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Old 11-18-2008, 06:24 AM
Rocky Rocky is offline
Junior Member

Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 4

Very true brother, very true. One of my favorite sayings is "Your closest family is not always of blood ties." I am new to this site but I can imagine that it is much like a site that I do go on daily, U.S. Paratroopers. This is a site of Paratroopers from various wars and one that creates quite a bond between brothers. We have an annual gathering each year down in TN and we have all become quite close even taking into account the differences in our periods of service especially during periods of war.

I, also, run a PTSD chat room for Charlie Rangers and that board has been a great help to many of our brother Rangers. I am on the computer quite a bit either administering or participating in various site, all of them military of course, and I have found the brotherhood on many of these sites is outstanding. Unfortunately, there are some sites which are pretty open and accepting of Posers and those sites I do not go on once I discover this. Most of the sites I am on you have to qualify to get onto so Posers are not really a problem for those sites.

I like going to different sites as I like to communicate with all veterans no matter their branch of service and some of the groups I belong to are exclusive so I go to other sites and meet other vets not just Paratroopers or Rangers.

I am not sure quite how I found this site but I am happy that I did and hope to get involved here as time goes on. Sometimes I am slow to start but once I do get started look out I stated on the Paratrooper site in July and I am already to almost 2,000 post. You have been warned

Cmdr.,Combat Veterans Motorcycle Assn. MI
U.S. Paratrooper Motorcycle Assn.
Partriot Guard Riders/MI-MIAP
Vietnam 1967-70
173rd Airborne Brigade (Sep)
(Survivor Hills 830, 823 & 875 1967)
Charlie Co. 75th Inf. Airborne Rangers
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