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Old 01-23-2009, 10:44 PM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 6,380

Having a very good memory is ,most of the time, not a good thing.
I remember when I was 2 and killed a rat in the street in front of our house with a shovel. I remember visiting my older sisters kindergarten class. I remember a hole lot of my childhood and high school. I remember just about every day in Vietnam and for sure the scary ones. Along with a good memory my mother saved all my letters and had a big map of Vietnam which she marked were I was each time I moved. I would guess that my memory about Vietnam is no better than anyone else’s if they also had a mom that saved all there letters, if they took a lot of pictures and if they had a map that marked were they went. In Vietnam the memories are there and a lot of them are of just dumb stuff, Like when it started to rain and you had no shirt of, That rain was coooooold, like the rain hitting a poncho sounded just like the rain hitting a big leaf. And , I could get 5 rounds of a M-79 in the air before the first one hit the ground. You really don’t want a good memory of war, It's 12:45 in the morning and I am talking Vietnam, not sleeping.

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