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Old 03-16-2009, 11:58 AM
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Smile Tea Party anyone?

L.A. Times refused to report 15k Fullterton anti-tax protest, but features A.N.S.W.E.R.’s anti-AIG/anti-war events before they happen

By Michelle Malkin • March 16, 2009 02:07 PM
Advance publicity team.

No duh! White House “worried about bailout backlash”

By Michelle Malkin • March 16, 2009 10:05 AM
“This has been welling up for a long time.”

Huge: Thousands converge for Cincinnati Tea Party; Update: 5k strong

By Michelle Malkin • March 15, 2009 06:14 PM

Tea Party update: Revolution is brewing

By Michelle Malkin • March 12, 2009 11:39 PM
Eric Odom reports that there are now 115 cities signed up for the April 15 nationwide Tax Day Tea Party protest. Wow. If you haven’t signed up, want to start your own, and are looking to meet up and organize with other tax revolters, go to Tax Day Tea Party’s website here.
Here’s a quick how-to [...]

L.A. Times: We don’t cover citizen rallies…unless we agree with them

By Michelle Malkin • March 11, 2009 12:13 PM
The Los Angeles Times ignored the thousands of people who gathered in Fullerton CA on Saturday for a massive tax revolt that was just one of several demonstrations over the weekend.
Why did the newspaper look the other way?
Because they don’t cover citizen rallies…unless they agree with them.
If the tax revolters were illegal aliens and KFI’s [...]

Tea Party on: Taxpayer revolts in Green Bay, Lafayette, Olathe, and Harrisburg; Plus: Live from Fullerton CA… “Recall the Taxinator!;” Arnie videotapes/DVD smashes/shredded

By Michelle Malkin • March 7, 2009 06:16 PM
Feel the dissent!

The “Going Galt” phenom spreads; Whoopi goes on anti-tax rant

By Michelle Malkin • March 6, 2009 05:15 PM
“Going Galt” is going viral.
The phenomenon Dr. Helen Smith first diagnosed last fall has spread noticeably since our discussion of it at CPAC/CS2.0 last week and my column/blog posts/your comments throughout the past week.
The NYTimes (disparagingly, of course) picked up on it today. The Liberty Papers has a comprehensive round-up of recent blog coverage [...]

My new favorite tea company

By Michelle Malkin • March 6, 2009 11:59 AM
Eric Odom reports that the Portsmouth Tea Company in Somersworth, NH has volunteered to donate 70 pounds of tea for the Tax Day Tea Party protests scheduled for April 15.
Support the business that support taxpayers!
The Portsmouth Tea Company website is here.
Latest organizational information for Tax Day Tea Party events is on the TDTP blog and [...]

Cube-steak Americans vs. the Wagyu-beef White House

By Michelle Malkin • March 6, 2009 11:44 AM
My syndicated column today spotlights the return of thrift in individual American households — a phenomenon that stands in stark contrast to the unmitigated profligacy embraced by Barack Obama’s White House.
Opposition is growing to the confisctory spending train: Witness the Senate Republican success in delaying the omni-pork, coupled with the aggressive House GOP call [...]

Finally, a show of cojones: Senate GOP forces delay on omni-pork bill

By Michelle Malkin • March 5, 2009 10:32 PM
Some encouraging news breaking tonight: Senate Republicans forced a delay on consideration of the $410 billion omni-pork spending bill. Harry Reid canceled the vote after confessing that he was one vote short of the 60 needed to shut off debate and move forward.
A Hill friend says Reid had to walk out 20 minutes after the [...]

“I will be damned if I ever ask another American to bail us out of our situation or to help us with our mortgage.”

By Michelle Malkin • March 5, 2009 11:24 AM
The letter of the day today comes from reader V. It will bring tears to your eyes and give you real hope. God bless you, V.:
I worked for a large bank for 10 years. The bank grew dramatically over the decade, and I put a large amount of my income into my 401(k) through the [...]

Blue Dogs will roll over on cramdown bill; will GOP stand united against it?

By Michelle Malkin • March 5, 2009 10:59 AM
GOP leader John Boehner wonders if the Blue Dog Democrats, who’ve been making fledgling noises about reckless spending in Washington, will yield on the unscrupulous borrower Chris Dodd-backed bill to empower bankruptcy judges to meddle in private loan contracts (noted here yesterday).
Of course they will:
“Taxpayer tea parties” have been occurring across America in recent weeks [...]

Where in the world: Going Galt and logo-mania

By Michelle Malkin • March 5, 2009 06:05 AM
Scheduled to appear on Fox & Friends this morning for the regular 8:15am Eastern gig. They want to talk about the “Going Galt” phenomenon and our photoshop contest.
*Update: See also my discussion with Instapundit Glenn Reynolds on PJTV here.*
Four more “Going Galt” items for you:
*GOP Rep. John Campbell comments to the Washington Independent:
“People [...]

