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Old 09-21-2003, 09:08 AM
Patrick t.

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Default Re: Question asked and answered

On 21 Sep 2003 0757 -0700, Alligator Al

>In article , Patrick t. says...
>>On 21 Sep 2003 0437 -0700, Alligator Al
>> wrote:
>>>Some of the deaths that occurred at Kent State were young students walking
>>>between classes. The ones who were merely walking from one class to another got
>>>shot to death by trigger happy weekend warriors... out in a parking lot...
>>>nowhere near the demonstrators...
>>>None of the actual demonstrators were armed with weapons...
>>>Now listen to what Patrick wrote while in a drunken stupor...

>>>>If you were armed, or I thought you were armed, and someone with
>>>>lawful authority said shoot Sybull, the last couple of years on this
>>>>newsgroup would have been a lot different, that I can assure you.

>>You don't seem to know a whole lot about Rules of Engagement for
>>someone who was supposedly a cop and a "sniper" in the doggies. I
>>wasn't at Kent State and neither were you. So it doesn't have all
>>that much to do with it.

>I was writing about Kent State and if you want to reply in a non-drunken stupor,
>then reply about Kent State.

You write about a lot of things, none of which you seem to know
anything about, so what is different about this one?

>All you said was that if I was armed and threatened you, you would shoot me.
>Well, duh............................................... .....

Ah, you finally got it. Progress at last.

>I don't threaten people with guns...

No, you just shoot them while they are running for safety.
>Your statement was dumb and dumber...

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