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Old 09-01-2003, 04:10 AM

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Default Re: FYI agent orange

Most of the vets with those conditions never get compensation because
there're dead by the time the va gets around to considering their claim.
That's a real good catch 22, good for the va anyway.
If you get what you want, what's to stop you
from asking for more?

"riverchief" wrote in message
> the following health conditions are presuumptively recognized for service
> connection,
> Vienam veterans with one or more of these conditions DO NOT have to

> their illness(es) are related to their military service to get disability
> compensation. VA presumes that their condition IS service-connected.

> include:
> chloracne ( must occur with one yr of exposure)
> non-hodgkins's lymphoma
> soft tissue sarcoma
> hodgkin's disease
> porphyria cutanea tarda (must occur within one yr of exposure)
> multiple myeloma
> respiratory cancers including cancers of the lung, larynx, trachea, and
> bronchus
> prostrate cancer
> acute and subacute transient peripheral neuropathy ( must occur with one

> type II diabetes
> and just added
> chronic lymphocytic leukemia
> anyone wanting a fuller explanation of the above can call me or email me
> source:vol 19 no.2 july 2003 of the agent orange review
> da riverChief

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