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Old 01-01-2011, 08:18 AM
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Default China Oil Spill: "MORE IMPORTANT"???

Heard actor/conservationist Stephen Baldwin hype some super-duper oil clean-up system, which now being implemented on some big oil spill somewhere off China's coast. He was doing so while guest on FNC (Fox News Channel) this New Year's Day morning.

Knowing that no such oil spill clean-up Sanity ever did nor is now currently in effect in America, makes this baffled American seriously question WHY NOT??? Thought Chinese were non-caring types?

One could also rightfully ask why Chinese Rulers are obviously more concerned about "Their" people's well being, health & lives,...than America's Political Rulers?

People sick & dying from Gulf Oil Spill don't even get an honorable mention these days. Whereas ONE Criminally Illegal Alien accidentally drowned or killed on The Mexican Border is belabored by TV News, Press, Politicos & Propagandists to death. Go figure.

HELL, months ago couldn't even turn on TV without seeing some oil covered dying pelican or duck or some ILLEGALS in need of MY/YOUR/OUR Monies & Assistance. Same-o, same-o for ILLEGALS today.

It's sad to say, but guess that even back then the well being of birds & such & ILLEGALS were deemed/decreed (still are) MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than: "We The People"?

Whatever,...hope Chinese Rulers shame American Rulers into doing The Right Thing for The Gulf People (all rest of We American Citizens also)?

Wouldn't that be nice & peachy-keen for-a-change?
Does preferring Chinese Rule over Black & Mexican Rule make me a racist?
Just curious.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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Old 01-01-2011, 06:04 PM
Margaret Diann Margaret Diann is offline
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Default You can't add 1 million gallons of antifreeze to Gulf

You can't add 1 million gallons of antifreeze to Gulf of Mexico without causing some change in weather patterns, either; where are those currents now? How will submarines make water from THIS water?

What Denny Kelso said in 1989 about use of dispersants

Medical issues? No one recognizes 'chemical' flu that glycol ethers cause. Thad Allen of the US Coast Guard did no favors to overrule EPA & the US Govt in favor of BP continue excessive damage to environment/ health.

With no changes in medical views, they'll just blame it on something else & the harm goes on and on and on.

YES, we need a change in healthcare, but it's not for more money for the drug companies *
Look into BUTYL for CFIDS, CFS, FM & 'Military Syndromes' *

An e-mail request to the CDC

on Flu Symptoms

Traces of blood in urine? *

Diarrhea then Constipation?

Seizures Fainting Dizziness *

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Old 01-02-2011, 07:33 AM
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Default Margaret,...

Don't doubt anything you wrote about dispersants or even about other fixes worse than problem.

Regardless, Stephen Baldwin wasn't hyping any such things.

He was displaying a spongy mopping type material which quite effortlessly sponged-up every drop of oil from sea water. Seemed to be quite an inexpensive material, also.

Whatever, apparently Chinese are using every bit of such material available for oil booms or other oil clean-up tools needed, that they can lay their mitts on.

Whereas, Cavalier American Rulers do nothing other than give political lip service and in general act as if Gulf Oil Spill Disaster has been totally resolved for devastated Gulf Folks & Economy,...or by an overall silence basically act as if the tragedy just no longer exists.

Thus I must QUITE differently compliment the actions & wisdom of Chinese Rulers while despising the QUITE asinine & worthless stupidity making matters worse (as usual) of America's Green Rulers.

Such lordly dictatorial gods actually believe that U.S Taxpayer, American Corn & Windmills will fix most everything wrong on earth.

Isn't it Absolutely Amazing that Americans put up with such duplicitous & dictatorial nonsense?

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Old 01-02-2011, 07:03 PM
Margaret Diann Margaret Diann is offline
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Default the issues of 'the gulf' are just hidden, not resolved

First of all; I seriously doubt that China cares too much about any pollution; unless they realized that the epidemic of Autism in their country is related to such.

