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Old 02-19-2024, 08:56 AM
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Post List of ongoing armed conflicts

List of ongoing armed conflicts
By: Wikiipedia The Free Encyclopedia

The following is a list of ongoing armed conflicts that are taking place around the world.
Map link: Re:
[Map of ongoing armed conflicts (number of combat-related deaths in current or past year]:
a. Major wars (10,000 or more)
b. Wars (1,000–9,999)
c. Minor conflicts (100–999)
d. Skirmishes and clashes (1–99)

This list of ongoing armed conflicts identifies present-day conflicts and the death toll associated with each conflict. The criteria of inclusion are the following:

Armed conflicts consist in the use of armed force between two or more organized armed groups, governmental or non-governmental.[1] Interstate, intrastate and non-state armed conflicts are listed (below).

* This is not a list of countries by intentional homicide rate, and criminal gang violence is generally not included unless there is also significant military or paramilitary involvement.

* Fatality figures include battle-related deaths (military and civilian) as well as civilians intentionally targeted by the parties to an armed conflict. Only direct deaths resulting from violence are included for the current and past year; excess deaths indirectly resulting from famine, disease, or disruption of services are included along with violent deaths in the cumulative fatalities count when available.

* Listed conflicts have at least 100 cumulative deaths in total and at least 1 death in current or in the past calendar year.

B. Major wars (10,000 or more combat-related deaths in current or past year)

* Fatality totals may be inaccurate or unavailable due to a lack of information. A figure with a plus symbol, indicates that at least that many people have died (e.g. 455+ indicates that at least 455 people have died).

* Location refers to the states where the main violence takes place, not to the warring parties. Italics indicate disputed territories and unrecognized states.

* A territorial dispute or a protest movement which has not experienced deliberate and systematic deaths due to state or paramilitary violence is not considered to be an armed conflict.

[ Detailed Map link: on site:]

More data:
a. During the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, 21,978 have died in Gaza and 326 have died in the West Bank.[12][13]
Also, 1,000 terrorists have reportedly been killed in Israel.[14]
During the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, 1,381+ people have been killed on the Israeli side including: *at least 804 civilians,[15] 507 IDF soldiers, 60 police officers and 10 Shin Bet members,[16] among them 216 foreign or dual-nationals (for a full list see here)[17]
In 2023, before the 2023 Israel–Hamas war started, at least 300+ people had died.[18][19]

b. Combined estimated death tolls of each conflict since 2003
c. 358,000–400,000 organized crime homicide victims[59]
d. See Casualties in 2023
e. See Insurgency in Paraguay#Casualties
a.b.c.d. - Data for African countries are based on ACLED, excluding riots/protests-related
a.b.c. Mainly homicides rather than battle-related casualties.[121]

Want more static's Listing of wars before: (links are on main site only for specifics
List of wars: before 1000
List of wars: 1000–1499
List of wars: 1500–1799
List of wars: 1800–1899
List of wars: 1900–1944
List of wars: 1945–1989
List of wars: 1990–2002
List of wars: 2003–present
List of ongoing armed conflicts

- List by region - also links on this topic on site only

See also: Category:Lists of wars by region
List of conflicts in North America
List of conflicts in the United States
List of conflicts in Canada
List of conflicts in Central America
List of conflicts in South America
List of conflicts in Europe
List of conflicts in Asia
List of wars involving Iran
List of Chinese wars and battles
Conflicts in the Middle East
List of conflicts in the Near East (until 1918)
List of modern conflicts in the Middle East (after 1918)
List of conflicts in Africa
Conflicts in the Horn of Africa (East Africa)
List of modern conflicts in North Africa (Maghreb)
Military history of Africa

Wars by type of conflict (next topic on original site - entered at 1st link as entered.

See also: Category:Warfare by type (again go to the main site entry for all links)
List of wars of independence
List of military conflicts spanning multiple wars
List of world wars
List of border conflicts
List of wars extended by diplomatic irregularity
List of wars between democracies
List of wars of succession
List of civil wars
List of proxy wars
List of invasions
List of interstate wars since 1945
Even frozen conflicts

Want more specifics go to main file entry:

And scroll down onto more specific link tab's where they are available.

Here's a list of history & waring - and the cost of human lives.
This post shows more information than we really need and may not
know the actual cost of human lives - and its god awful to find such
data has been kept - but evidently many will be appalled by such statics
and losses.
Man truly is his own worst enemy since we first walked on this world.
And it's sad that mankind will still continue to his warring for generations
we here it every day - and most likely will in our future days to come.
I suspect we so-called humans are supposed to be intelligent animals
and doing what earlier humans did since we walked earth.
Killing seem to be ingrained in our minds and that we really are no better
today then we were during early mankind.
I guess you'd call us educated animal's doing what all animals do when
under life survival elements - just like all animals from the beginning
to the end of mankind - I would suspect.
PEACE ON EARTH is really a fallacy even today!


O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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