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Old 04-28-2004, 02:01 PM
skeeter skeeter is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 219
Default Sorry to be late here

Had to take a few hours mowing the 20 acre lawn. 10 acre front, and 10 back yard. The front has "liberal" grass, and therefore it very easy to mow. We get along very well, no problems. Now the back 10 acres is a pain. It consists of "conservative" type grass, it's like the right-wing conservative republicians, always complains.. need more fertilizer, etc. I feed the back with any odd brand, but the front 10 get the Scotts Turf builder. In my book, those that don't complain gets the best.

I use the John Deere on the front with the very sharp blades, the back get the older Ford with the dull blades. I love treating liberals better, like Smith & Barney theme says, "they earned it".

Now back to the topic of the day.
So all of you still in the dark on what I'm trying to get from you.
I was hoping I would get you to concede that liberals are like Jesus Christ, and that they have the same values.. Meaning, democrats think in the same way as Jesus has done.
However, I'm not dispointed, as it does take a lot of thinking to see the comparison.
I understand the difficulty some may face, due to the fact they have been brain-washed with the messages from Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Pat Roberson, Jerry Falwell, and a few other liberals haters.

Now here is one little bit of a "do & don't".. When you go to the bathroom in the morning(or whenever) and take the big one.
You may want to thank or bless those liberal city commissioners, city fathers who voted to float a bond issue to pay for the sewer
you are about to use. . I'm thinking if your city had the conservatives in charge you probably be going to the one out back..

I could say more, but I will save that for another time.

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