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Old 01-28-2006, 09:18 AM
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Post Incursion at border heightens tensions!

?Incursion at border heightens tensions!?

January 28, 2006

WASHINGTON ? For years, the U.S.-Mexico border has spawned reports of shadowy figures in Mexican army uniforms darting into the United States and then back south. Frequent speculation by Border Patrol agents that the incursions demonstrate collusion between the army and drug traffickers has heightened the sense of alarm.

But few if any accounts have been as dramatic as the detailed official accounts of a confrontation Monday in Texas, when three vehicles fleeing Texas sheriff's deputies dashed into the Rio Grande. There they received heavily armed cover from about 20 personnel dressed in Mexican military garb.

?These illegal incursions are a violation of our sovereignty and pose a significant danger to U.S. law enforcement officials and citizens near the border ? especially if all parties involved are armed,? said Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. ?The potential for violence is significant.?
Outside of the obvious, the bodies (aliens) sneaking across the border by the thousands, many Americans have speculated that these ?IN YOUR FACE? violations of our sovereignty are not just a minor level conspiracy, but rather an invasion of sorts! ?I sometimes share in this opinion!!?

A few honorable Latinos attempting to escape poverty is one thing, but when tons of illegal commodities and thousands of bodies (Border Patrol?s word for illegals) are flooding into our country and drowning our economy and social service system, not to mention importing their own culture of violence and disregard for our laws, then that is quite another thing!

Are we turning into a facsimile of Austria in March of 1938? Are we content to have an alien army flooding across our borders at will, and when caught, or a harsh word is exchanged, the Mexican government cries foul and threatens to cut off our supply of frijoles (beans)?

Read the article above and you will learn that the Mexican Army bedecked in their ?Good Will Uniforms?, are doing just that, and at will! The problem is that the weapons these uniformed thugs are brandishing are real, deadly, and in many cases, or so it is rumored, supplied by the United States!

The brazened actions of Mexico (and points south) prove that this alien nation has no respect for our sovereignty, and as such, we must show no respect for them as concerns their illegal actions. Unless of course, some within government would have us open up cold beer and taco stands along the border to nourish these brigands as they violate our laws, and on our own turf!

We are witnessing a first here, in that, never before in our history has an armed invasion been met with diplomacy, excuses and humble bows, rather than a determined defense of our nation and her people!

Now I am in no way implying that violence is in order, although the article above warned of that potential! What I am saying is that we have got to get tough along ?OUR? borders. These incursions are, in my opinion, probes to test our resolve, and these alien probes will just intensify until our government finally draws the line and tells these people, in no uncertain terms that: ?ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!?

?Uninvited foreign troops on our soil are not a negotiable point - they are invaders!? Nor is the ?Arrogance and So-What Attitude? of foreign leaders on this subject to be tolerated! This is the "UNITED STATES? - it is "OUR" country, and ?OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS? had damned well better start to realize that there is an inherent danger here - to our economy, to our safety, and to our continuing survival!

"Additional figures for your edification"

In 1994, fewer than 30 illegals died along the border in their illegal attempts at entry....

In 1998, that number had jumped to 147

In 2001, there were some 387 deaths along the border (illegals)

In the past fiscal year, there were 451 who perished attempting to gain illegal entry into the United States.. And for everyone that dies in their attempts to enter criminally, or everone that is turned back to try again tomorrow, hundreds (if not thousands) are successful!! "DOES THIS TELL YOU SOMETHING?"

As a side bar, yesterday I drove my aging and ailing mother over to an AmVets Thrift Store. There was an army of people there, working and shopping, and "Not 0ne" out of every ten could speak a word of English! Yet, there they were, shoving, swearing at each other over who gets to the (so-called) bargains (?) first, and many were damned impolite and nasty in the process!

What got me the worse, however, is when a group of these individuals shoved my 84 year old mother aside to get past her, knocking her into a piece of used and grossly overpriced furniture. "No excuse me, no I?m sorry, not even an acknowledgement that she was human!"

I once believed that the United States was the ?Great Melting Pot?? People came here to enjoy our freedoms, better their lot, and fit into our society. Unfortunately, however, in far too many cases, a few of these aliens are only here to rip and run, import their often failed ways, and to demand that we adhere to their customs and ignorance - to this I say ?BULL!!?

They are guests in ?OUR? homeland, and by God, it is about time that our government makes this point absolutely clear! And if they are here illegally, or are not willing to live by our laws, then boot their asses out. We are not a five and dime cent store that is giving away all that we have to a few who would continually take and then spit in our faces as payment.

We have our flaws, we have our problems, but no man or nation has the right just to walk in, take over, and bastardize over two centuries of Blood, Sweat and Tears!! ?And by the way, where is our own government while all of this is taking place - silent or humbled on the subject as usual!?

?These are, of course, my own personal opinions!! Opinions apparently not shared by any seat of power, on either side of the International Border??
?There can be no 50/50 Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100% Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else!? Teddy Roosevelt - 1918

?We have room in this country for but one flag - The Stars and Stripes.... We have room for but one loyalty, loyalty to the United States... We have room for but one language, the English Language!? Teddy Roosevelt - 1919

?And so it is, or at least should be.... But then our nation rarely produces men like Teddy Roosevelt, Abe Lincoln or George Washington any more! Men who were Americans first, last and always. And men to whom, even the idea of Internationalism above one?s own survival, as well as this odious New World Order, would be nothing more that dirty words and treacherous vulgarities!? HRT- 2006

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