Thread: Amen to this
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Old 03-30-2010, 10:41 AM
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Default Amen to this

Thomas D. Segel

Political Party Ideologues Are Poisoning America

"Harlingen, Texas, March 25, 2010: I don’t know about you, but to me the vitriolic dialog coming out of Washington from both sides of the isle is getting just a little bit sickening. In my own view, the ideologues of the District of Columbia are poisoning America. Where once we had honest and reasoned debate on all issues of importance, we now have lies, distortions, misstatements, race baiting, and pure hatred being displayed in both Houses of Congress and the Administration. Just like a virus it is now infecting the entire country. Such conduct was a rarity in the United States until the current political elite we elected to represent the people in Washington sold us out and became slaves to their own party politics.
I make my home in Deep South Texas close to the border of Mexico. Those who follow politics know that Texas is very “Red”. Republicans hold every major elected office in the Lone Star State. The four county region where I live is called the Rio Grande Valley. The population is 85% Hispanic. It is also the Democrat stronghold of Texas.
During the years I served at the University of Texas – Pan American, I was one of only two openly declared conservatives among the entire staff and faculty. However, that never resulted in threats, name calling, or harsh treatment from the opposition. In fact, there was some wonderful comradeship.
There was a recent roast and tribute dinner in the city honoring a lady who is a conservative, a civic leader and a wonderful supporter of positive growth for Harlingen. Sitting with me at the table was a friend who is the former county judge. I supported him in his election. He is a Democrat.
At the next table was a lady friend who is the current Judge of the District Court. She is a Democrat that I vote for each time she seeks reelection.
A young man stopped by my table to shake my hand. He is a friend of my son, a hospital attorney and the past Chairman of the Cameron County Democrat Party.
The point here is everyone at the dinner was honoring an individual. There were Republicans, Democrats, independents, conservatives and liberals…there was also civility and even friendship.
It can be argued that many Texas Democrats are more conservative than some of the East Coast RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) who are currently holding office in Washington. But, we also have “Party Lackeys”, such as the three United States Congressmen who represent the Rio Grande Valley. They are so far to the left that they would not even address the national health care issue, hold town hall meetings in their districts, or answer their telephones. They even rejected email from constituents.
We have reached a point in the life of this country where political parties only function to serve those elitists who march to the party drumbeat. The American citizenry has become nothing but a canvas on which the party faithful paint their unified agenda. Those of us who subscribe to an America governed by the Constitution and in particular The Bill of Rights, is completely ignored.
I have often quoted from the Farewell Address of President George Washington. He used a major portion of his final words to warn this country about the danger of political parties. In part he said of the Party:
“It serves always to distract the Public Councils and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill founded Jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, and foments occasionally riot & insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence & corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one are subjected to the policy and will of another.”
Those words, spoken 233 years ago, were surely a prophecy that has proven itself to be true today. Political parties have reached the point where they have poisoned America."

I couldn't agree more. This is the age of prepackaged, sealed in cellophane political ideology. My thoughts are my own. I arrive at them through my own research, carefully avoiding demagogues and the prepackaged self-righteousness that passes for certainty. In fact, I abhor certainty because I am always open to information that might change my opinion. When I am asked what my politics are, I say I am an American.
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." John Adams
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