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Old 05-23-2004, 05:24 AM
thedrifter thedrifter is offline
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Cool Combat Center Marines, Doc, part of the 'Main Event'

Combat Center Marines, Doc, part of the 'Main Event'
Submitted by: MCAGCC
Story Identification #: 2004521164320
Story by Sgt. Jennie E. Haskamp

MARINE CORPS AIR GROUND COMBAT CENTER Twentynine Palms, Calif.(May 15, 2004) -- I am not a boxing fan. Before May 13, I didn't even know who Roy Jones Jr. and Antonio Tarver were. The only fight I'd ever watched was Trinidad vs. De La Hoya-the first time they fought.
That all changed with a phone call from a man who introduced himself as Steve Brenner and said he worked for a boxing promoter named Don King. I said, "Who's Don King?" Seriously, I did. If I told you that I didn't immediately know who Don King was, you might not believe me-unless you know me in which case you're probably laughing.

Mr. Brenner gave me a minute to catch up, and then explained that his boss wanted to invite some Marines to the fight that weekend-the fight in question being the much-anticipated Jones Jr. vs. Tarver rematch (something about it being personal this time?)

I asked how many tickets he had in mind, and he asked how many I wanted. I immediately told him about Gunnery Sgt. Nick Popaditch from 1st Tank Battalion who recently returned from Iraq. After a brief description of Gunny Pop's story, I boldly asked Mr. Brenner if we could have a ticket for the gunny and his wife.

Somewhere in the back of my conscience, I knew that asking for two tickets was rude-but I really wanted the gunny's wife to be able to go too.

Mr. Brenner laughed and said, "Well, young lady we had in mind to give you 200 tickets, but we'd certainly like to do something for your gunny. Can my boss call him and speak to him?"

The next day, while I scrambled to distribute the tickets-which hadn't arrived from Las Vegas yet-Gunny Popaditch received a call from Mr. King, thanking him for his service and that of his fellow Marines and Sailors. (Gunny knew who Don King was.)

Late Thursday, I received a call from Coylette James who also works for Mr. King. This time, I didn't ask, "Don who?" She said there was a problem with the shipping company and would it be OK if she sent the tickets in the morning via air freight.

As promised, the tickets arrived at the Palm Springs airport, and when my two young Marines returned with the box, we were all shocked. True to their word, they'd sent us 200 free tickets. What they didn't tell us is that they were $400 and $600 seats.

It was then my Marines convinced me I should attend the fight-even though I'm not a fan.
Ms. James called again, to ensure we'd received the tickets and to ask where the gunny would be sitting. It seems her boss (Don King, I reminded myself) wanted to introduce the Gunny before the fight.

After I got my emotions under control, and she assured me they didn't send the expensive tickets on accident, I gave her his seat number, and asked for the reservation number at the Mandalay Bay (Who knew on a fight weekend getting a room at the Mandalay Bay would be like pulling teeth? Apparently everyone but me.) I actually thought I could get my Marines a room to share at the hotel-and one for the gunny too. Ms James simply took down our last names and assured me two rooms would be ready.

As I left work Friday night, I headed to cash sales to buy some chevrons and coins to take to the Exchange for a plaque. My grandma always said, "If you are invited to dinner, take dessert." I figured I'd buy a plaque for Gunny to give to Mr. King, as a "thank you" from the Combat Center Marines and Sailors.

I got there two minutes before the Plaque Shoppe closed-but he was nice enough to sell me an elaborate case to put my trinkets in and even let me take home his T-square and some two-sided tape. I left him with a few lines to be engraved the next morning and went home to make a plaque. How hard can it be? I took a semester of wood shop in junior high school, afterall.

Saturday morning, I took my homemade plaque to get the engraved plate glued to it. At the Exchange, I overheard Marines talking about the fight-"We don't know where the tickets came from, but we're going to the Jones-Tarver fight tonight. Can you believe it?"

The excitement level at the Exchange was contagious, and I as I drove over to pick up Gunny and April Popaditch, I realized I was excited too.

In Vegas, there was a problem with our room reservations, but Ms. James squared it away almost immediately. I thanked her and asked how she fixed it. She said, "Prayer works, girl. Prayer works."

After we changed into Charlies and headed to the event center, our night seemed to explode.

Ms. James and Mr. Brenner met us at the security gate, and ushered us into the King Productions pressroom. A steady stream of people came in and out as we sat there. Gunny couldn't see them well enough to recognize them-and April and I were equally oblivious to their fame and status.

As Mr. Brenner took me to get my press credentials-they'd assured me I'd be able to take photos of Gunny Pop and Mr. King-Gunny and April were taken to their seats.
When I finally made it to the floor, Gunny and April were engaged in conversation with Carl King. (Don King's son, someone explained when I asked.) Rather than go to our ticketed seats, Carl invited us to sit with him, on the floor, until the people who held tickets for those seats arrived.

