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Old 02-15-2010, 05:05 PM
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jriley1349 jriley1349 is offline

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Well, hush my mouth on the big turkey scam. Blackfive tells a real heart-warming story of the event and he seemed choked-up just being in dubya's presence. I never put it past the Bush admin to hand-pick journalists allowed to cover events. Based on this story, Burden seemed deeply in love with Mr. Bush ("I felt like I was drunk"), and was also proud to shake the hand of Paul Bremer (the guy credited with dissolving the Iraqi Army and misplacing $8.8 billion while CPA chief) and Ahmed Chalabi (the guy who fed us BS WMD intel). Fortunately, Blackfive does not speak for all military personnel, or for that matter, the sailors and marines on the Lincoln carrier group during the "Mission Accomplished" stunt. Like I said, that one remains my personal favorite.

And Colonel, respect works both ways in the civilian world. You've referred to me previously as "snookums" (remember that sweet exchange?) and now junior, which you graciously recanted. On this Marine Corps forum, you can refer to me using my handle, jriley1349, Sarge (E5) or just Grunt (MOS 0311, infantry/rifleman), father of a recently discharged sailor/daughter and a son-in-law still serving and attached to the USS Enterprise (being overhauled in Newport News).
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