Out of sight is all that has happened in 'the Gulf' and at a horrific cost. We learned nothing in 1989; we have learned nothing now. Except in 1989, the Exxon reps required test for blood in urine of 'bioremediation' workers; they knew 2-butoxyethanol in the Inipol EAP 22 cause autoimmune hemolytic anemia and that one sign was 'blood in urine'

Not only have many creatures died in the Deep of the Gulf (reported by those in the little boats during cleanup) expect to see many soft pallet clefts in the region and a multitude of cancers and birth defects (similar to the land of Vietnam) ... It's the glycol ether in jet fuel; in gun cleaners ... any with 'results' of flu causing symptoms

Flu symptoms may also be: Exposure to Glycol Ether + 'the anemia' Glycol Ether Causes *
Blood is always at a pH of 7.4; exposure to anti-freeze (similar to ethylene glycol monobutyl ether) raises the acidic level of the blood. "Notes to Physician: Administration of Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) may be of value to treat acidosis. Monitor kidney and liver function and arterial blood gases closely"

high white blood cell counts can be a side effect of this extreme AIHA. * * * *
"There is increasing recognition that FM and CFS may be autoimmune in nature." Dr. David Moskowitz

Dr James D. Sidman: "Be a lumper not a splitter" (Look at the BIG PICTURE / not separate into its component parts)

These are the pattern of exposure to glycol ether:
8 signs of hemolytic anemia, per medical dictionary:
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Pale color
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Yellow skin color (jaundice)
  • Dark urine blood in urine?*
2-butoxyethanol *
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Old 01-03-2011, 01:22 PM
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Default Exactly, Margeret.

You just like most rest of us: "Seriously doubt that China cares too much about any pollution.
That's the point.

Chinese Rulers whom could care less if half their population died from pollution are acting more soundly & sensibly environmentally about their oil spill & national resources,...than America's PHONY & HYPOCRITICALLY GREEN BIASED Rulers did or ever will.

Plus, dictatorial Chinese don't Quite Stupidly in the names of: "Environment" & "Conservation" stifle their nation's vast oil drilling capabilities, can keep buying $50 BILLION$ worth of oil YEARLY (approx. U.S. purchase) from Saudi Arabia. "Only in America"!!!

Besides,...just how different are the Chinese, anyway? Don't they produce a-helluva-lot more Costly (in MANY ways) windmills for America, than Windmill Happy Obama's main corporate buddy Immelt of GE can ever produce?

Betcha a lot of Chinese People similarly adore & venerate Their Political Masters, TOO?

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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Old 01-03-2011, 01:59 PM
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Arrow China - environment - ROTFL

China has seen the future, and it is coal
By George F. Will
Thursday, December 30, 2010; fficeffice" />>>

Cowlitz County in Washington state is across the Columbia River from Portland, Ore., which promotes mass transit and urban density and is a green reproach to the rest of us. Recently, Cowlitz did something that might make Portland wonder whether shrinking its carbon footprint matters. Cowlitz approved construction of a coal export terminal from which millions of tons of U.S. coal could be shipped to Asia annually. >>

Both Oregon and Washington are curtailing the coal-fired generation of electricity, but the future looks to greens as black as coal. The future looks a lot like the past. >>

Historian William Rosen (who wrote "," about the invention of the steam engine) says coal was Europe's answer to the 12th-century "wood crisis," when Christians leveled much forestation to destroy sanctuaries for pagan worship and to open up farmland. Population increase meant more wooden carts, houses and ships, so wood became an expensive way to heat dwellings or cook. By 1230, England had felled so many trees it was importing most of its timber and was turning to coal. >>

"It was not until the 1600s," Rosen writes, "that English miners found their way down to the level of the water table and started needing a means to get at the coal below it." In time, steam engines were invented to pump out water and lift out coal. The engines were fired by coal. >>

Today, about half of America's and the world's electricity is generated by coal, the substance that, since it fueled the Industrial Revolution, has been a crucial source of energy. Over the past eight years, it has been the world's fastest-growing source of fuel.

