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Old 06-10-2003, 07:47 PM
Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10,955


Boats, Recon, Judy etc;

Damned Straight - and something else too - when, some time back, I used the analogy of Article 99 to a denizen of a VA Director's office, he liked to have come unglued! It was unfair of me, he bellowed, to compare a mere (fictional??) movie to the TLC that he claimed was available to "ALL VETERANS" at your compassionate, neighborhood VARO! "I damned near chocked upon that one!!"

It's like my youngest son once said: "By pushing movies like Article 99, Conspiracy Theory, Enemy of The State and Wag The Dog etc., down the throats of the gullible public, the government desensitizes us into believing that 'This Is All Hollywood', and things like this are just pure fantasy!?"

Granted, a lot of the bullshit intertwined in these movies is pure crap, but enough fact is contained there- so that this (fact) too is dismissed as just more paranoia and nonsense along with the BS!?

I have in the past offered up portions of documents such as DAIG-IN 21-75, COS 385 and the Church Senate Report of 1977 on Experimentation. All of these outlined the government, the military, Intel., and the private sector's involvement in clandestine experimentation upon the unwitting, medical abominations large and small, cover-ups that are not to be believed, and even worse! These documents were attained through the "Freedom of Information Act", and with the help of a former president no less!

These documents are, needless to say, disgusting to most, frightening for some, and enlightening to all, and at the same time! Really surprising, however, was the fact that only 27 copied of DAIG-IN 21-75 had been requested, even in government circles, at the time when I requested a copy, a full two decades after the thing was published!?

When I attempted to use this document to bolster my own case for benefits, at least one Congressman and a VARO etc., had me make them a copy, as they were totally unaware of it or it's contents, all 300 pages of it, along with the shocking revelations that it contained!

Most of those who's attention I did called to this document, could not be bothered or they could give a shit less! Even worse, not so veiled threats flowed freely from some, even a former friend (?) or two! "Apparently, the truth is a scary thing to some people!?"

"Now tell me again about truth and justice, won't you!?"

Hang-tough and Veritas
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