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Andy 07-22-2005 08:26 AM

Good old Teddy
Got a letter in the mail yesterday from good old Teddy Kennedy. Teddy?s asking for money and says, ?In the campaign ahead, the full resources of the Republican party will be unleashed against me? and so I must enlist the help of generous people like you to meet this threat.? He went on to say, ?I need you at my side because you've seen the kind of bare-knuckled campaign the Bush Republicans are capable of running.? (I was around in 1960. The Kennedy?s invented dirty tricks.)

He goes on to say some of the terrible things the president and his nasty cohorts want to do and that he needs to stop them.

1. Safeguarding Social Security from Republican privatization plans that would gamble retirees? savings in the stock market.
(But I thought changes in SS would only affect people born after 1950? Retirees? can?t move their money into stocks even if they want to.)

2. Rewarding the hard work and sacrifice of millions of Americans by raising the minimum wage.
(But thousands of small businesses have said they won?t be able to hire high school kids for summer jobs if the minimum wage is increased. Who else gets minimum wage except for illegal aliens?)

3. Building a fairer society by working for equal rights and guaranteed civil liberties for our citizens.
(In Massachusetts if a white man gets a 100 on a civil service test and a woman or minority gets a 70, the white guy {without military service} is put at the bottom of the list. Does that make our society fairer?) The letter goes on and on and on.

Sent him a reply saying I might think about a contribution but not until he votes for the confirmation of Judge John Roberts. (Yah know, I think I used the name John Roberts the first time Kathy and me rented a motel room.

Stay healthy,

SuperScout 07-22-2005 11:38 AM

This is obviously preaching to the redeemed, but don't hold your breath waiting for a response from The Swimmer.

Ask him if he supports the screwers or the screwees in the Belo case next door to your state.

Ask him if it was all Karl Rove's fault that he couldn't get the doors to his Oldsmobile open to save Mary Jo. Or was it the fault of CIA operatives dropping down out of black helicopters?

"John Roberts"? You too? Bet that name ahs appeared on more NoTell Motels than any other! :D

Andy 07-22-2005 01:26 PM


Don?t know if I ever told you this one, if not, you may get a smile out of it. There?s a guy who lives in Hyannis on the main drag to the Kennedy compound. He has a dark blue ?68 Olds parked in his front yard. The car has fish painted on it (very professional job) and on the passengers side front door the letters, ?RIP? are painted in olde English letters. The Kennedy family has made attempts to have the vehicle removed but without success. 35 - 40% of us are still a little sane.

I?ve also seen bumper stickers that read, ?Teddy has killed more people with his car than I have with my hand gun.?

Stay healthy,

Seascamp 07-22-2005 01:54 PM

I have often wondered exactly who or what keeps sending Rogues Pierre Kennedy back to the Senate. And now it?s even more curious as to why he?s soliciting money for reelection. It seems to me that his usual practice of whispering some sweet nothings in the right clerk?s ear has been more than enough in the past. Hmmm, was Mary Jo a reluctant clerk?

And why sign 'John Roberts'. Jezzzz, just dummy up and mark an 'X' is all it takes. You Green Machine guys sure know how to over complicate things I reckon. :D


BLUEHAWK 07-22-2005 06:52 PM

"Rogues Pierre Kennedy" ... one of your best, Scamp. :p

Eventually, the guy is either gonna lose an election or die in office.

SuperScout 07-23-2005 11:51 AM

Gitmo Troops Rebuke Ted Kennedy [Was Teddy Boy on another drying out trip?]

During his inspection tour of Guantanamo Bay this week, Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy got an earful from U.S. troops running the facility, who blasted Kennedy for his anti-war statements and similar comments by other Democrats.

Soldiers from Kennedy's home state gave him "a piece of their mind," Pentagon officials told Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough of the Washington Times.

One official said that Kennedy "got a stiff reaction from those home-state soldiers. ... The troops down there expressed their disdain for that kind of commentary, especially comparisons to the gulag."

Hawaii Democrat Daniel Akaka, who visited Gitmo along with Kennedy, reportedly got a similar reaction.

Yessirree, Bob, them Democrats sure know how to support our troops.....

BLUEHAWK 07-23-2005 02:24 PM

"Stiff reaction", eh? :D

Seascamp 07-24-2005 09:55 AM

Well then, it would appear that yet another hideous crime has been committed. The unwashed masses are not allowed to speak to MA Commissar like that, nope. Looks like it?s time for Teddy to put on the Rogues Pierre hat again and get some heads in the catch basket. It?s your fault Col., I know it is. You were probably on the cutting edge of giving the Troops a voice and listening audience, now look what has happened to the Michelin Man from MA.
Show time, eh, and I doubt the pre written report will be changed one iota except that there is now one mighty pissed-off Senator who is taking umbrage at being scolded and some military careers are going to go poof.

I wonder why Durbin didn?t take the journey to Gitmo. Maybe he talks the talk but won?t walk the walk. Aarrgg, pit racers, always the same, eh. All mouth but never put it on the starting grid. Heat and no light.


BLUEHAWK 07-24-2005 10:03 AM

What I'da given to have BEEN there on that day when he got the piece of their minds.

Lemme tell ya... THAT transcript would've received a mighty diverse and wide distribution, word for word, in plain english.

And, I mighta had a few words of my own to add.

MORTARDUDE 07-25-2005 05:30 PM

When will the 50% of folks that don't even bother to register and vote kick these congressional hogs to the curb ?


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