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Old 04-18-2006, 06:04 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default Kit Carson Scouts? Not on your life!

I'm not sure we ever had the option of taking out KC Scouts but I can predict the resounding NO if we'd been offfered. Someone who will turn on his comrades once will do it again and you didn't get dress rehearsals on this.
What we had were the best thing ever--Yard Scouts, mercenaries. Give me someone who's in it for the buck, sometimes patriotism wanes.
They were the best ever because it was all their backyard--they grew up in it. They not only knew the ground but thte people. And they HATED the Vietrnamese, N orth Vietnamese especially, though they enjoyed fucking with the South Vietnamese, too an d would go out looking to kickass on them. The Vietnamese didn't like them much either and looked down on them, much as the US did on our own "niggers" (Don't forget, we were officially a White Supremacist country through much of the Vietnam War).
But these guys knew everything about the country and in addition, were the best fighting South Vietnamese I ever saw. (I SEEN South Vietnamese run during a battle!)
Our guide, Willy, saved us more than once from dangerous mistakes, he was invaluable, We took him out on about half the patrols we were on
Stay good
When you can't think what to do, throw a grenade
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