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Old 07-19-2003, 05:56 PM
Andy Andy is offline
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Old Fuss and Feathers was defamed for his plan the surround and squeeze the south to death, which is how it ended up happening but Sherman estimated how many men would die and they put him in a nut house. His estimate was low!

As far as British troops send to Canada, what was due to the US Navy boarding a British ship and taking Slidell the minister to (France or England) off the ship and arresting him. The English rightfully thought this was exactly what the US got mad about in 1812 with the Brit Navy boarded American ships on the high seas. So they send 10,000 troops to Canada. Lincoln says, "One war at a time", says he's sorry and hands the diplomats over to the Brits with a Sorry Bout That.

The French taking Mexico in the 1860s seems in large part to be something to do with extra noblemen. The numbers of troops sent to Mexico were small enough for even the Mexicans to take care of.

On the old History channel a guy who seemed to know quite a bit about the 19th century (he's from England), said that by 1866 75% of all business' and banks in the US were actually owned by the English. Sort of like we were still a colony but without all the messy administration duties.

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