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Old 01-20-2004, 12:09 PM
Arnold Wolfcaste

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Default Remember How Liberals In Hollywood & Democrats Spat On Vietnam Vets After JFK's Vietnam War?

The liberals in Hollywood spat on Vietnam Vets in their films about
JFK's Vietnam War while liberals literally spat on Vietnam Vets on the

Perhaps because American soldiers were portrayed as oppressors in
‘Platoon,' few people were outraged at the Nazi Battle Flag flown on
an American Tank after the big battle scene. This movie so completely
degrades the American soldier that a member of the Vietnamese
Politboro, Bui Tinh, openly praised it. Comrade Tinh was a North
Vietnamese Army General Staff officer during the war. They use it, he
said, to teach young Vietnamese about the American's "Imperialist"

In Jane Fonda's anti-veteran film, "Coming Home," another psychotic
episode unfolds as her Navy officer husband, just returned from Viet
Nam also strips buck naked in public. We see him fully nude, babbling
as he strolls nonchalantly into the waves and commits suicide in the
Pacific Ocean. His part is played by actor and antiwar activist,
Bruce Dern.
Jane Fonda won an Oscar for her performance in ‘Coming Home' (1978),
and she is as guilty of treason as OJ is of murder and everybody knows

Conceivably Fonda and her Hollywood friends, like Dern, Donald
Sutherland, Peter Boyle, and other "celebrities" who visited Hanoi
during the War wish a similar fate for all Viet Nam War veterans.
Figuratively, Hollywood has done just that: The films made about the
Vietnam War may as well have turned veterans and their history into a
gas and released it into the stratosphere.

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