The New York Times recently reported ("Booming China Is Buying Up World's Coal," Nov. 22) about China's ravenous appetite for coal, which is one reason coal's price has doubled in five years. >>

Half of the 6 billion tons of coal burned globally each year is burned in China. A spokesman for the Sierra Club, which in recent years has helped to block construction of 139 proposed coal-fired plants in America, says, "This is undermining everything we've accomplished." America, say environmentalists, is exporting global warming. >>

Can something really be exported if it supposedly affects the entire planet? Never mind. America has partners in this crime against nature, if such it is. One Australian company proposes to build the Cowlitz facility; another has signed a $60 billion contract to supply Chinese power plants with Australian coal. >>

The Times says ships - all burning hydrocarbons - hauled about 690 million tons of thermal coal this year, up from 385 million in 2001. China, which imported about 150 million tons this year, was a net exporter of coal until 2009, sending abroad its low-grade coal and importing higher-grade, low-sulfur coal from, for example, the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana. Because much of China's enormous coal reserves is inland, far from coastal factories, it is sometimes more economical to import American and Australian coal. >>

Writing in the Atlantic on China's appetite for coal and possible aptitude for using the old fuel in new, cleaner ways, James Fallows quotes a Chinese official saying that the country's transportation system is the only serious limit on how fast power companies increase their use of coal. One reason China is building light-rail systems is to get passenger traffic out of the way of coal trains. >>
Fallows reports that 15 years from now China expects that 350 million people will be living in cities that do not exist yet. This will require adding to China's electrical system a capacity almost as large as America's current capacity. The United States, China, Russia and India have 40 percent of the world's population and 60 percent of its coal. >>

A climate scientist told Fallows that stabilizing the carbon-dioxide concentration in the atmosphere would require the world to reduce its emissions to Kenya's level - for America, a 96 percent reduction. Nations with hundreds of millions of people in poverty would, Fallows says, have to "forgo the energy-intensive path toward wealth that the United States has traveled for so many years." >>

In his new political science treatise ("Don't Vote - It Just Encourages the Bastards"), P.J. O'Rourke says, "There are 1.3 billion people in China, and they all want a Buick." So "go tell 1.3 billion Chinese they can never have a Buick." If the future belongs to electric cars, those in China may run on energy currently stored beneath Wyoming and Montana.
>> >>

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Old 01-05-2011, 12:11 PM
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"If the future belongs to electric cars & those in China may currently run on energy stored beneath Wyoming & Montana (re. coal)",...have any questioned the cost effectiveness of such? How about what's better or worse for environment, also?

Will charging up a vehicle co$t MORE or LE$$ per mile, than any gasoline previously used?

Those hyping electric cars never say how expensive (or not?) chargings can be. How come?

Will pollution caused for producing needed electricity be LESS or MORE than comes from combustion engines, whether run on cracked coal (what Hitler used in WWII), ethanol or gasoline?

Those Power Plants spew out MANY tons of some pretty-nasty-s--t,...whether providing energy for homes, factories, Mickey Mouse autos or whatever.

Maybe we should just replace all power plants with Chinese Windmills & autos with bikes from Japan?
Then we too can be just as royally screwed-up with 20% Unemployment, just like Green Dictated Spaniards were quite obviously suckered.

Obama is similarly trying his Green Big Brother best, right here in America. But hopefully, Americans will realize that no matter how much gods & demigods retrict us & are stupidly paid-off by we rabble,...climate will not be changed one iota.

Know how to stop Hundreds of volcanic eruptions & earthquakes & Thousands of storms yearly? Well then, maybe, just maybe, such wise rulers might slow-up climate change (previously called: "Global Warming") just a smidgeon.

Whatever, even El Supremo and/or: "His Barackness" will never be able to stop world's next or Fourth Inevitable Ice age, instead. Hopefully such will come Later than Sooner? Understand previous Three were a bitch.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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