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Old 04-10-2006, 07:44 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default I Woud Kneel

During those long dark nights of the soul, I would kneel most of the time to stay awake. Or sit on something sharp. Sure taught you to be still.
You right as rain, Ron, the dark and your imagination cn play some tricks on you.
Don't forget the drugs the Army would load us up on also like codeine and dextroamphetamines--forerunner to meth.
They gave us these things like popcorn if we wantd and I took th dextroamphetamines a few times. Once out in the middle of nowhere, and I mean nowhere to us--to the NVA it was downtown--after about 2 days of uppers, in the middle of the night, I saw my first sgt coming towards me. I was aware at the time it was a hllucintion but was till very real--I actually talked to him, which woke up my buds. We decided to call for evac--can't have the lrrp pointman hallucinating, its well, unlucky. . Course its not he kind of thing you want to put down on a report, thats also unlucky. This was one of the 2 times out of about 30 patrols I was on when we faked a story to get us out of the field. Cooked up a story and then fired off a few magazines apiece, threw some grenades and then called for evac.
I didn't sleep for days afterward. We stopped taking those.
Sorry if this lost the war, i know you other guys tried so hard.
Stay good
When you can't think what to do, throw a grenade
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