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Old 07-24-2003, 04:44 AM
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PHO127 PHO127 is offline

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Default all good points but

Larry, LBJ was to much of a peoples person to have orchestrated this. SS, The mob was certainly on the operation but only as the trigger not as the instigators. Both of you have described perfectly a person capable of planning and carrying out an assassination to further their cause. McNamars was a weasel, but not a dummy. He had a lot of help, Several of these guys did not like the Kennedys for various reasons. J Edgar hated Robert and JFK but could not have pulled this off, he was a willing co-conspiritor though. The mob had no love lost for the Kennedys but would only have been another co- conspiritor not the team leader. Look at the names of the CIA, incidently the station chief at Saigon was William Colby. This was the gang that couldn't shoot straight. But organized by one person this was a very deadly force to be reconned with. McNamara was the mastermind and was abnle to bring in the required military help, J Edgar brought in the shooters (mob) and misdirected the investigations. The CIA (revenge for the bay of pigs) handled misdirection of intellegence and set up of Oswald. LBJ was the lone person who had no clue, but after the fact and with the aid of the above he helped in the coverup to "Save the Nation". Probably still with no clue.
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