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Old 06-06-2003, 09:40 AM
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Exclamation SPEAKING OF LIZZY et al

Murder has been the mainstay of humanity since almost day one when Cain did a number on his brother Able! Apparently, mankind was created with several built-in flaws, that for some unknown reason, escaped detection or correction? ?And so it has been for millennia, as somebody, somewhere, has always found it necessary to bump off the dude (or dude-ess) next door!

Lizzy Borden, a spinster from Fall River (once Troy) Massachusetts was no different in this respect (opinion)?! Hell, even today, highly publicized murder trials are saturating the airways, and the lunacy and blatant madness goes on and on!

Today?s top item of mayhem seems to be the ?Scott Petersen Murder Trial!? This trial, however, is not focusing upon the facts alone, but rather upon sundry bull shit that has, at least thus far, only shunned the position of the planets as an aspect of the case!? ?That may soon be coming??

With a plethora of butcherings being pushed (redundantly) into our faces of late, this latest murder expose has focused (thus far) on circumstantial aspects, even though both sides have insisted that they possess the ?Smoking Gun Of All Guns!? Hell, even sex, secret evidence, body chopping, secret evidence, brown vans, secret evidence, occultism, and of course, secret evidence, has been enlisted into this giant media feeding frenzy in order to (as usual) create instant celebrities, bad guys, and naturally center folds for some sleazy flesh mags! ?Hell, the murder itself, no matter who committed it, has indeed become second nature!?

?So what in the Hell does this say about humanity?? In Eden, a single apple (it is said) was grounds for separation. Nowadays, however, there is no deed so foul that it would even raise an eyebrow, unless of course, the ?Movie Stars of the Media? were unable to capitalize upon it and the blood and gore that it swims in!

The army of talk show, and other wanna-be gods, who?s hearts (if they had one) would suddenly stop if they could not bathe in the spotlight infinitum, are indeed shitting themselves daily! ?These soul-selling fools are egotists one and all (opinion)!? People who decry the sins of others while making no mention of any personal skeletons that may indeed haunt their own dark closets!

And the other gal in question in this Peterson case (Amber Who?) - what of her? Originally, the pictures of this lady displayed a somewhat unkempt and common-looking babe! ?One that you would pass on the streets without even looking back!? But behold, all of a sudden, the gal looks like a cross between Little Miss Muffett, a Sunday School Teacher, a B-Movie extra, and sweet innocence incarnate!? ?Ah, ain?t a gallon or two of makeup grand!?

The latter (SWEET INNOCENCE), however, is now gravely in question, since some ?BARE FACT PHOTOS? recently emerged! Why were these not mentioned by the prosecution earlier - ?Need You Ask?!?

?In the Buff? and apparently for sale, these snap shots hardly look like some unsophisticated, naive little schoolgirl, caught by surprise in something she detested! ?The nudity and poses were hardly candid, now were they?!?

But what the Hell, she too may as well jump upon the ?Old $$ Bandwagon?, as only truth, dissected humanity, and a man?s life hangs in the balance here!?

?Oops, I forgot - something far more important is in the offing!? Continuing stardom, the celebrity of certain media fools who should be deplored and not worshiped, and of course, lucrative $$ contracts! Contracts, that if not ?BARED? in expose magazines, certainly belong in the circus, or at the least, in the funny pages! (opinion) ?Sexy, at least in my eyes, this gal is not!!?

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Old 06-06-2003, 10:34 AM
Andy Andy is offline
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Don?t know exactly how much things have changed between Peterson and Borden. Lizzy?s case wasn?t just big news in Massachusetts, news papers all over the country ran the story, many on the front page. No doubt it made lots of money for lots of people. The reporters didn?t just come from Fall River and Boston, they came from Chicago, Richmond, London and lots of other places. Artists were hired to sketch the major players in the court room everyday, the drawings ran with the stories in the papers. Long before the trial, newspapers lined up on one side or the other: she?s obviously guilty to she couldn?t possibility have done it.
The defense told the court, the reporters, that it must have been a Portuguese immigrant who had been seen lurking in the neighborhood. (Probably the same guy who kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, killed cock robin and murdered O.J.?s wife.)
Woman?s groups got involved in the murder case. Lizzy was a rallying point for them. A proper New England lady using a Hatchet to kill her Parents? It just wasn?t conceivable.
Sex was a little different back then, well outwardly. When the prosecutor asked her about a fresh drop of blood on her shoe the day of the crime, Lizzy replied, ?It was a bad time for me.? (Saying she was having her period.) No further questions were asked, that would have been an impropriety.
Lizzy did do it (IMO). She did it because daddy had betrayed her and she wanted the money. Are people flawed? Yeah, that would be my take on it.
Now about the Peterson case. There?s nude pictures of his girlfriend? Where did you find those? Of course I?m not interested in nude photos of women for their own sake but for investigative purposes, think I should see them.

Stay healthy,
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Old 06-06-2003, 11:04 AM
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ANDY- Shame on you my friend! The nude pics of that lady, with a little blacking out of course, have been all over the tube out here! If you didn't see them, you didn't miss much! If you did see them, well, again, you still didn't miss much!

Hey, and for the record, if it was a Portuguese gent that was lurking about in Lizzy's neighborhood, I promise, it was none of my kin! They were too busy up in the 'Highlands' raising vegetables! (LoL) "I do, however, wonder if any nude pictures of Lizzy ever appeared in the New Bedford paper?!!" (LoL again)

"Yes indeed, the world has shrunk!" But in Peterson's case, the world has also been snapped to attention! Just because "Old Man Hearst" is pushing up daisies, doesn't mean that Yellow Journalism is dead - "DO IT?!"

I guess that after all is said and done Friend Andy (et al), with modern medicine and sophisticated earth digging equipment being what it is today, the prospects for grave robbers, cut-purses (pick-pockets), and ghouls, are extremely limited, do you not agree?! "As such, the need for a few more sensationalist lawyers and vested journalists has conversely expanded!"

"Alas, what did we do before television and celebrity mediahood?"

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Old 06-06-2003, 12:30 PM
Andy Andy is offline
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Some of your kin, those who got out of the factories, may have been working in the highlands but they damn sure were not on "The Hill". Anglo's only need apply. Do you know just how oppressed your family was?
I doubt there were any nude photo's of Lizzy, however she did, later in life hook up with a woman actress and had an affair with her for a couple of years. It was a scandal and headlines in all the "underground newspapers" that were so popular back in those days.
Yellow Journalism: Except for George Will and Dave Barry, isn't that the color of all journalism?
We don't have grave robbers? What about Anna Nichole Smith and the family of Ted Williams?
No cut purse? Isn't that what Martha Stewart did, in a big way? And that was not a good thing.
Ghouls, hey that is a great description of the media.

Guess I just made this thread go down hill. Sorry about that, sorry.

Stay healthy,
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Old 06-06-2003, 12:55 PM
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ANDY- I can add nothing to your eloquent response! I did, however, note that you have some familiarity with the "Highlands!"

In my grandparent's day, the further you traveled back away from the apex of the hill, the more you moved into farmland! The backcountry was not the status symbol back then that it may be now!

Even here in the backcountry of San Diego where I now live, the land is still pristine. However, less than 50 years ago, the land (even close to city center of SD) was total wilderness and for sale pretty cheap!

Nowadays, however, the hill country just east of San Diego, is valued on a par with many other (so called) affluent communities around the State!

*I'll have you know that our coyotes, rattlesnakes, tarantulas, buzzards and illegal tourists, are all high class (LoL)! And if you believe that, I'll sell you the formula to turn gold into tin!!

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