As the evening progressed, boxing champions, movie stars, NFL quarterbacks, rap stars and average citizens made their way over to say hello to Gunny and to thank him for his service.
Michael Buffer came over to meet gunny and write down some information about his Marine Corps service and how he was injured. Gunny explained that the 'guy in the white coat' was Michael Buffer, a famous sports announcer.

Finally, someone I recognized-Mr. T-arrived. I asked if they would bring him over to greet my Gunny.

He started barking, "We've got Marines here? Ooh rah, Ooh rah," as he made his way over to where we were standing. He grabbed Gunny's hand and posed for photos, and when I pointed out there were more Marines in the stand, he headed right to where they were.

The Marines went nuts as Mr. T ignored his security detail and climbed up into the stands where they were, signing autographs and posing for pictures, saying, "I pity the fool mess with these Marines."

Prior to the title bout, Mr. Brenner invited Gunny to the ring. We had expected Gunny to be invited, but at the last minute they included several more Marines. With "Doc" and the Marines standing nearby Gunny entered the ring.

Once Gunny was in the ring I went up to hand him the plaque. "Come on in, young lady," said a very large man wearing a black suit, holding the ropes open, just like they do on T.V.-one up with his massive hand, one pressed beneath his foot.

"Me, uh, no, sir, I'm not coming in-I uh, I'm just going to give Gunny the plaque. The Marines and that Doc down there are coming in," I stammered.

I'm sure I sounded like a twit, and I was actually stammering, and he coerced me into the ring, assuring me that all of them were coming in as well.
So now there I was, standing in the ring, next to Gunny and the rest of our Marines and the Doc-looking at Don King and Michael Buffer.

Michael Buffer made some announcements I didn't hear, and then said he wanted to introduce "a hero... a true heavyweight... a champion."

"He served in Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom and volunteered to return for Operation Iraqi Freedom 2," he sang into the microphone. He said a lot more, but I was in a daze. I know he mentioned 1st Tank Battalion and MCAGCC, but what stands out is the way he roared, "Gunnery Sgt. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik Popaditch!"

All of a sudden I knew who this man was. He is the "Let's get ready to ruuuuuuuuuuuuumble" guy.
Gunny gave the plaque to Mr. King, and thanked him for all of the Marines and Sailors, there, home and forward deployed. Don King had tears in his eyes when he took the plaque and thanked Gunny Pop, and all of us in uniform. He said us doing what we do as Marines allows people like him to do what they do.

Patty LaBelle sang the national anthem as we stood there at attention, and I prayed that the tears in my eyes would go unnoticed by the camera.

My thoughts drifted to my husband Adrian, in Iraq with 3/7, and I wondered if he would ever get to see this footage. He, more than anyone else, would appreciate the irony of me being in the ring.

After photos in the ring, Doc and the Marines made their way back to their seats and I asked Joe Brown, a former Marine Corps corporal, and currently a boxing commissioner, if Gunny could watch the main event from somewhere closer than we were sitting.

After Mr. 'Cpl.' Brown found Gunny a seat between himself and the vice-president of boxing, April and I headed to our seats. We took a detour to get a Pepsi, and while I was signing the receipt for our drinks, people started screaming and running out of the stadium shouting, 'Knockout!'

As luck would have it, I missed the entire fight-all two rounds of it.

I didn't care though. What would follow was better than any fight. Antonio Tarver, the new light heavyweight champion of the world, invited Gunnery Sgt Nick Popaditch up into the ring to take pictures. For the rest of the evening, everywhere we went, people stopped Gunny and asked him for his autograph-asked to have their picture taken with him-thanked him for his service.

People bought our drinks, waited in line to meet Gunny, even shook my hand and thanked me as well.

They treated all of like heroes that night. Marines called and e-mailed me to tell me that people bought them drinks, paid their cover charges, and thanked them everywhere they went-all over Las Vegas that night.

It was refreshing, to go from seeing the media portray the military in such a bad light to being in Las Vegas that night. I hope all of the Marines and Sailors in Iraq get a chance to experience that when they come home.

I may not be a boxing aficionado, and I may not recognize all of the people I have photos of from that night, but I can tell you this. I have never been more proud to be a United States Marine, and I will always know who Don King is--the first time someone asks!

