Lloyd, an attorney, to come over, Lt. Carson arrogantly and condescendingly said: "what's the matter, do you need an interpreter?"

This attitude set the tone for another unnecessary confrontation by the VA police against fellow Veterans who are peacefully demonstrating in opposition to the VA's serious breach of fiduciary to responsibly honor the Act of 1887 and the Deed of 1888, which has led to the flagrant abuse and misuse of Veterans sacred property.
VA Bureaucrat Issues a Dictatorial Order
Lt. Carson stated, among other things, that he was following the directions of Lynn Carrier, the associate director of the VA Greater West Los Angeles Healthcare System (VA GWLAHS) when he ordered us to turn the flags around or remove them. Because Ms. Carrier's directive was issued near the end of our Sunday Rally, we removed them just as we normally do and left peacefully on our own accord.

Ms. Carrier's directive to the VA police to carry out her dictatorial order only underscores the absolute necessity for all Veterans to fly the American flag upside down because Veterans properties are in even more eminent danger when Veterans rights are seriously abridged while trying to defend their sacred land. Rees Lloyd will be addressing Sunday's debacle in due time, along with other grievances that Veterans have against the VA.

VA Listens to the Wrong Source

Lt. Carson stated that he heard people in cars driving by complaining about the American Flags being upside down. This is absurd and simply did not happen. In fact, this past Sunday we had more support than ever with the horn-honking, high-fiving, fist-pumping, thumbs up, V-for-Victory signs, hand salutes and blown kisses, all indicating that the general public is very supportive of this cause and our actions.

Lt. Carson's source of "complaint" was a street beggar standing on the median strip on San Vicente Boulevard who yelled at one of our fellow demonstrators: "Hey, do you know your flags are upside down?" That was not a complaint but a question from someone who was simply misinformed about our rights and our mission.

If Lt. Carson and the West LA VA bureaucrats would listen to America's Veterans who have legitimate complaints about the ongoing abuse and misuse of this hallowed property with the same respect and attentiveness as they do to uninformed street beggars, we wouldn't be protesting every Sunday, nor would we have to hang the American Flag upside down as a "Distress Call."

Clearly, the VA police and bureaucrats need to devote their time and responsibility toward paying attention to those who are stealing more than $200,000 of Veterans money inside the grounds instead of harassing elderly Veterans standing on the outside who are trying to rightfully protect this hallowed property.

Right: Veteran Rees Lloyd sends out the "Distress Call" along with displaying his opposition to a public park on Veterans sacred property.

The Veterans Revolution Respects “Old Glory”
At our Sunday Rallies, The Veterans Revolution does not hang the Flag upside down out of disrespect for “Old Glory,” but as a valiant dissent to awaken the public that the sovereign and sacred property at the Los Angeles National Veteran Home is being usurped by the “domestic enemy,” i.e., VA bureaucracy, political cronyism and self-serving special interest groups.

Members of The Veterans Revolution love the American Flag because it is America's Veterans who defend It, the Constitution, and the safety of our fellow citizens. Instead, we send out the “Distress Call” in accordance with the U.S. Flag Code, Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10, as amended by P.L. 344, 94th Congress, approved July 7, 1976, and under § 176, (a) “The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

Make no mistake; Veterans properties all across America are in extreme danger and Veterans need to unite and demand that the Obama Administration bring an abrupt end to the previous policies of the VA to lease, transfer and even give away Veterans land rent free.

It's the VA That Does Not Respect Old Glory
While Veterans reverently pay homage to the American Flag and our sacred property, it is the VA that is disrespectful toward “Old Glory,” the Congressional Act of 1887, and the Deed of 1888.

Last year on June 8, 2008, I sent an e-mail to Colonel Tom Bowman, (USMC retired) who was the Chief of Staff of the Department of Veterans Affairs at that time, informing him about the twisted American Flags hanging from lamp posts alongside the perimeter fence of the Los Angeles National Veterans Home.

Veterans Park Conservancy, a non-profit special interest group, took it upon their own to install 50 Flags around the Veterans Home. Since the group claims to be a "partner" with the VA, it was the VA's responsibility to oversee the care and display of these American Flags.

Col. Bowman was informed that the Flags had been flying twisted and torn for several months and that the local VA had not corrected this shameful display before Memorial Day of 2008, and that the Flags needed to be changed before the approaching Flag Day.

The disgraced Flags were eventually removed but never replaced. Both the letter to Col. Bowman and an article in the “Greater Los Angeles Business Monthly” about the twisted Flags appear at the end of this article.

