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Gimpy 10-21-2004 03:31 PM

Bush Won't, Or Can't Tell The Truth!
Bush won?t, or can?t, tell the truth

by Judge Greg Mathis (A friend of mine..........Gimp)

After the last presidential debate in Tempe, I am left wondering why it is so hard for our nation?s commander-in-chief to tell the truth. From domestic issues to war to fiscal policy, Bush either ignores the truth, doesn?t understand the truth or can?t speak the truth. Whatever the reason, none of these truths sit well with me?and they should not with anyone else either. For all sakes and purposes, Bush is the leader of the free world. He must be held accountable for his words and actions, and central to that accountability is the ability to discern, discuss and know the truth. This is the central problem of the Bush presidency and his candidacy: he lied.

By now, everyone should know that not only were there no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq, Saddam Hussein did not even possess the ability to create such weapons. These weapons served as a major reason to go to war and it was a false reason. Additionally, Bush claimed that Iraq had connections with al-Qaeda that had to be severed and could only be countered by war. We know that this is untrue. Not only did Iraq NOT have connections to/with al-Qaeda, evidence suggests that Saddam had successfully kept al-Qaeda out of Iraq. Bush lied.

During the debates, Bush claimed that over 2 million new jobs have been added to the work force under his presidency. This is only half-true. The truth of the matter is that the 2 million jobs, about which the president brags, is over 500,000 jobs short of the nearly 3 million jobs LOST since Bush became president. That means, the truth of the matter is that under a Bush presidency, this country has suffered a net loss of jobs. Jobs have been lost under the Bush presidency, not gained. Bush lied.

The domestic debate brought more of the same from Bush. Bush claimed that health care costs were high because of medical malpractice lawsuits and higher insurance costs. This is not true. The Congressional Budget Office, a federal institution, reported that malpractice insurance accounts for only 2 percent of health care spending. Bush neglected to tell truth about his record on education. Bush claimed to have increased education funding by 49 percent. Putting aside, for now, that the actual percentage is closer to 43, the motivation for the increase has been largely congressional, with opposition from the White House. In plain English, Congress, not the president, has been responsible for the anemic funding education has received under Bush?s presidency. Bush has not funded education. His budgets have proposed cuts in education spending. Bush lied.

America deserves a president who does not feel the need to lie about everything his administration does. For someone so quick to mention what qualities a president should possess, Bush should note that accountability and honesty should be at the top of any such list of qualities/qualifications. Bush either lied straight-faced to the American public, or does not have a clue as to what is going on. In any case, his words and actions are unacceptable. At the end of the day, Bush cannot seem to get the truth to come out of his mouth and that concerns me. At the end of the day, Bush lied.

(Judge Greg Mathis is a national board member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.)


Gimpy 10-21-2004 10:21 PM

Another public official speaks out!

'Frightened to death' of Bush

By Marlow W. Cook

Special to The Courier-Journal

I shall cast my vote for John Kerry come Nov 2.

I have been, and will continue to be, a Republican. But when we as a party send the wrong person to the White House, then it is our responsibility to send him home if our nation suffers as a result of his actions. I fall in the category of good conservative thinkers, like George F. Will, for instance, who wrote: "This administration cannot be trusted to govern if it cannot be counted on to think and having thought, to have second thoughts."

I say, well done George Will, or, even better, from the mouth of the numero uno of conservatives, William F. Buckley Jr.: "If I knew then what I know now about what kind of situation we would be in, I would have opposed the war."

First, let's talk about George Bush's moral standards.

In 2000, to defeat Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. ? a man who was shot down in Vietnam and imprisoned for over five years ? they used Carl Rove's "East Texas special." They started the rumor that he was gay, saying he had spent too much time in the Hanoi Hilton. They said he was crazy. They said his wife was on drugs. Then, to top it off, they spread pictures of his adopted daughter, who was born in Bangladesh and thus dark skinned, to the sons and daughters of the Confederacy in rural South Carolina.

To show he was not just picking on Republicans, he went after Sen. Max Cleland from Georgia, a Democrat seeking re-election. Bush henchmen said he wasn't patriotic because Cleland did not agree 100 percent on how to handle homeland security. They published his picture along with Cuba's Castro, questioning Cleland's patriotism and commitment to America's security. Never mind that his Republican challenger was a Vietnam deferment case and Cleland, who had served in Vietnam, came home in a wheel chair having lost three limbs fighting for his country. Anyone who wants to win an election and control of the legislative body that badly has no moral character at all.