Immediately after being named the new light heavyweight champion of the world May 15 in Las Vegas, Antonio Tarver invited 1st Tank Battalion's Gunnery Sgt. Nick Popaditch into the ring for photos. Tarver, the underdog, knocked out Jones Jr. in the second round of the much anticipated rematch. Photo by: Sgt. Jennie Haskamp

Mr. T joined Marines from 1st Tank Battalion in the stands before the Roy Jones Jr. vs. Antonio Tarver rematch at Mandalay Bay May 15. "I pity th efool who comes up here to mess with these Marines" he chided, posing for photographs and signing autographs. Photo by: Sgt. Jennie Haskamp

SSgt. Roger A.
One Proud Marine
Once A Marine............Always A Marine.............
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Old 05-23-2004, 05:25 AM
thedrifter thedrifter is offline
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Combat Center recognizes college graduates
Submitted by: MCAGCC
Story Identification #: 2004521164344
Story by Cpl. Julie A. Paynter

MARINE CORPS AIR GROUND COMBAT CENTER Twentynine Palms, Calif.(May 3, 2004) -- Standing before friends, family members and fellow students, enlisted, officer, junior, senior, Sailor, Marine and spouses all stepped toward the Combat Center's chief of staff, Col. James D. Nichols, at the Protestant Chapel May 3. Holding in his hands were certificates of completion representing two to 20 years of dedication and effort by students graduating with their associate, bachelor and master's degrees.

Chapman University, Copper Mountain College, and National University students who graduated through distance learning programs during the 2004 school year celebrated the completion of their latest goal, a degree. For some of these students, this goal was the result of years of untraditional learning competing against careers, moves and family complications, but for all these lifelong learners this closing of one door represented the opening of another.

Students of Chapman University, CMC and National University spoke of their challenges and support throughout their journey to further their education. For Sgt. Benjamin Zuffi, switchboard technician, Communications and Data Directorate, graduating with an Associate's Degree took five years, but he said the journey was well worth it.

"I am a normal person just like the one sitting next to you; a regular person who has achieved his goal," explained Zuffi at the graduation ceremony. "They say opportunity knocks but once, yet here in Twentynine Palms opportunity knocks every day, and it was impossible for me not to answer."

After attending the Marine Corps Communications-Electronics School, Zuffi was stationed aboard the Combat Center in June of 2000. After settling in, the Associate of Liberal Arts graduate, realized he how he would be productive with his time.

"My first class was in spring of 2001. I was apprehensive about school so I took only one," said Zuffi. "I didn't want to step into something I didn't know I could handle, like when you're a kid sticking your toe in water to see if it's warm or cold, that's what I thought of my first class-testing the waters."

After testing the waters, Zuffi took one year off from classes, until he decided on his next goal.

"Before I started taking a full load, I met my girlfriend, Leslie, and saw her bachelor degree (in psychology) sitting on her dresser. I thought to myself, 'you know what, I want one of those.' I began taking a full load in spring of 2002. When classes started adding up I saw the light at the end of the tunnel."

According to Zuffi, for Marines and Sailors there are few reasons not to attend school during their spare time.

"[The Marine Corps] pays tuition, you can take classes around your schedule, they even have colleges aboard the base to make classes more accessible. They basically cover everything-all that is required of you is to show up," said Zuffi.

Zuffi attributed his success to perseverance.

"No matter what your goal is, you are capable of doing anything, but first you have to make that choice, that contract with yourself to reach your goals," said Zuffi. "My advice is to know what you want, you can't be led blind. Seek out the path to get there, know there will be obstacles and you can succeed past them, but above all, always believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself, everything else will fall into place."

After counseling and assisting many of these students for school, Jeff Fourier, Lifelong Learning Education Center, attributes the success of each 2004 graduate to personal effort.

"Although the idea of success may come in many different forms, I believe we all can agree that success comes to those who put forth an extraordinary effort," said Fourier.

According to Fourier, some if not the majority, of these graduates, like Zuffi, are working adults and either required to drive more than 100 miles each way to attend evening and weekend classes, complete correspondence courses and independent study programs so they could stay home and care for their families or are those who enrolled in and completed online Internet classes and or classes in the local community.

"Their willingness to sacrifice, as well as experience education in a nontraditional way, are the makings of a successful person and quite certainly a bright future," stressed Fourier in his speech. "I stand before you today, a witness to those who have found some of the many ingredients of what is success."

Yet, Fourier and several other guest speakers agreed the students weren't the only ones who sacrificed to achieve their goal. Family, friends and co-workers all attributed to the students' success, according to Fourier.

"Family members were invited because we wanted to recognize the sacrifices they made," said Fourier. "Just like the student made sacrifices, co-workers were also invited to support graduates since many of these co-workers are also supervisors or managers and allowed them to take the time to complete assignments and other program requirements."

A total of 60 graduates were recognized by their peers, family and education counselors in this official ceremony which will become an annual event.

Combat Center Chief of Staff, Col. J.D. Nichols, hands MSgt. Edward Nutter, a certificate of achievement for her recent completion of an Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts from Copper Mountain College at the Graduation Recognition Ceremony held at the Protestant Chapel May 13. The Lifelong Learning Education Center will continue to host the recognition annually for Marines, Sailors, family members and base personnel who achieve a degree during the corresponding school year. Photo by: Cpl. Julie A. Paynter

SSgt. Roger A.
One Proud Marine
Once A Marine............Always A Marine.............
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