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Old 05-05-2004, 06:07 PM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

Join Date: Dec 1969
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Default Ni-eve

I would think you guys were a little more savy than thinking this is some big deal and never happened before.
How do you thing Military Inteligence gets information from a prisoner, Please Mr prisoner tell us where you hid the Ammo. Yea right. The Media is shown prisoners being feed and walked around and the CIA and Military Inteligence is in a different part getting information that will save our Guys lifes. I could give a shit how they got the info, remove a few fingers, ok with me. Bleeding heart Democrats want the prisoners treated humainly, Hear ya go, take him home with you.

Prisoners aren't going to tell you what you want to know from them, So you have choice's , Don't get the information and treat them real nice. Or get the information and save just one of our guys lives, I vote for the second choice and don't care what method is used in getting the info.

Prisoners in a war are different from prisoners in civilian life, There is no life or death information that you need from a civilian prisoner, so treat them humainly,,, humainly. not special.
Prisoners that have information that could save our Army and Marines lives should be extracted, to hell with the humainly part.

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