Thread: Jfk
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Old 12-02-2013, 04:23 PM
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November 22, 1963 I was in the audio-visual office of Valley Forge High School watching television with the teacher and others when it was announced that President John F Kennedy had been shot. The teacher came to me and told me to get onto the microphone of the schools PA system and announce what had happened.
Of course it took a couple of minutes for the tubes to warm up on the PA before I could speak and no sooner had I the microphone turned on when the television news announced that the President was not breathing when he arrived at the hospital.
My father was a German, Lutheran and my mother was a Catholic, Irishman and both of them worked very hard up till the day they died.
JFK had the balls to tell Castro that he would not tolerate Russian ballistic missiles 90 miles from the shores of America and he sent a Naval fleet to blockade Cuba and Castro relented. It was JFK that gave Martin Luther King the ability to have a million man march on Washington as King told the blacks that he had a dream that "all men were created equal", meaning that the blacks needed to pick up the ball and be responsible for themselves just as the whites were. MLK never once told a person that the people owed them anything without them working for it. You wanted it? You worked for it. BHO was NOT MLK's dream.
When the people of Vietnam protested the dictatorial Chinese regime of their own country in Tiananmen Square John Fitzgerald Kennedy allowed American troops to go to Vietnam to bring democracy to that nation. Yes it was Kennedys predecessor that pledged that support to Vietnam but it was Kennedy that followed through.
I believe 100% that had Lee Harvey Oswald not have killed JFK, Vietnam would be a thriving Democracy today and there would only be one Korea. China would be looking to America for leadership and America would not have to mooch off of China.
Richard Nixon came after Kennedy's successor Lyndon Johnson and he was so crooked that he had to resign office and Gerald Ford became President. None were capable of the office of Commander and Chief and none that listened to conscience and not the poles and/or the flower children. Jimmy Carter would have been in the front row at Woodstock. Kennedy was the last military based Commander and Chief America had. Remember PT109?
With LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all
thanks to the brave who serve their Country
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