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Old 07-17-2014, 06:03 AM
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Do I have this right? There has been hundreds of thousands of children that have crossed the Mexican / American border illegally in the past several years and are now living in America illegally?

These aren't just Mexican children they have come across Mexico from other Central-American nations. Guatemala, Honduras, El-Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica have allowed children from those nations to cross their borders into Mexico where they are allowed to pass through and across the Mexican/American border and ignored while crossing that border.

For many years America has been lax with Mexico in what would be illegal within our own border. Illegal drugs have crossed into America to the point that the American taxpayer has paid for guns and ammunition for those guns to go to the Central-American drug dealers. Mexico is a dangerous nation but ignores whatever happens within its borders. It ignores the drug dealer and the drug wars happening on it's streets. Law enforcement is not something that America ask from its neighbour to the south. These children are not crossing those borders into America aimlessly, they do have a final destination that they are going to before they cross into America and if their destination is to their mom or dad, is mom or dad in America legally?

The day I was born my parents were obligated to live within the boundaries of American law. When I went to kindergarten, Mrs Hastings led the class in the "Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag" at the beginning of each school day and that pledge states "With Liberty and Justice for All."

America, protect your borders. Mexico, control your border.

America hold the Mexican nation accountable for what happens within its borders and send the children that America knows crossed those borders illegally back to the southern side of that border and enforce whatever crosses it.

Allow only one exception to that rule and that is if that child's mom and dad are in America legally pursuing the American dream AND American citizenship then allow that child go on to Mom and Dad and become a proud American too
With LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all
thanks to the brave who serve their Country
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