We know his father got him in the Texas Air National Guard so he would not have to go to Vietnam. The religious right can have him with those moral standards. We also have Vice President Dick Cheney, who deferred his way out of Vietnam because, as he says, he "had more important things to do."

I have just turned 78. During my lifetime, we have sent 31,377,741 Americans to war, not including whatever will be the final figures for the Iraq fiasco. Of those, 502,722 died and 928,980 came home without legs, arms or what have you.

Those wars were to defend freedom throughout the free world from communism, dictators and tyrants. Now Americans are the aggressors ? we start the wars, we blow up all the infrastructure in those countries, and then turn around and spend tax dollars denying our nation an excellent education system, medical and drug programs, and the list goes on. ...

I hope you all have noticed the Bush administration's style in the campaign so far. All negative, trashing Sen. John Kerry, Sen. John Edwards and Democrats in general. Not once have they said what they have done right, what they have done wrong or what they have not done at all.

Lyndon Johnson said America could have guns and butter at the same time. This administration says you can have guns, butter and no taxes at the same time. God help us if we are not smart enough to know that is wrong, and we live by it to our peril.

We in this nation have a serious problem. Its almost worse than terrorism: We are broke. Our government is borrowing a billion dollars a day. They are now borrowing from the government pension program, for apparently they have gotten as much out of the Social Security Trust as it can take. Our House and Senate announce weekly grants for every kind of favorite local programs to save legislative seats, and it's all borrowed money.

If you listened to the President confirming the value of our war with Iraq, you heard him say, "If no weapons of mass destruction were found, at least we know we have stopped his future distribution of same to terrorists." If that is his justification, then, if he is re-elected our next war will be against Iran and at the same time North Korea, for indeed they have weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, which they have readily admitted. Those wars will require a draft of men and women. ...

I am not enamored with John Kerry, but I am frightened to death of George Bush. I fear a secret government. I abhor a government that refuses to supply the Congress with requested information. I am against a government that refuses to tell the country with whom the leaders of our country sat down and determined our energy policy, and to prove how much they want to keep that secret, they took it all the way to the Supreme Court.

Those of you who are fiscal conservatives and abhor our staggering debt, tell your conservative friends, "Vote for Kerry," because without Bush to control the Congress, the first thing lawmakers will demand Kerry do is balance the budget.

The wonderful thing about this country is its gift of citizenship, then it's freedom to register as one sees fit. For me, as a Republican, I feel that when my party gives me a dangerous leader who flouts the truth, takes the country into an undeclared war and then adds a war on terrorism to it without debate by the Congress, we have a duty to rid ourselves of those who are taking our country on a perilous ride in the wrong direction.

If we are indeed the party of Lincoln (I paraphrase his words), a president who deems to have the right to declare war at will without the consent of the Congress is a president who far exceeds his power under our Constitution.

I will take John Kerry for four years to put our country on the right path.

The writer, a Republican formerly of Louisville, was Jefferson County judge from 1962-1968 and U.S. senator from Kentucky from 1968-1975.


colmurph 10-22-2004 01:08 PM

When John Kerry came back from Vietnam and testified before Congress in the 1971 "Winter Soldier" hearings.......KERRY LIED!

According to most of the POW's who were held at the "Hanoi Hilton" KERRY EXTENDED THE VIETNAM WAR AND THEIR DETENTION/TORTURE FOR AN ADDITIONAL 2 YEARS!

How ANY Vietnam Veteran can support "Hanoi" John is beyond my comprehension. Did you support the North Vietnamese too Gimpy?

I suppose you are going to tell me that Kerry had a right to speak his mind under the First Amendment......did he also have a "Right" to meet with North Vietnamese officials in Paris while he was still a Commissioned Officer in the Naval Reserve? Did he have a "Right" to offer Aid and Comfort to our Enemies?

Did he have a "Right" to commit TREASON?

Gimpy, if you'd lived 230 years ago you would have voted for Benedict Arnold! Why don't you wake the he11 up and quit playing "Victim", nobody but your fellow "Victims" believe you any more.

Gimpy 10-22-2004 02:47 PM

be surprised there Smurph. You'd really be surprised just HOW MANY folks DO "listen" to me and many, many more like-minded folks like me who speak the truth! :D

Dakotaman 10-22-2004 08:10 PM

Gimp You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the Ass.

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