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Old 12-17-2003, 10:28 AM
Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10,953
Lightbulb From A Great Piece By Mortadude:

It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States.
Enlightening piece by the Dude as usual!

Any one who has read and digested the news over the past few decades, is fully aware of the staggering amount of unnecessary deaths (malpractice personified) orchestrated by a few within the medical profession! This is, of course, ?NOT? to say that the entire profession is warped, far from it in fact! Many within medicine are truly dedicated and skilled, ?But then, how many rotten $$$$ apples does it take to putrefy the entire barrel??

When someone once said that: ?A few doctors usually bury their mistakes? (with the malignant help of a few blood-sucking insurance companies I might add), I personally knew of what they spoke!" (opinion)

I am more than sure that the medical horror stories out there would fill an entire library with over-flowing blood and gore? And these tales of woe permeate, not only several skid-row mentality clinics, but indeed, some of the finest and most well known establishment in the nation!!

?By God Man?, a document that I have referenced many times in the past (Department of The Army, Inspector General Document) DAIG-IN 21-75 (declassified), pages 163 to 166, list but fraction of those hospitals and/or major corporations that were involved in sometimes very dangerous experimentation (opinion)! And you may also be surprised at the international drug companies also so involved!? As a matter of fact, the Army and Intel. Community themselves, conducted a plethora of experiments over the years, some upon unwitting, un-informed, uniformed lab-rats. And many of these hapless victims may still not know what was done to them! ?The perps sure as Hell ain?t telling!!?

?Was the 'Higher Placed in Government' aware of these ghastly atrocities, you bet your backside that many were, including the many in government that I so enlightened!?

So why am I so irate over the soul-less actions of a few ?Medical Butchers?, you may ask? Well, I?ll tell you why, and I am sure that some of you will have true stories of your own that could dwarf the ones that I am about to relate. Tales, I might add, that garnered for me a few lethal threats from certain powers that be! (believe it or not, and I can prove many of them, documented)

Not withstanding the vast multitude of un-needed, irresponsible deaths recorded in the last 65 or so years, due to malpractice and various experimentation projects worldwide, I (like many of you I suspect) have had more than one run-in with a few (all thumbs) journeymen mechanics in white smocks (MDs)! Of course, again, , most who practice medicine are above board, but not all! (opinion)

Discounting (for the moment) my own military run-ins with untruthfully zealous - medical personnel and their lackies, some 25 and 44 (or so) years ago, respectively, and the current battles that I am still engaged in with a few people who (apparently) still think the same way as some of those whom I encountered years back, let me relate a few more incidents that could raise the hair on the back of the neck of anyone with even a modicum of human feelings left!

1- Many years ago, my uncle took his infant son to the doctors for an unknown ailment. The doctor examined the boy and assured my uncle, who later died at the age of 43 from cancer, that his little boy was all right - nothing to worry about!?

The boy?s condition (we will call him little Butch) soon worsened, and the child was taken back to the doctors, again, no problem the doctor echoed nastily! Home again the child went, only to be rushed to the hospital a short time later, where the youngster expired from Spinal Meningitis!

2- A few years later, my oldest son was born at a very prestigious Los Angeles area hospital. My first wife had come down, unknown to us at the time, with Toxemia! Well, after a harrowing period of time, it was only later learned that this hospital had lost a catheter tube in her arm, but I was assured (redundantly) by the doctors and the hospital that they believed that it (catheter) had ended up upon the floor and had been disposed of, or that had it entered my wife?s body, it would have passed into a lung where it would do no harm!?

3- A few years later, my wife began to get exceedingly tired (she was but 27), and I took her to another area hospital who refused (for lack of $$) to see her! They did, however, attribute the fatigue to diet, and said ?NOT TO WORRY!??

A time later, at about 5:00 (or so) A.M in early June 1969, that catheter tube lodged in her heart and killed her while in bed. ?They found it in autopsy!?

Was this the worse of it - ?HELL NO!!? After my uncle (a time earlier) brought suit, he was made to look the damned fool by the people who helped to kill his son. And as for I, three major (and I do mean MAJOR) insurance companies got involved! They almost immediately attempted to make her (my first wife) look like trash (and this she was NOT), and me, they portrayed like a piece of excrement!!
In reality, the only human manure there was they!! I have no doubt that all ?Human Puke? like those that my uncle and I had the displeasure to run into, is (or will be) ?BURNING IN FOREVER IN HELL?!!

4- At a West Coast VA that I had visited some twenty-some years ago, an elderly vet sitting next to me was waiting endlessly to be seen! In obvious pain, and clutching his chest and left arm, as well as turning blue around his lips, it was obvious that he was having heart troubles!

I called an older VA nurse?s attention to the situation and was promptly told to mind my own business! It was not too long afterwards, however, that the old gent keeled over and was hauled away on a gurney! ?I know not if he lived or died, and this incident was witnessed!??

The next day, I sent in a complaint about this incident to the VA in DC, one that apparently caused the VAMC in question some grief? And upon my next visit, some months later as an outpatient, I was advised by a doctor there (no less) that: ?If you ever had to stay there (VA) overnight, you (that?s me) would end up in the basement!? If you have ever been in any VA, you know what (or who) is often kept in the basements!

5- A few years later, my second wife began to suffer ear infections and went to a doctor who trumpeted that the eardrum and surrounding accoutrements would have to be removed surgically! She entered the hospital for the procedure, and that was that, right? (Dream On!!)

Not long afterwards she was back for a second operation on her ear - yet more pain and expense as the first procedure had been screwed up royally!

Several months later, a third ear operation (same problem), only this time, the whole internal organ had to be removed, rendering her toatally deaf in that ear!!

6- A few years back, a car that my middle son was riding in was rear-ended, damaging his neck and portions of his back severely! The doctor that he went to prescribed massive pain killers, no follow-up, that severely ulcerated his stomach, even when taken as directed! ?The lad nearly died in intensive care from internal bleeding!?

This doctor admitted his screw-up, but later, after consulting his odious lawyer and his banker (no doubt), had his office manager (a real jerk) call denying all liability, and even refusing to cover medical bills or discuss the issue!

7- And finally, just recently, my young granddaughter was taken into a world-class, Southern California Hospital by her father for standard childhood shots. My son, a Surveillance officer and a State-Certified EMT, explicitly told the doctor and staff ?NOT? to give the baby, or her 2 year old brother a DPT shot, as the children's mother had suffered a severely adverse reaction to a similar shot, years ago!

They gave the child the shot anyway, unbeknownst to my son, and thank God that to this point, no adverse reaction has been noted!!

So there you have it - the piece posted by Mortadude comes as no surprise to me! Mistakes (within reason) I guess (?) can happen, but when powerful DC medical and legal lobbies, private medicos, and a scant few within the VA, coupled with a few cowardly and incompetent medicos and legal-eagles, are willing to lie, cheat, destroy records, and steal to protect their affluent backsides, or even whitewash manslaughter or outright murder (opinion), who then will draw the final line - the Devil perhaps!

?All lies, no matter how highly placed or instituted, expire in the raging waters of the River Styx!!!!?

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