Letter of the day: Disgusted in Diamond Bar

By Michelle Malkin • March 4, 2009 01:33 PM
It’s the theme of the day. I’m sure the tinfoil-hatters will find a way to blame it on the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. From the letters to the editors page of the Los Angeles Times, another taxpayers goes Galt:
I have employed about 50 people during the last 20 years, and my family’s taxable income is about [...]

“Going Galt” and the next Tea Party wave

By Michelle Malkin • March 4, 2009 10:51 AM
My syndicated column today spotlights two related phenomenon: the Tea Party revolt on the streets and the “Going Galt” revolt with our wallets. For new readers who are just learning about the protest movement and want to join, the best organizational resources are Tax Day Tea Party (nationwide April 15 events), Twitter #teaparty, PJTV’s list [...]

“I hope to hasten the inevitable collapse.”

By Michelle Malkin • March 3, 2009 05:17 PM
An excellent wealth producer’s manifesto from Laura at Pursuing Holiness. Read the whole thing.
Related: A great catch from Dr. Helen on how the MSM treats rational business owners as tax “dodgers” while tax cheat Tim Geithner gets a pass.

Going Galt: Tax hikes have consequences

By Michelle Malkin • March 2, 2009 06:22 PM

The Tea Party bashers: Clueless, bitter, and wrapped in tinfoil

By Michelle Malkin • March 2, 2009 11:44 AM
You know you’re on to something when the tinfoil hat conspiracists start lobbing grenades at you.
In response to the nationwide outbreak of taxpayer protests against the culture of entitlement, a loon at claimed that the Tea Party events this weekend were part of a grand cabal funded by something called the Koch Foundation [...]

In case you missed it

By Michelle Malkin • March 2, 2009 09:08 AM
Busy weekend! You can watch my Saturday appearance on Washington Journal here.
The “alternative to The View” panel I appeared on with Kellyanne Conway, Jeri Thompson, Maryanne Marsh is here on My favorite segment was with the brilliant Dr. Helen Smith on “Going John Galt” — a discussion you would never, ever see from the [...]

“Liberty: All the stimulus we need”

By Michelle Malkin • February 27, 2009 10:20 PM

Open thread: C-SPAN, CPAC, Jindal Derangement Syndrome & more

By Michelle Malkin • February 27, 2009 08:14 PM
You can catch me on C-SPAN tomorrow morning at 8am Eastern for about half an hour. Try to phone in if you can get through and provide some balance to the moonbat callers.
After that, I’ll be at CPAC tomorrow afternoon. PJTV’s “Washington Tea Party” panel, part of the Conservatism 2.0 conference, begins at around [...]

“When I grow up I want to be free.”

By Michelle Malkin • February 27, 2009 05:48 PM
Christian Science Monitor reporter Patrik Jonsson braved the rain and covered the huge Atlanta Tea Party. Yes, an MSM reporter actually acknowledged the existence of the thousands who took to the streets in Georgia and across the country.
His fair and balanced piece is here. An excerpt:
To be sure, the federal spending package includes tax cuts [...]

Tea Party photo album: Fiscal responsibility is the new counterculture

By Michelle Malkin • February 27, 2009 01:56 PM
Scroll down for more updates…
I’ve got tons of photos and e-mails pouring in from Tea Party people across the country. I joked to a Christian Science Monitor reporter covering the events that fiscal responsibility is the new counterculture. More coverage/photos/livestreaming at TCOT Report.
There is, as the old ’60s song goes, something happening here. And what [...]

Scenes from the D.C. Tea Party; Updated, vid added

By Michelle Malkin • February 27, 2009 12:35 PM
I’m at the DC Tea Party protest in Lafayette Park. Several hundred taxpayers are here to show their opposition to the spendalooza in Washington, D.C. as part of the nationwide demonstrations. Some photos from my iphone (see my twitpic page for original size). More to come. Send me yours:
Favorite sign:
12:30pm Eastern Crowd just wrapped up [...]

State officials ban tea from Tea Party

By Michelle Malkin • February 27, 2009 11:04 AM

Let’s get this Tea Party started; Update: DC Tea Party now at Lafayette Park

By Michelle Malkin • February 26, 2009 06:48 PM
It’s really on. Tomorrow, thousands of sick and tired taxpayers on the ground and online will participate in “Tea Parties” across the country. Go here for links and locations. Chuck Simmins also has a handy thumbnail guide, as does Little Miss Attila, whose list I’m reprinting below the Tea Party Twitter widget, with as many [...]

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