VA Violates the Flag Code and the Grant Deed
While Veterans at the Sunday Rally are within their rights to hang the American Flag upside down, it is the VA that violated the U.S. Flag Code by not removing the twisted and torn flags of last year. (Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10, as amended by P. L. 344, 94th Congress, approved July 7, 1976, and under 176, (k) "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.")

The VA not only violates the U.S. Flag Code with its own abuse and disrespect toward the American Flag, but it violates the Deed of 1888 that specifically stipulates that this land is “to be permanently maintained as a National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.”

Now It's Secretary Shinseki's Call
For the past five months, Veterans have been pleading with General Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, to respectfully do the right thing and rescind the public park sharing agreement and all enhanced use leases that deprive America's Veterans from having exclusive access to their rightful property as a place of quietude to heal from war.

If there is to be any hope of operating and maintaining honor, dignity and professionalism at the National Veterans Home, Secretary Shinseki must promptly remove the following VA bureaucrats at the West LA VA with new and competent leadership:

Ronald Norby, Director of the VA Desert Pacific Healthcare Network (Long Beach)

Donna Beiter, Executive Director, VA GWLAHS

Lynn Carrier, Associate Director, VA GWLAHS

Ralph Tillman, Director of Asset Management and the Chief of Public Affairs, VA GWLAHS

Jenelle Happy, Freedom of Information Officer, VA GWLAHS

Captain Tom Mathis, Chief of Police and Security, VA GWLAHS

Until there is a complete house cleaning at this largest VA in the nation and the elimination of the pillaging and plundering of Veterans' land and assets, America can never live up to its moral promise and responsibility to permanently provide a safe and quiet sanctuary for America's Military Veterans to heal from war.

Unless Secretary Shinseki takes immediate action, things will only continue to get worse for America's Veterans, not better, with the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans must unite now like no other time and turn our American Flags upside down to let everyone know that Veterans sacred property is in serious danger. Moreover, the lives of our fellow Veterans are also in immanent danger because the VA is eliminating more and more healthcare facilities.

Join The Veterans Revolution!
Please take action and fly the American Flag upside down and also wear your lapel Flag pins upside down so that we can send a message of solidarity to "Save Our Veterans' Land."
About the Author: Rosebrock is a U.S. Army Veteran, Vietnam War-era, HQ USARHAW, Schofield Barracks. He is Director of The Veterans Revolution and Co-Director of We the Veterans, and a Member of the American Legion Press Association.

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Old 06-25-2009, 11:24 PM
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Default Flag

I know this veterans intent is honorable, but I'm sorry I can't and won't fly the ameican flag upside down, nor wear my lapel pin upside down. Too many sacrifices made so that that flag can fly.

If your going to suceed your going to have to know how to deal with failure. (Joe Torre).
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Old 06-26-2009, 08:27 AM
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The idea of flying the flag upside down to signal an emergency

was intended for 911-type emergencies, not political issues.

This is out of line.
""Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln,how did you like the play?"

Steve / 82Rigger
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Old 06-26-2009, 09:57 AM
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With all due respect to differing opinions, the upside flag, as a sign of distress, correctly identifies the state of the union. At least from a 'freedom of speech' paradigm it is. The VA has many more fish to fry than piss and moan about a few of us geriatrics, voicing our opinion about the didrection the country's heading. Maybe the VA should spend more time cleaning colonoscopy equipment, so as not to infect any more veterans; maybe the VA should monitor their radiologists, so as not to over-radiate more veterans; maybe VA should hire better cleaning crews, so as to make their hospitals look like something better than a third-world pisshole.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 06-26-2009, 12:51 PM
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What Steve and Robert said. I fly my flag everday to honor our troops , present and past . Not to push MY political agenda.
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Old 06-26-2009, 02:08 PM
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Don't think that any Veterans distress display: " When Veterans sacred property is in danger"
constitutes A: "POLITICAL AGENDA". Such not even close to being a political agenda.

Just because this Veteran not in distress has flown The Flag correctly for about 45 years as
a homeowner & which took/take-in every night since do not having proper lighting,...doesn't
mean all Veterans must do similarly. Pretty-much-same for lapel pin.

Besides, for Veterans in distress,...what better can they do than give the upside-down flag
distress signal? Burning The American Flag (?),...and/or what quite asininely & typically
decreed: "Free Speech" here in: "Weirdsville USA", instead.

Now that's POLITICAL and/or Quite Stupidly Bipartisan Politically Permitted Norm here,...LT.
Just try burning OTHERS' Flags in THEIR Country. Will likely be executed & quite rightfully
so,...even if only for an obvious national insulting display of stupidity.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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