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Old 07-05-2024, 10:04 AM
Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10,988
Default The Once Law Of The Land


personal opinions

America, Love It, Defend It And Stand Beside It – Or Maybe Lose It Forever And Ever!!!!

In recent months, I have come to the conclusion that the laws of “Our Land” are sometimes vested, contorted, and at times even corrupt in their nature! I further believe that this (so called) justice is often warped, and that unless “We the People” act immediately, to legally regain that which was paid for with the blood, sweat, tears and toil of many a dead patriot and national hero, that our once great nation is ultimately doomed to oblivion!

But if you do not care that the blood, sweat and the tears of countless patriots (past, present, and future alike) has been spilled upon this once sacred soil - merely to satiate the greed and the lust of some of those cretins who hunger to decay and to despoil the land of “Our Illustrious Forefathers”, then in my opinion (once again), maybe you too are not worthy of the sacrifices that were made by “Our Illustrious Founding Fathers and Founding Mothers?”

This is still ‘Our’ United States of America People, and this land was paid for with the blood, sweat, tears and toil, of genuine patriots! So the only question remaining now is:

“Are we still worthy of the sacrifices that have been made by “Those True American Heroes and Patriots of Times Yore”, or are we now willing to merely hand away our freedoms, and our liberties, to a gaggle of fools, cowards and perverts, who now seek to steal-away that which has already been paid for with our blood, our fortune, our dignity, and the liberty and freedoms, that have already been expended by those “Real American Men and Women” of times past?

“For every right that we haplessly surrender today, is a right that may never again be recovered or repatriated - And any stinking thief, is still nothing more than a stinking thief and a nation destroying cad, no matter what his (or her) political status may be!

So, are you now willing to just surrender away your rights and your liberties, to these “Un-American, Politically-Bent Thieves and Cretins” of the foulest order?


“Stand Fast, and Fight Back” or have the spirits and the souls of those real men and women like Molly Pitcher, George Washington, Nathan Hale, and the myriad of other genuine American Patriots who fought and died in places like Lexington, Valley Forge, and the Frozen Chosen Reservoir, truly departed from the face and the history of our magnificent (and gallant), little experiment in democracy?

“And any thief, no matter how highly placed or positioned they may be, is still nothing more than a stinking thief and traitor – “Again In My Own, Humble, American Opinion!”

Lose Your Power To Speak Up and Speak Out, And You Have Truly Lost Your Country!

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